Congratulations to the 21 Saint James School FMI band students selected to perform this past weekend at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain!
The concert featured the All-State Gala Band, comprised of students from the Archdioceses of Hartford, Norwich, and Bridgeport who were nominated by their school band directors. The concert also featured the prestigious All-State Jazz Band, Flute Choir, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band. Students in these groups were selected, by audition, and represent some of the top musicians in the Future Musicians, Inc. band program. Approximately 300 student musicians, representing 54 elementary/middle parochial schools performed.
The Future Musicians All-State Symphonic and Concert Bands will also be performing on Monday, May 20, 2015 on the Plaza at Lincoln Center in New York City. The All-State Symphonic, Concert, and Jazz Bands will be performing on Friday, May 22, 2015 at 12:00 noon on the lawn of the Old State House in Hartford.
Great job Sabers!
Instrumental Music Announcement
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolMr. Corcoran will teach both lessons and band for grades 5-8 on Wednesday. All Concert and Symphonic Band students will meet at 7:30am for a special rehearsal.
Aftercare Information For Taxes
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease note, families in need of aftercare documentation to use for tax purposes may contact our Tuition Manager, Denise Mayo, at
Notice About School Roof
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolLast week Mrs. Kanute sent home a letter concerning areas of our school building that have experienced leaks as the snow and ice on the roofs began to melt. As noted in Mrs. Kanute’s letter, a second air quality test was being performed to ensure that the air quality upstairs continues to be safe for our students and faculty.
The results from the independent test showed all samples collected to be at levels that are “safe for normal use and occupancy.” Mold counts inside the building were significantly lower than those outside. A copy of the report is attached below should you wish to read it.
Air Quality Summary Report
MACC Change for Change Winners
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to Mrs. Wojtyna’s class and Mrs. Camposeo’s class for winning 2nd and 3rd place respectively in MACC’s recent Change for Change Challenge. Four local schools participated in the contest bringing in a total of $3,741 for MACC Charities. The two winning classes from SJS brought in $249.22 and $208.00. Below are pictures of the kids enjoying their treats this morning.
Yearbook Orders Due Monday 3/30
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAll students should have brought home a 2014-2015 yearbook order form on Monday. Yearbook orders are due to the office by this coming Monday 3/30. If your child did not receive an order form, please contact the school office. Please note, the school does not order extra yearbooks so this will be the only opportunity for your child to purchase one.
SJS 2015 Soccer Season (Grades 3-8)
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolJust a reminder if your child(ren) will be playing soccer for Saint James School this spring. The sign-up form should be returned to the school office with the appropriate activity fee (make checks out to “Saint James School”) by this Friday, March 27th. If your child has not previously participated in a sport at SJS this year, you will need to also submit the Athletics Health Form for 2014-2015 (see below).
Coach Sargent is still in need of coaches, particularly for the younger grades (you do not have to have a child playing to coach). To volunteer or if you have any questions about the program, please contact Jon Sargent via telephone at 860-742-6659 or email:
2015 SJS Soccer Sign-up Form
2014-2015 Athletics Health Form
Chess Club Dates
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAttention Chess Club participants, the Chess Club will meet after school on the following dates:
March 30, April 20, April 27, May 11, May 18.
The Chess Club runs from dismissal until 3:00pm. The dates have been added to the SJS website calendar.
Reminder: No School Tomorrow (Tuesday)
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolJust a reminder that there is no school tomorrow due to a Catholic Educator’s conference. We look forward to seeing you back at school on Wednesday morning.
BurgerFi Dine-Out In Support of SJS
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolTonight (Monday, March 23rd) from 5:00pm – 9:00pm, BurgerFi (1062 Tolland Turnpike, Manchester) will be hosting a dine-out night in support of Saint James School. 10% of all sales from the evening will be donated back to SJS so please spread the word and bring your family, friends, and appetite! No flyer is needed.
Congratulations SJS FMI Students
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to the 21 Saint James School FMI band students selected to perform this past weekend at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain!
The concert featured the All-State Gala Band, comprised of students from the Archdioceses of Hartford, Norwich, and Bridgeport who were nominated by their school band directors. The concert also featured the prestigious All-State Jazz Band, Flute Choir, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band. Students in these groups were selected, by audition, and represent some of the top musicians in the Future Musicians, Inc. band program. Approximately 300 student musicians, representing 54 elementary/middle parochial schools performed.
The Future Musicians All-State Symphonic and Concert Bands will also be performing on Monday, May 20, 2015 on the Plaza at Lincoln Center in New York City. The All-State Symphonic, Concert, and Jazz Bands will be performing on Friday, May 22, 2015 at 12:00 noon on the lawn of the Old State House in Hartford.
Great job Sabers!