Individual and Class portraits will be taken this week.
On individual portrait day, each student in the designated grades may wear clothing other than their uniform for the day (dress-down day). Please note the standard dress-down guidelines apply:
- No ripped or torn clothing
- Shorts must not be more than 2 inches above the knee
- No mini-skirts
- No sweats
- No tank tops, camis, halter tops, or spaghetti straps
- No high heeds, platform shoes, flip-flops, backless shoes, crocs, or open toe sandals
- No clothing with inappropriate logos, slogans, advertisements
The schedule for individual portraits is as follows:
Tuesday: Pre-K and Kindergarten
Wednesday: Pre-K and Grades 1 – 4
Thursday: Grades 5 – 8
Friday: Class Pictures –
Please note, specific uniform attire is required for Class Picture Day:
Grades K-5 Girls: Skort with polo
Grades K-5 Boys: Khaki pants with polo
Grades 6-8 Girls: Skort with oxford
Grade 6-8 Boys: Khaki pants with oxford and tie
Mad Science Program is Back – Grades 1st – 4th
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolSaint James School is pleased to again be offering the Mad Science after school program for students in grades 1st – 4th. Please follow the instructions on the form (link below) if you wish to register your child for the program. Students participating in the Mad Science program will be dismissed right to the Mad Science classroom at the end of the school day.
Mad Science Program FALL 2014
SJS Cross Country Meet Added
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAttention SJS Cross Country team parents, please update your schedule to include a meet on Thursday, October 2nd at Illing in Manchester. The meet will be Saint James, Illing, St. Timothy, and Timothy Edwards (South Windsor Middle School). Please arrive at 3:15pm for warm-ups with Mrs. O’Neill. This meet is open to all Cross Country team members (5th – 8th).
School Pictures This Week
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolIndividual and Class portraits will be taken this week.
On individual portrait day, each student in the designated grades may wear clothing other than their uniform for the day (dress-down day). Please note the standard dress-down guidelines apply:
The schedule for individual portraits is as follows:
Tuesday: Pre-K and Kindergarten
Wednesday: Pre-K and Grades 1 – 4
Thursday: Grades 5 – 8
Friday: Class Pictures –
Please note, specific uniform attire is required for Class Picture Day:
Grades K-5 Girls: Skort with polo
Grades K-5 Boys: Khaki pants with polo
Grades 6-8 Girls: Skort with oxford
Grade 6-8 Boys: Khaki pants with oxford and tie
Congratulations SJS Cross Country
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to all the runners participating in the Saint James School Cross Country Meet vs. St. Timothy’s on Friday. The girls came in 1st place and the boys came in 2nd for the meet. The top scorer for SJS and 2nd overall finisher for the girls was Isabelle B, followed by Elizabeth M. in 4th place. For the boys, the top scorer was Nathan M. in 7th place, followed by Dominic C. in 8th.
Way to go SJS!!
After-Care Pick-Up Notice
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAttention parents using the After-Care program: Mrs. Kanute would like to remind you that if you are picking your child up at 2:00pm on select days, they must go in the walkers line (and be picked up at the Church) and NOT come down to After-Care on those days. Effective Monday, Mrs. Kanute has asked that after-care not buzz parents in through the breezeway door until after 2:30pm. If you are picking up between 2:15pm and 2:30pm, you must go through the main doors and stop in the main office first. Thank you.
South Windsor Carpool
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolWe have an SJS family interested in potentially setting up a Carpool from South Windsor. If you would like more information, please contact Mrs. DelSignore in the main office at 860.643.5088.
Land's End Upcoming Promotions
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenPlease note, Land’s End has two upcoming promotions that may be of interest to you. Free Logos September 19th – 21st and 30% Off September 25th – 29th. Please see information below for promotion codes and pin number to use to apply these promotions. Also, if you have not already done so, please remember to sign up for Land’s End emails to receive notification of sales (such as these) throughout the year.
Land’s End Upcoming Promotions
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease note, Land’s End has two upcoming promotions that may be of interest to you. Free Logos September 19th – 21st and 30% Off September 25th – 29th. Please see information below for promotion codes and pin number to use to apply these promotions. Also, if you have not already done so, please remember to sign up for Land’s End emails to receive notification of sales (such as these) throughout the year.
Reminder: Forms Due Tomorrow – Elementary School Cross Country Challenge
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolA reminder for parents that forms for the Manchester town-wide Frank Rizza Elementary School Cross Country Challenge are DUE TOMORROW. The event is being held on Saturday, October 4th at Manchester High School and is for boys & girls in Kindergarten through grade 5. Please come out and support our school!
More details can be found in the Cross Country Challenge Registration Form. If your child is interested in running, please fill out the bottom part of the form and return it to the school office BY SEPTEMBER 17TH.
We are also in need of several parent volunteers from Saint James School to help out with our registration table, scoring table, racer supervision, and awarding of prizes. If you are able to help us out in one of these capacities the day of the event (8:00am – 12:30pm), please contact Amy Guenther – who has volunteered to coordinate this event for our school. She can be reached at
All runners will receive a participation ribbon. Individual medals will be awarded to the top 15 finishers in each race. Trophies will also be awarded to the top placing schools in each race. It’s a great morning and a lot of fun for the kids. We hope you will join us!! Here are some pictures from last year.
Runners signed up by September 17th will receive a Saint James School Cross Country Challenge T-Shirt (shirts will be given out to participants when they arrive for their race).
Grade 5 Only Time Change For Meet the Teachers
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThere has been a time change for the Meet the Teachers/Back to School night for GRADE 5 PARENTS ONLY. On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 (tomorrow night), we will have Back to School Night from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in order to accommodate parents who also have a Middle School student.