Yesterday, the Saint James School Cross Country team competed in their second race of the season at Illing Middle School. Both the girls and boys finished a strong second place against Timothy Edwards and Illing. For the girls, Elizabeth M. placed first for Saint James and 6th overall from a field of 66 runners. Ally A. was 7th overall, Lindsay O. was 8th, Kaitlyn N. placed 9th, and Isabelle B. was 11th.
For the boys, Aiden P. placed 2nd out of 73 runners. Nick G. was 2nd for Saint James finishing in 14th place with Nathan M. (15th), Kevin L. (16th), and Matthew S. (19th) close behind.
Congratulations to all our runners on a great job!
The next competition will be the Harry Geraghty Invitational this Saturday at Rockville High School. Runners selected by the coach to participate should arrive at 8:15am.
Cross Country Update
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolYesterday, the Saint James School Cross Country team competed in their second race of the season at Illing Middle School. Both the girls and boys finished a strong second place against Timothy Edwards and Illing. For the girls, Elizabeth M. placed first for Saint James and 6th overall from a field of 66 runners. Ally A. was 7th overall, Lindsay O. was 8th, Kaitlyn N. placed 9th, and Isabelle B. was 11th.
For the boys, Aiden P. placed 2nd out of 73 runners. Nick G. was 2nd for Saint James finishing in 14th place with Nathan M. (15th), Kevin L. (16th), and Matthew S. (19th) close behind.
Congratulations to all our runners on a great job!
The next competition will be the Harry Geraghty Invitational this Saturday at Rockville High School. Runners selected by the coach to participate should arrive at 8:15am.
4th & 5th Grade Boys Basketball Open Gym
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenOpen Gym WILL be held this coming Tuesday, October 6th, for 4th & 5th grade boys (5-7pm) even though school is not in session. The Saint James School website calendar has been updated to reflect this.
As previously communicated, the Athletic Health form must be turned in to the office at least a full day in advance in order for a student to participate.
4th & 5th Grade Boys Basketball Open Gym
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOpen Gym WILL be held this coming Tuesday, October 6th, for 4th & 5th grade boys (5-7pm) even though school is not in session. The Saint James School website calendar has been updated to reflect this.
As previously communicated, the Athletic Health form must be turned in to the office at least a full day in advance in order for a student to participate.
Updated Spirit Sticks Order Form
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease click the link to download an updated Spirit Sticks Order Form. Please note we are sold out of several items at this time. New Spirit Sticks are currently on order with all new sayings and slogans. Another updated Order Form will be sent out when we receive them.
October Saber Stories
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease take a few moments to read the October Saint James School Saber Stories Newsletter.
SJS Halloween Party
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease join us on Saturday, October 24th, as the Saint James School HSA hosts the school’s annual Halloween Party for students in Pre-K through 6th grade. There will be a DJ for dancing and lots of fun games and prizes. Please open the 2015 Halloween Party Flyer for more details (a copy was also sent home in your child’s school folder last week). We hope to see you there!
Cross Country Meet Tomorrow
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolJust a reminder that there is a cross country meet at Illing Middle School in Manchester tomorrow for all SJS cross country runners. The race begins at 3:15pm.
Walkers Dismissal Note
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease note, beginning with today’s dismissal, we are reversing the order of where students/parents line up in the gym, going back to how it was the first few days of school. The 8th grade students/parents will line up closest to the gym entrance, with Kindergarten over by the stage. We have noticed that the older students are dismissing faster making it easier for them to be closest to the exit door. We thank you again for your patience and understanding.
Grandparents' & Special Persons' Day Form
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenPlease be advised, the Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day Form that was sent home with students on Friday inadvertently listed “Tuesday,” October 23rd on the first line. The correct date for Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day is Friday, October, 23rd. We apologize for any confusion.
Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day Form
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease be advised, the Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day Form that was sent home with students on Friday inadvertently listed “Tuesday,” October 23rd on the first line. The correct date for Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day is Friday, October, 23rd. We apologize for any confusion.