Reminder: State of the School Presentation Next Wednesday

Just a reminder that next Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30pm in the school Gym, Saint James School will be presenting our 2013-2014 State of the School Address.  We hope you will join us for this informational meeting as we discuss our school’s performance in critical areas such as enrollment and standardized testing as well as student demographics, upcoming initiatives, and more.  In addition, we are excited to have Mr. Jason Hartling, Principal and Chief Administrator of East Catholic High School,  joining us as a guest speaker.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Grandparents' and Special Persons' Day

Saint James School will host our annual Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day on Thursday, October 24th .  Please note, this is also an early dismissal day for all students.  Please click here to view the notice – which will also be sent home this week in student’s folders.



Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day

Saint James School will host our annual Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day on Thursday, October 24th .  Please note, this is also an early dismissal day for all students.  Please click here to view the notice – which will also be sent home this week in student’s folders.



Schedule Change For 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts This Thursday

Just a minor schedule change for 6th grade boys trying out for Basketball teams this Thursday (10/10).  Coach Glenn would like just 4th and 5th grade boys to come for the first tryout session from 5:30pm-7:00pm.  And, all boys in grades 6th -8th to come out for the second session from  7:00pm-8:30pm.  Our school website calendar has been updated to reflect this change.


There is no change to the girls tryout schedule for tonight.



Boys Basketball Open Gym

An open gym for boys basketball is being held tonight in the school gym as follows:

Boys 4th & 5th Grade – 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Boys 6th – 8th Grade – 7:30pm – 8:30pm

Please note, attendance is optional.  Tryouts for teams begins tomorrow (Wednesday) for Girls and Thursday for boys.  Please refer to the website calendar for times.

Kindergarten Classes off to a Great Start!

SJS Kindergartners are off to another great start! Here is a peek inside an afternoon in our two kindergarten classrooms.

Note From the Principal

Please be advised that police stopped and questioned a motorist in the vicinity of Saint James School a short while ago.  The 4th and 5th graders were outside at recess at the time and teachers escorted them back into the building when they noticed the police activity.  Please be assured that this was not a serious incident and at no time were the students in danger.  We did, however, wish to make you aware that it occurred and commend the teachers on their actions.  As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs. Kanute.


Important: Manchester Cross Country Challenge/T-Shirts

If you plan to have your child(ren) run in the Manchester Elementary School Cross Country Challenge on Saturday, October 19th and would like them to receive a special “Cross Country Challenge – Saint James School” t-shirt to wear for the race, please submit the permission form to the school office by tomorrow – Friday, October 4thStudents must be present for their race to receive the t-shirt – which will be available for pick-up at the Saint James School sign in table at the event on the 19th.

Please note, students may still be registered for the Cross Country Challenge up until, and on, the day of the event but tomorrow is the deadline to receive a shirt.  Students registering after tomorrow are asked to wear their Saint James School gym shirt the day of the race.

All information on the Cross Country Challenge and participation forms can be found here


In addition, we still are in need of parent volunteers to help out the day of the race from 8:00am to 12:00pm.  Please contact Amy Guenther at by tomorrow afternoon if you are able to help out.




Reminder: HSA Meeting Tonight 6:30pm Pre-K

Please join us for our October Home & School Association Meeting tonight at 6:30pm in the Pre-Kindergarten building.  We will be discussing & planning the upcoming social and fundraising events for the school.  All SJS Parents are welcome!

SJS Basketball Tryout Schedules

Tryouts for the upcoming basketball season will begin next week.  In order to try out, students must have a 2013-2014 Athletics Health Form on file with the school.  Tryouts will be held in the gym and players are expected to attend each session for their respective grade.

The Girls tryout schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, October 9th

5:00pm – 6:00pm – 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade

6:00pm – 8:00pm – 7th & 8th Grade

Tuesday, October 15th

5:00pm – 6:00pm – 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade

6:00pm – 8:00pm – 6th (players interested in trying out for the Varsity team), 7th & 8th Grade

Monday, October 21st

5:30pm to 8:00pm – 6th (players interested in trying out for the Varsity team), 7th & 8th Grade


The Boys tryout schedule is as follows:

Thursday, October 10th

5:30-7:00pm – 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade

7:00pm – 8:30pm – 7th & 8th Grade

Thursday, October 17th

5:30-7:00pm – 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade

7:00pm – 8:30pm – 6th (players interested in trying out for the Varsity team), 7th & 8th Grade

Tuesday, October 22nd

6:00pm – 8:30pm – 6th (players interested in trying out for the Varsity team), 7th & 8th Grade