
We are excited to announce the new iPad cart for the 5th-8th grade is up and running!  On Friday, students in 5th grade used the iPads during part of their geography lesson.  Attached below are several pictures that Mrs. Wojtyna took while the students were using one of the geography apps.

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Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner – May 13th

Please save the date for the 21th Annual Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner which will be held on May 13th at Manchester Country Club.  For almost 40 years, friends of Saint James School have built the Foundation to support Saint James School’s partial tuition assistance and Margin of Excellence programs. Through the generosity of donors, the Foundation has, to date, contributed over $1.7 million to Saint James School.

Invitations to the Foundation’s annual fundraiser – the Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner – were sent home with Saint James School students via kid-mail.  If you do not have a child at the school and would like to request an invitation, sponsorship information, or have questions about the event, please contact Tom Tierney at thomasjtierney@gmail.com.


21st Annual Spring Scramble Golf Classic & Dinner

When: Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Where: Manchester Country Club, 305 South Main Street

$150 per player includes 18-holes of golf and cart (scramble format), prizes, lunch, and dinner.  Non-golfers may come enjoy hors d’oeuvres, a tenderloin steak dinner, and dessert for $75

Hole sponsorships available


To learn more about the Saint James School Foundation, please click HERE.

Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner – May 13th

Please save the date for the 21th Annual Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner which will be held on May 13th at Manchester Country Club.  For almost 40 years, friends of Saint James School have built the Foundation to support Saint James School’s partial tuition assistance and Margin of Excellence programs. Through the generosity of donors, the Foundation has, to date, contributed over $1.7 million to Saint James School.

Invitations to the Foundation’s annual fundraiser – the Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner – were sent home with Saint James School students via kid-mail.  If you do not have a child at the school and would like to request an invitation, sponsorship information, or have questions about the event, please contact Tom Tierney at thomasjtierney@gmail.com.


21st Annual Spring Scramble Golf Classic & Dinner

When: Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Where: Manchester Country Club, 305 South Main Street

$150 per player includes 18-holes of golf and cart (scramble format), prizes, lunch, and dinner.  Non-golfers may come enjoy hors d’oeuvres, a tenderloin steak dinner, and dessert for $75

Hole sponsorships available


To learn more about the Saint James School Foundation, please click HERE.

Reminder: Mixed Bag Fundraiser Due Monday

Prior to April break, your student should have brought home information about our Spring fundraiser from Mixed Bag designs.  This fundraiser is a great way to support our school with many fun and eco-friendly products to choose from.  Orders are due back to the school by Monday, April 27th. If you did not receive an information packet home with your student, please contact the school office for a copy.

Thank you again for your support!

IOWA Testing Begins Monday (April 27)

IOWA testing for students in grades 3-7 begins this Monday, April 27th and runs through May 7th.  Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time as many classes begin testing right after announcements.  Please make sure children are only absent in the case of illness as it is difficult to make up the tests at a later date.  Also, the teachers ask that you confirm with your child that they have several #2 pencils in their pencil case at school as they will need them for testing.  Please send in more if necessary.

Pancake Breakfast in Support of Catholic Soccer League

The Knights of Columbus will host a Pancake Breakfast to benefit the Catholic Schools’ Soccer League.  The breakfast will be held Sunday, April 26th, 8:00 – 11:00 a.m at Assumption.  Tickets will be sold at Charter Oak Field during Saturday’s games and at the door.  Please see the attached flyer for all details.

Pancake Breakfast Flyer

Students Learn About Religious Vocations

As an extension of one of their religion topics, Saint James School 7th & 8th graders spent yesterday morning at Saint James Church learning more about religious vocations.  The girls spent the morning in the church hall with Sister Peter Marie, O.P. and Sister Mara Grace, O.P., who are Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia from Nashville, Tennessee.  The Sisters touched on many subjects including what it means to be a Catholic “Sister” or “Nun”, living a consecrated life, the process of becoming a nun/education, and why they wear specific attire.

At the same time, Father Casey spent the morning with the boys talking about his own calling to the priesthood, what the priesthood is all about, and answering specific questions from the boys.

The morning concluded with the 7th & 8th grade attending a special Mass, followed by Pizza in the church hall.  Below are some pictures from the day (click any picture to enlarge):

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Soccer Practices Begin Wednesday

Saint James School soccer practice starts this Wednesday at Charter Oak as follows:

Grades 3, 4 and 5:   5:00 to 6:30pm;

Grades 6, 7 and 8:  6:00 to 7:30pm;

If your child is playing soccer for SJS and you are not receiving the emails from parent volunteer Jon Sargent,(sjssoccer@charter.net), please send him an e-mail to be added.  Most communication about games, etc. will come from the coaches directly.





Breezeway Roof

We are excited to announce that construction on our new breezeway roof is underway!  The final component will be a metal sheeting that matches the green of the new windows.  This piece is expected to be installed in the next week or two.




New School Phone System

Over April break the school upgraded the phone and intercom system.  Please bear with us this week as we learn the new system and the installer works to correct any issues.