HSA & Gala Meeting Tonight @ 6:30

There will be a combined HSA/Gala meeting tonight (Tuesday, January 20th) at 6:30pm in the Pre-K.  All SJS parents/grandparents are encouraged to attend to help plan the school’s upcoming social and fundraising events.






Starting January 17, 2015: St. James Catholic Men’s Group

St. James parish has started a Catholic Men’s group.  This group aims at being a “no strings attached” way for men to learn a little bit more about the faith, meet the other men of the parish, and spend some time in prayer. All men 18+ are welcome, whether they are parishioners or not.  We will meet every Saturday, starting January 17, 2015 from 7:00 am – 8:30 am. Feel free to attend weekly or only as often as you like.  Doors open, with coffee and bagels ready to go at 6:45.  Please contact Fr. Casey at the parish office (860-643-4219) with any questions.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Reminder: No Hot Lunch Tomorrow

Just a reminder that there is no hot lunch being served tomorrow due to the Staff Appreciation Luncheon.  All students must bring a lunch from home.



Lunch From Home Reminder

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents that take-out from Subway, McDonalds, Wendy’s, etc. cannot be brought in to students for their school lunch.  Also, as a reminder, there will be NO Hot Lunch served this Friday (January 16th) due to the school’s annual Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheon.  All students must bring a lunch from home on Friday. The SJS Lunch Calendar on our website has been updated to reflect that no hot lunch is available on Friday.





Reminder: 12:05 Dismissal Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a half-day (12:05 dismissal).  If your child is going to aftercare, please be sure to send them with a lunch from home.





Reminder: K of C Free Throw Contest Tomorrow at SJS

Just a reminder that tomorrow afternoon at 1:30pm the Knights of Columbus will be hosting their annual free throw competition for boys and girls ages 9-14.  If your child will be attending, please take a moment to read the attached flyer.  Good luck SJS!

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest_2015




Open Houses for Prospective Families

Please help us spread the word by liking or sharing our Open House Facebook post:

Saint James School will be hosting two Open Houses for prospective families who may be considering SJS for the 2015-2016 school year.  The first will be Tuesday, January 27th at 8:30am.  The second will be Tuesday, March 10th at 6:30pm.

Today the school is mailing out a postcard advertising the Open House to families of select demographics in Manchester and several surrounding towns.  Extra postcards are available in the Main Office if you would like to hand-deliver one to someone who may be interested in attending an Open House.  Or, if you would like the school to mail one to someone you know, please contact Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.

Word of mouth advertising from our current families has always been our most effective means of bringing wonderful, new families to SJS.  Thank you for helping us spread the word!




Letter for 3rd – 8th Grade Parents

If your child is in 3rd through 8th grade and has not received the sacraments of Baptism, First Penance, and/or First Communion and you would like them to do so, please take a moment to read the attached letter from St. James Church Religious Education Coordinator, Macy Jordan.

Letter from Macy Jordan





Saint James School Spiritwear

Thank you again to all who ordered SJS Spiritwear prior to Christmas break.  Several of the backordered items came in today and are being sent home with your child.  There are still a few backordered items remaining and those will be sent home as soon as we receive them from the vendor.  If you have any questions, please contact Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.


Gala Meeting Tomorrow Night – Everyone Welcome!

All SJS parents/grandparents are encouraged to join us tomorrow night as we continue working on plans for the 2015 Gala & Auction fundraiser.  Come have fun and meet new friends while helping support our great school!

The Gala planning meeting will be held tomorrow night (Tuesday, January 6th) at 6:30pm in the Pre-Kindergarten building.   We hope to see you there.  If you have any questions, please contact event Chair Paul Munns at paulrmunns@yahoo.com.