On Time Arrival & Detentions

Mrs. Kanute would like to again remind parents of the importance of getting your child(ren) to school on time each morning.  There are still an excessive number of late arrivals and Mrs. Kanute has noticed the same children arriving late on a regular basis.  Beginning on Monday (March 2nd), these students will begin receiving detention for their tardy arrival to school.  Mrs. Kanute has been informing students of this so they should be aware.

Late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher, morning announcements, and the classroom routine.   If you find yourself not making it to school between 7:30am and 7:45am, Mrs. Kanute asks that you please take a few moments today to talk to your child about the importance of being punctual and help them readjust their morning schedule accordingly.

Thank you in advance for your help and support.






On Time Arrival & Detentions

Mrs. Kanute would like to again remind parents of the importance of getting your child(ren) to school on time each morning.  There are still an excessive number of late arrivals and Mrs. Kanute has noticed the same children arriving late on a regular basis.  Beginning on Monday (March 2nd), these students will begin receiving detention for their tardy arrival to school.  Mrs. Kanute has been informing students of this so they should be aware.

Late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher, morning announcements, and the classroom routine.   If you find yourself not making it to school between 7:30am and 7:45am, Mrs. Kanute asks that you please take a few moments today to talk to your child about the importance of being punctual and help them readjust their morning schedule accordingly.

Thank you in advance for your help and support.






Returning Family Registrations Due Tomorrow

Please remember that returning family registration forms (and deposit) are due by tomorrow.  Please call the main office if you have any questions about 2015-2016 registration.




Gala Basket Items Due Friday/ Dress Down March 6th

Just a reminder that items for the SJS Class Baskets are due tomorrow – Friday, February 27th.

A dress down day will be held next Friday (March 6th) for students who bring in an item for the basket.

These baskets bring in thousands of dollars for our school and are important to the success of the Gala.  We hope everyone will support our SJS parent volunteers in this important initiative.

Each student should have received a note from their child(ren)’s room mother(s) detailing the basket theme and items needed.  Please coordinate with the room mother to make sure the item is still needed prior to purchasing.  As an alternative, cash can be sent in (in a clearly marked envelope) that the room mother can use to purchase items needed for the basket.

As always, we thank you for your support!


Incoming Kindergarten Students (not at SJS Pre-K)

For families that have a child NOT currently at the SJS Pre-K, but plan to enroll them in Kindergarten at Saint James School next year, please call Mrs. DelSignore in the school office (860.643.5088) to schedule a Kindergarten screening for them by the end of the week (if you have not already done so).





Next Week's HSA Meeting Cancelled

Due to scheduling conflicts, next week’s HSA meeting has been cancelled.

Next Week’s HSA Meeting Cancelled

Due to scheduling conflicts, next week’s HSA meeting has been cancelled.

Boys Varsity Basketball Location Change

The boys varsity gold basketball team will be playing on Friday night at 6:00pm at East Hartford Middle School vs. St Chris.  Parents are asked to have players at the EHMS gym no later than 5:30pm.



Band Notice

Mr. Corcoran would like to remind band students that lessons and band will meet Thursday for grades 4 and 5 and Friday for grades 5 – 8.



1st Grade Students Learn About Heart Health

Several senior nursing students from the University of St. Joseph in West Hartford stopped by today to talk to our 1st graders about good eating habits and other ways to keep your heart healthy.  Attached below are a few pictures that Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Belsito took.

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