Attention Parents Attending the Christmas Movie & Pizza Party

This notice is for all parent/guardians whose children will be attending the Christmas Movie and Pizza Party of December 13th.

We wish to make you aware that after 12:05pm dismissal on 12/13, all school staff, including the school nurse will NOT be in the school building during the time of the party (which runs from dismissal until 4:00pm).

If your child becomes ill, injured or has an emergency the parent volunteers will be contacting parents/guardians to come to the school.

If your child has specific health issues that we should be aware of, we recommend that parents contact either of the following parent volunteers before December 13th:

Diane Parsons @ 860-614-2456 or

Darcy Donnelly @ 860-249-3020 or

If you have any questions or concerns, you may also contact the Saint James School Nurse @ 860-643-5088

Middle School Winter Snowball Dance – This Friday

St. Bridget’s is hosting their annual Winter Snowball Dance this Friday evening Dec. 13th from 7 to 10 pm.  This is a semi formal dance. Girls are encouraged to wear skirts and dresses, no strapless or sleeveless tops are allowed. If your top is strapless or sleeveless a cover up will be required throughout the evening.  Boys are encouraged to wear dress pants and a polo or button up shirt, please no jeans, T-shirts or sneakers, and as always no hats.  Admission is $5 and must be accompanied by a completed permission slip, which can be downloaded here .   We look forward to seeing everyone dressed in their finest this holiday season.



Christmas Movie/Pizza Party

Children signed up to attend the event will be dismissed direct to the gym. We will have lunch followed by a movie/snacks and some crafts. Children can bring a sleeping bag or blanket to sit on while watching the movie.

**It’s still not too late to come. Extended deadline is Thursday.

SJS Christmas Movie Party


Reminder: Saint James School Family Directory

Yesterday we e-mailed out a DRAFT version of the Saint James School Family Directory to SJS parents/guardians and staff.  If you have not already done so, please take a moment to check your family’s listing and provide any changes you wish to make by the end of day today (Tuesday).  If you did not receive the e-mail with the directory information, please e-mail us at

After making changes, we will be printing the directory and sending it home with students (next week).



Red & Green $1.00 Dress Down This Friday

This Friday (12/13) students may dress down in Red & Green for a $1.00 (or more) donation, with the proceeds going towards a Scholarship Fund being set up in the name of our retiring Archbishop Henry J. Mansell.

Red & Green $1.00 Dress Down This Friday

This Friday (12/13) students may dress down in Red & Green for a $1.00 (or more) donation, with the proceeds going towards a Scholarship Fund being set up in the name of our retiring Archbishop Henry J. Mansell.

Reminder: Pizza With Santa – This Sunday!

The local Knights of Columbus will be holding their 2nd annual Pizza with Santa event on Sunday, December 15th from 1:30pm to 4:00pm in the Saint James Church hall.  For the many Saint James School families that attended last year, you’ll recall this was a wonderful event that the K of C hosts!

Please click here to review the flyer for details – Pizza with Santa

RSVPs are requested by 12/12 to Kevin McGuire at  We hope to see you there!

St. Nicholas Day at Saint James School

In keeping with the annual tradition, Saint James Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade students left one shoe outside their classroom this morning in celebration of St. Nicholas day.  A popular tradition in Northern Europe, St. Nick celebrations include leaving a shoe by the fireplace, in which children later find a treat or gift (the origin of our American Christmas stockings).

In addition to the fun that goes along with this special tradition at Saint James, it is also a time that our students learn about Saint Nicholas, who was renowned for his great kindness and generous aid to those in distress.

StNickphoto 1


Christmas Concert Pictures

Congratulations on a wonderful job to all the performers in last night’s Christmas concert!  Attached are a few pictures from last night.  If any parents have pictures they would be willing to share with the school for possible use on our website/Facebook page, please e-mail them to

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Saint James Students Shine at Annual Szopka Contest

This past weekend, Saint James School 6th graders (and some 7th graders) entered the beautiful Polish Nativity Castles (Szopka) they have been working on for their religion studies into a contest sponsored by the Polish Cultural Club in Hartford.  We are so proud of our students, who put a lot of time and effort into making these beautiful places for the Holy Family and Baby Jesus to be born.  We are excited to announce that Saint James Students won first, second, and third place as well as four honorable mentions!  The winners are as follows:

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1st Place – Hailey  and Maggie  (grade 6)

2nd Place – Olivia and Ana  (grade 7)

3rd Place – Eleri and Clarice (grade 6)


In addition, our school received a very nice, unsolicited e-mail from an attendee not affiliated with Saint James about our participating students.  His note read as follows “My family went to the annual Szopka festival at the Hartford Polish National Home today.   We noticed that a very large number of the entries were by students of Saint James —– most of the entries were very impressive —- these students should be very proud of themselves and the school should be very proud of how these students represented them.  It was very nice to see these students participating in this aspect of Polish heritage and culture.”