SJS Soccer Gear

Just a reminder that anyone who wishes to order SJS Soccer Spiritwear must do so by this Wednesday, May 13th.  The order form with pictures and prices is attached.

SJS Soccer Gear Order Form

International Day Pictures

Congratulation to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on the outstanding job they did hosting International Day on Friday.  International Day is an annual project for the 8th Graders, where they showcase their research on an assigned country.  Costumes, games, props, and traditional dishes are part of the festivities.  Students in all the other grades have an opportunity to visit the showcase throughout the day and the 8th Graders share information about their assigned country.

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Box Tops

If you have any remaining Box Tops at home, please send them in on Monday.  Mrs. Meyer will have a team counting them after school early next week.  This will be the last Box Tops submission opportunity (for your child’s class to win a dress down day) for this year.

Father/Daughter Dance Reminder

Just a reminder, the Father/Daughter dance is this Saturday from 6:00pm-9:00pm.  Attendees are asked to bring the following:

Last name a-h: finger desserts;
Last name I-p: water;
Last name: q-z: chips or crackers (cheese will be provided);

We look forward to seeing you there!




Save the Date: SJS Sports Banquet

Save the date!  The 2014-2015 SJS Team Sports Banquet will be held on Tuesday, May 19th from 5:00pm – 8:30pm at East Catholic High School.  Students who participated in Saint James Cross Country, JV/Varsity Basketball, and/or Soccer are invited to attend (4th & 5th grade boys already had their awards/pizza party at the end of the season).  Attached is the RSVP form.  Please return to the office ASAP.


SJS Students Win Essay Contest

Congratulations to Saint James School 8th Grade students Jessica Datta, Benjamin Liptrap, and Taylor Talavera who placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (respectively) in an area-wide Knights of Columbus essay contest.  The essay topic was “The Importance of Religious Freedom.”  Pictured are the winners with Mr. Joseph Congdon, the Grand Knight of our local Knights of Columbus council, who came to present their awards.  Great job SJS!



HSA Meeting Tonight

Just a reminder there will be a Home & School Association Meeting tonight (in the Pre-Kindergarten building) at 6:30pm.



Spring Concert Wednesday

This Wednesday (5/6) is the annual Saint James School spring concert.  For the evening performance, band performers should arrive at 6:00pm and meet in the cafeteria.  Attire for band students for the evening performance is a white button down shirt with collar and black pants or black skirt.  Skirts must be below the knee.  Also, no high-heals please.
Third grade students performing with their recorders should meet in the gym (by the stage) by 6:15pm.  Attire for recorder performers for the evening performance is “Sunday best” as follows: Boys – Khakis or dress pants, buttoned down shirt or polo, nice shoes; Girls – Dress, Skirt and blouse, dress pants, khakis, nice shoes.  No jeans or sneakers.
All students should wear their school uniform for the daytime (during school hours) performance.

Instrumental Music

All three bands will meet on Tuesday May 5h. State Band students will rehearse at 7:30 am the other rehearsals  will be announced on Tuesday during school.

Father/Daughter Dance RSVPs Due Tomorrow

Just a reminder that Father/Daughter Dance RSVPs are due back to the school office tomorrow.  A copy of the RSVP form with details is attached below.

2015 Father/Daughter Dance Invite