Dishes From Staff Appreciation Lunch

We have several plates, dishes, and carriers left over from the Staff Appreciation Luncheon.  Everything is down in the library.  Please see Ms. Jean down in the cafeteria before or after school to pick up your items.

Important Information for 6th Grade Parents

Mrs. Vignati would like to remind parents of next year’s 7th graders that students must have the State of CT Health Assessment Record (blue form) on file with the school (updated physical and immunization information) prior to starting 7th grade.  Please keep in mind, your child may have had a physical, however the form may not have been sent to the school.  If you are unsure about whether you turned in a form for your child, please contact the nurse ASAP.


Staff Appreciation Luncheon Thank You!

A huge Thank You to the SJS Home & School Association, room parents, and all the other parent volunteers who helped with the incredible staff appreciation luncheon (and for providing such wonderful food/gifts) on Friday. In addition to having the best teachers and staff at SJS, we are so fortunate to have such a supportive parent community!  A special thank you to event chair Mrs. Parsons for coordinating this event and for sending in the great pictures below:

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Mixed Bag Fundraiser Pick-Ups

Please note, the Mixed Bag Fundraiser items are in.  You can pick up your items in the breezeway (they are sorted by last name).

Dennis Uniforms

A representative from Dennis Uniforms will be in the Gym on Monday at 1:00pm if you would like to stop by and look at uniform items.  Please note, we will accept Dennis Uniform skorts or Land’s End skorts next year, however the Land’s End skort MUST be the appropriate (knee) length.

Mother/Son Event

Just a reminder for anyone attending the Mother/Son event tomorrow, please remember to bring swimsuits and towels for the pool.

6th Grade Worm Dissection

Yesterday, Saint James School 6th graders dissected worms during their Earth Science class. Pictures below are from the afternoon class. Many thanks to all the parent volunteers who came in to help with this exciting lab.

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We have several parents who are still parking in the no parking areas at drop-off and pick-up.  This hinders traffic and causes issues for the buses in the afternoon.  We have received a complaint from the bus company and we need to remedy this issue.  Please remember to obey the no parking signs at all times:  no parking in front of the white house across from the school, no parking in front of the breezeway between 1pm and 3pm, do not park in front of the main school between 1pm and 3pm, do not park in the no parking spaces on Otis Street, and do not block the entrance to the parking lot between the school and the Pre-Kindergarten at pickup time.  Our children’s safety must come first.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Mrs. Kanute

Mother/Son Event: RSVP Date Extended to Friday

The RSVP deadline has been extended to Friday for the annual Saint James School Mother/Son event.  This year’s event will be held Saturday, May 30th from 2:30-5:30pm at Star Hill and includes sports in the dome, swimming, and pizza and popcorn.  A flyer with all the details was sent home early last week in students’ folders or you may download a copy below.  Please RSVP by 5/29.

SJS Mother and Son Event

3rd Grade Field Trip Pictures

Below are some pictures from the 3rd grade field trip to the Mashantucket Pequot Museum this past Friday.  Thank you to Mrs. Italia for sending in the pictures.

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