Spring Concert Wednesday

This Wednesday (5/6) is the annual Saint James School spring concert.  For the evening performance, band performers should arrive at 6:00pm and meet in the cafeteria.  Attire for band students for the evening performance is a white button down shirt with collar and black pants or black skirt.  Skirts must be below the knee.  Also, no high-heals please.
Third grade students performing with their recorders should meet in the gym (by the stage) by 6:15pm.  Attire for recorder performers for the evening performance is “Sunday best” as follows: Boys – Khakis or dress pants, buttoned down shirt or polo, nice shoes; Girls – Dress, Skirt and blouse, dress pants, khakis, nice shoes.  No jeans or sneakers.
All students should wear their school uniform for the daytime (during school hours) performance.

Instrumental Music

All three bands will meet on Tuesday May 5h. State Band students will rehearse at 7:30 am the other rehearsals  will be announced on Tuesday during school.

Father/Daughter Dance RSVPs Due Tomorrow

Just a reminder that Father/Daughter Dance RSVPs are due back to the school office tomorrow.  A copy of the RSVP form with details is attached below.

2015 Father/Daughter Dance Invite

Chaperones Needed

We are still in need of at least 2 chaperones for tomorrow night’s middle school dance.  If you can help, please contact Nicole this evening at ncg76@aol.com or 860.573.0324.

Also, as the hosting school, Saint James 6th grade attendees are asked to each bring a gallon of water and 7th & 8th grade attendees are asked to bring a package of individually wrapped snacks.

Other reminders:

  • Phones and/or other electronic devices are not allowed at the dance.  If your child brings one, they will be required to leave it with the check-in volunteers.
  • There is a $5.00 per student admission fee.
  • Parents must sign their child(ren) in and out of the dance.



Spring Uniform Reminder

The SJS Spring Uniform (uniform shorts for all grades and uniform polo shirts for middle school) may be worn beginning tomorrow (Friday, May 1st).  Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents that tan uniform shorts/pants must be purchased from Land’s End or the Dennis Uniform company, no exceptions.  In addition, part of our uniform dress requirement is white, navy, or tan socks that cover the ankle.  Please help ensure your student is dressed appropriately.

Art Show Pictures

Yesterday our Pre-K through 8th grade classes each had a chance to stop by the Art Show in the gym to admire some of the amazing works of art created by Saint James School students this year.  The works of art included pieces in the style of Wayne Thiebaud, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and contemporary illustrator Barbara Reid.  There were abstracts, animals, metal tooling, sculptures, self-portraits, paintings, and still life drawings crossing many different world cultures.

We were glad to see so many parents and students back at school last night for the Art Show and Ice Cream Social.  A special thank you to Highland Park Market for the ice cream treats.  Below are some pictures of the students as they checked out the Art Show yesterday morning.

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Instrumental Music Notice

A note from Mr. Corcoran: Lessons and band for grades 4 and 5 will meet Thursday starting at 10:15. Friday morning at 7:30 the All State members will rehearse on stage.

Tonight! Art Show & Subway Dine-Out Night

The annual Saint James School Art Show and Ice Cream Social will be held in the school gym tonight, Wednesday, April 29th, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.  The HSA is also hosting a Dine-Out Night at Subway on Hartford Road in Manchester from 5:00pm-8:00pm tonight.  20% of purchases will be donated to SJS when the attached flyer is presented with your order.


Tonight! Art Show & Subway Dine-Out Night

The annual Saint James School Art Show and Ice Cream Social will be held in the school gym tonight, Wednesday, April 29th, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.  The HSA is also hosting a Dine-Out Night at Subway on Hartford Road in Manchester from 5:00pm-8:00pm tonight.  20% of purchases will be donated to SJS when the attached flyer is presented with your order.


Mixed Bag Fundraiser Extended to Thursday

Please note, the deadline for the Mixed Bag Fundraiser has been extended. Orders will be accepted in the office through this Thursday, April 30th.