SJS Halloween Party

Please join us on Saturday, October 24th, as the Saint James School HSA hosts the school’s annual Halloween Party for students in Pre-K through 6th grade. There will be a DJ for dancing and lots of fun games and prizes. Please open the 2015 Halloween Party Flyer for more details (a copy was also sent home in your child’s school folder last week).  We hope to see you there!

Cross Country Meet Tomorrow

Just a reminder that there is a cross country meet at Illing Middle School in Manchester tomorrow for all SJS cross country runners.  The race begins at 3:15pm.

Walkers Dismissal Note

Please note, beginning with today’s dismissal, we are reversing the order of where students/parents line up in the gym, going back to how it was the first few days of school. The 8th grade students/parents will line up closest to the gym entrance, with Kindergarten over by the stage.  We have noticed that the older students are dismissing faster making it easier for them to be closest to the exit door.  We thank you again for your patience and understanding.

Grandparents' & Special Persons' Day Form

Please be advised, the Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day Form that was sent home with students on Friday inadvertently listed “Tuesday,” October 23rd on the first line.  The correct date for Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day is Friday, October, 23rd.  We apologize for any confusion.

Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day Form

Please be advised, the Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day Form that was sent home with students on Friday inadvertently listed “Tuesday,” October 23rd on the first line.  The correct date for Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day is Friday, October, 23rd.  We apologize for any confusion.

Tomorrow's Hot Lunch

Please note, tomorrow’s hot lunch as been changed to Chicken Nuggets, Green Beans, and Choice of Fruit (instead of boneless breaded chicken drumsticks).

Tomorrow’s Hot Lunch

Please note, tomorrow’s hot lunch as been changed to Chicken Nuggets, Green Beans, and Choice of Fruit (instead of boneless breaded chicken drumsticks).

Basketball "Open Gym" – Health Form Required

Open Gym sessions for basketball will begin this week.  Open Gym sessions are completely voluntary and should only be attended if the schedule works for the student and his/her family. There will be no player evaluations until tryouts, which are expected to be in late October.

Open Gym sessions will consist of drills and pickup games and will be open to SJS students in grades 4 – 8.

In order to participate in any Open Gym sessions, the 2015-2016 Athletics Health Form  must be turned into the school office at least a day ahead of time (it may NOT be turned in at the Open Gym session) so please plan accordingly.

Open Gym Days/Times are as follows:

Monday (Sept 28th) – Girls Gr. 4&5: 5:00 – 7:00pm

Tuesday (Sept 29th) – Boys Gr. 4&5:   5:00 – 7:00pm

Wednesday (Sept 30) – Girls Gr. 6, 7, 8: 5:00 – 7:00pm

Thursday (October 1) – Boys Gr. 6, 7, 8 5:00 – 7:00pm

If we have any parents interested in coaching that did not coach last year (and have not already been contacted), please call the school office and leave a message for Mr. Green or e-mail

Basketball “Open Gym” – Health Form Required

Open Gym sessions for basketball will begin this week.  Open Gym sessions are completely voluntary and should only be attended if the schedule works for the student and his/her family. There will be no player evaluations until tryouts, which are expected to be in late October.

Open Gym sessions will consist of drills and pickup games and will be open to SJS students in grades 4 – 8.

In order to participate in any Open Gym sessions, the 2015-2016 Athletics Health Form  must be turned into the school office at least a day ahead of time (it may NOT be turned in at the Open Gym session) so please plan accordingly.

Open Gym Days/Times are as follows:

Monday (Sept 28th) – Girls Gr. 4&5: 5:00 – 7:00pm

Tuesday (Sept 29th) – Boys Gr. 4&5:   5:00 – 7:00pm

Wednesday (Sept 30) – Girls Gr. 6, 7, 8: 5:00 – 7:00pm

Thursday (October 1) – Boys Gr. 6, 7, 8 5:00 – 7:00pm

If we have any parents interested in coaching that did not coach last year (and have not already been contacted), please call the school office and leave a message for Mr. Green or e-mail

Jeannine Fundraiser

A quick reminder that the Jeannine Fundraiser orders were due to the school office today.  If you forgot to turn yours in, please be sure to send it in Monday morning.  We thank you again for your support!