Pep Rally Fun

Friday, Saint James Pre-K through Grade 8 students celebrated Saint James School during the annual Blue & Gold Pep Rally.  Students enjoyed fun relay games, hosted by the Student Council, then watched as the boys Varsity Basketball team played the Girls Varsity Basketball team.  Finally, the highlight of the afternoon, was the teachers (and Father Casey) vs. 8th graders basketball game, which the teachers won!

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Save the Date, Annual Gala & Fundraiser, March 7th

This year’s Saint James School Gala & Fundraiser will be held at Georgina’s Restaurant on Saturday, March 7th.

TWO THINGS to look for in your child’s school folder:

1. Your child should have brought home a flyer detailing ways you can contribute to the Gala should you wish to do so. You can donate a live or silent auction, advertise your business, or write a special message in the Gala Program Book.  All proceeds from the gala support our children’s education at Saint James School.

2. Your invitation for the Gala will be sent home in your child’s school folder soon. Please return the RSVP card included to the school office to reserve your spot.  Feel free to invite your family (adults only), friends, co-workers, etc. to join you for this fun, evening out in support of our great school.

Also, just a reminder that we are currently collecting items for the 2015 Class Baskets.  You can see examples of a few baskets from last year by clicking here.  The list of basket themes by class can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact the Gala Chair, Paul Munns, at 860-214-4249 or


Save the Date, Annual Gala & Fundraiser, March 7th

This year’s Saint James School Gala & Fundraiser will be held at Georgina’s Restaurant on Saturday, March 7th.

TWO THINGS to look for in your child’s school folder:

1. Your child should have brought home a flyer detailing ways you can contribute to the Gala should you wish to do so. You can donate a live or silent auction, advertise your business, or write a special message in the Gala Program Book.  All proceeds from the gala support our children’s education at Saint James School.

2. Your invitation for the Gala will be sent home in your child’s school folder soon. Please return the RSVP card included to the school office to reserve your spot.  Feel free to invite your family (adults only), friends, co-workers, etc. to join you for this fun, evening out in support of our great school.

Also, just a reminder that we are currently collecting items for the 2015 Class Baskets.  You can see examples of a few baskets from last year by clicking here.  The list of basket themes by class can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact the Gala Chair, Paul Munns, at 860-214-4249 or


Starts Tomorrow: 2015 Robotics Club

The 2015 Robotics Club for middle school students will begin Friday, January 30th.  If your child is in 6th-8th grade and wishes to participate, please print a copy of the permission form below and return it to the school with the extra curricular activity fee.

2015 Robotics Club Participation Form



Blue & Gold Dress Down Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our blue & gold dress down day (or any “Saint James School” apparel may also be worn).  We will be having our school pep-rally tomorrow afternoon.





Blue & Gold Dress Down Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our blue & gold dress down day (or any “Saint James School” apparel may also be worn).  We will be having our school pep-rally tomorrow afternoon.





Lunch Accounts

Lunch account statements are being sent home today in your child’s folder.  Please take a few moments to locate the statement and make sure your account balance is up-to-date.  Delinquent balances must be paid by Monday.


Band Schedule

Please note, advanced band will rehearse this Thursday at 11:30am.  There will be normal lessons for grades 4&5 on Thursday and lessons for grades 5-8 on Friday.



MACC Change Challenge: Change for Change

A reminder that Saint James School classes are collecting change in support of MACC charities through January 30th.  This is a great way to help guide your child in charitable giving and an opportunity for parents to explain about those who often go without basic necessities.

Each classroom has a change box that they are working on filling – 100% of the proceeds go directly to MACC (Manchester Area Conference of Churches) charities.  The class with the most change at the end of January will win a Pizza Party with Mrs. Kanute!  Second place is a chocolate and cookie party, and third place is special morning or afternoon snack.

We again thank you for all your support of our charitable initiatives.

MACC Change Challenge



Box Tops

Box Tops will be counted after school on Friday.  If you have any to submit for your child’s class, please send them in by Friday.