73 Park Street | Manchester, CT 06040 | (860) 643-5088 | Fax: (860) 649-6462 | e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Saint James School
73 Park Street
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Reminder: Tomorrow – Dine-Out at Chili's
/in Uncategorized /by jonesenMark your calendars: Chili’s restaurant in Manchester is hosting a dine-out night in support of Saint James School tomorrow. Tuesday, December 16th. Stop in from 11:00am – 11:00pm and 10% of your order will be donated back to SJS. Please be sure to present the flyer below.
Reminder: Tomorrow – Dine-Out at Chili’s
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolMark your calendars: Chili’s restaurant in Manchester is hosting a dine-out night in support of Saint James School tomorrow. Tuesday, December 16th. Stop in from 11:00am – 11:00pm and 10% of your order will be donated back to SJS. Please be sure to present the flyer below.
Reminder: Christmas Store Tomorrow
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolJust a reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday) is the Saint James School Christmas Store. Children will be able to purchase low cost gifts for parents, siblings, pets, or others on their Christmas list. If your child will be making purchases, please send them to school tomorrow with money. Items available for purchase will include Christmas ornaments and decorations, calendars, books, candles, small toys and much more!
Many thanks to our parent volunteers who have been shopping and getting everything ready for this fun, Saint James School tradition.
No Aftercare This Friday
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolJust a reminder that this Friday, December 12th, is a shortened day (12:05pm dismissal). Aftercare will NOT be available this day.
Last Call: SJS Spiritwear Orders
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolLast call for spiritwear orders. If you forgot to place your order today, please send it in with your child tomorrow morning or drop it off to the office by 8:30am tomorrow. Thank you.
Show your school pride and support Saint James School with SJS Spiritwear. Visit saintjamesschool.net/spiritwear for pictures of items and to download an order form.
Orders and payment must be turned into the school office by Monday, December 8th as we will be working with the vendor to try to get them fulfilled prior to Christmas break (barring any unforeseen circumstances such as weather and shipping delays).
If you have any questions, please contact Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net. As always, we thank you for your support of Saint James School!
Boys Varsity Gold Practice Change
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolBoys Varsity Gold Basketball will practice Monday, December 8th from 7:00-8:30pm. Tuesday’s practice has been cancelled due to set up needed for the Christmas Fair.
5th Grade Dioramas
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolFifth grade students did an amazing job creating dioramas that depicted a scene from the book they read for their November/historical fiction book report. Below are pictures of some of the students with their projects:
Friday's Middle School Dance
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenThe next Middle School dance will be held Friday, December 12th at St. Bridget School. This will be a Semi-Formal dance. Attached below is the dance permission slip which contains the “semi-formal dress” guidelines for students. As a reminder, dance chair Nicole C. is in need of at least 3 volunteers to help at the dance. Please e-mail her at ncg76@aol.com to help.
Semi-formal Middle School Dance Permission Slip
Friday’s Middle School Dance
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe next Middle School dance will be held Friday, December 12th at St. Bridget School. This will be a Semi-Formal dance. Attached below is the dance permission slip which contains the “semi-formal dress” guidelines for students. As a reminder, dance chair Nicole C. is in need of at least 3 volunteers to help at the dance. Please e-mail her at ncg76@aol.com to help.
Semi-formal Middle School Dance Permission Slip
Christmas Concert
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to all our performers on an amazing job at both Christmas concerts yesterday. Please click the links below to watch some of the performances from yesterday’s daytime concert.
First & Fourth Grade Singing
Joy to the World
Beginning Band
Intermediate Band
Advanced Band
Advanced Band with Student Conductor
If anyone has additional pictures or video they would like to share with the school, you may e-mail them to info@saintjamesschool.net.