Spirit Sticks

Please note “Just Keep Swimming” and “Dreams Do Come True” are sold out at this time.

New for 2015, the Saint James HSA is introducing Spirit Sticks, a fun way for students to express themselves and decorate their backpacks.  Start with the Saint James School/Sabers Key Ring (front and back shown below):  The Key Rings are $5 each and with this purchase you get your first spirit stick FREE.


Then, purchase additional spirit sticks for $1/each to enhance your collection.  A picture of all the items can be viewed here.

Representatives from the HSA will be at the Meet the Teachers nights so parents/students can view/purchase the SJS key rings and any spirit sticks your child may like.

You can also submit the Spirit Sticks Order Form with EXACT CASH ONLY through your child’s school folder.  Every Friday the orders will be distributed to the teachers and will be passed out before the close of school.

New items will be added at various points throughout the year.  If you have any questions, please contact SJS parent volunteer Kerry Caldwell at kmcaldwell@gmail.com



Early Dismissal

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents that if you are picking up a student in the office for an appointment at the end of the day, you must pick them up by 1:30pm and a note must be sent in to the teacher in the morning informing them of the early dismissal.  The office gets very busy between 1:30pm and 2:00pm so we ask that all early dismissals occur before this time.  Thank you.

Uniform Attire For Thursday

Students may wear their gym uniform to school on Thursday of this week or their gym shorts with a school appropriate light weight t-shirt (no tank tops).  Friday we will return to standard uniform attire.

Back to School Mass – Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hartford

There will be a special Back to School Mass celebrating all Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford at the Cathedral of St. Joseph this Sunday, September 13th, at 2:00pm.  If you would be interested in attending as a representative of Saint James School, please call Mrs. DelSignore in the SJS office (860.643.5088) for details.

Cross Country Cancelled Today

Cross country practice is cancelled for today, Tuesday, September 8th, due to the heat.

Reminder: VIRTUS Class for SJS Families Tomorrow Night

Any parent/grandparent/guardian that wishes to volunteer in any capacity at Saint James School (classroom parties, field trips, special events, coaching, etc.), must complete a background check and VIRTUS training session before they can volunteer.  This only has to be done once during your child’s time at SJS (not each year).

A special VIRTUS training class for Saint James families will be held at St. James Church on Wednesday, September 9th from 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.  Parents must pre-register for this session with Carole at the St. James Church Rectory (860-643-4129).

End of Day Pick-up Reminder

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents who are picking up students at the end of the school day to please enter and exit through the main gym doors.  For safety reasons, please do not exit through the rear doors of the gym.  Thank you again for all your patience and support with regards to this new pick-up procedure.

South Windsor Carpool

We have a family in South Windsor who is interested in setting up a carpool (Dart Hill Road and Avery Street Area).  Please call and speak to Mrs. DelSignore in the main office if you are interested.

Standard Uniforms For Tomorrow

Please note, all students (with the exception of Mrs. Gangloff’s class) should wear their regular uniform to school tomorrow (Friday), even classes that normally have Gym on Friday.  Students in grades 1-8 will attend Mass tomorrow.  No gym uniforms should be worn to school tomorrow, except for students in Mrs. Gangloff’s class.

Instrumental Music Schedule Change

Due to the School Mass on Friday, Mr. Corcoran will teach lessons for grades 4 and 5 tomorrow (Thursday September 3rd).