4th & 5th Grade Boys Game Schedule

Attached is the 4th & 5th grade boys basketball game schedule.  The website calendar has been updated to reflect these games.

Copy of SATURDAY LEAGUE 2015-2016 Schedule

Picture Retakes

Picture retakes will be held Tuesday, November 24th.  Students must bring in the original pictures on retake day.

SJS Ski & Snowboard Club

Reminder:  Tomorrow is the deadline to sign up for the Ski & Snowboard Club.

Saint James School is pleased to announce the return of the ski and snowboard club. The club provides students an opportunity to learn to ski or snowboard as well as improve their skill level at an extremely discounted price. The ski club is open to all students in grades 3-8.

The dates of the ski trips are: 1/5, 1/15, 1/19, 2/12 and 2/26. PLEASE NOTE THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH. If you have any questions or you are willing to chaperone, please feel free to contact Denise McCarthy at 203-223-9496 or dmccarthy@neopost.com.

Ski Club Field Trip Permission and Waiver

Mt Southington Waiver 2015-2016

SJS Ski Club Registration Form

SJS Ski & Snowboard Club

Reminder:  Tomorrow is the deadline to sign up for the Ski & Snowboard Club.

Saint James School is pleased to announce the return of the ski and snowboard club. The club provides students an opportunity to learn to ski or snowboard as well as improve their skill level at an extremely discounted price. The ski club is open to all students in grades 3-8.

The dates of the ski trips are: 1/5, 1/15, 1/19, 2/12 and 2/26. PLEASE NOTE THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH. If you have any questions or you are willing to chaperone, please feel free to contact Denise McCarthy at 203-223-9496 or dmccarthy@neopost.com.

Ski Club Field Trip Permission and Waiver

Mt Southington Waiver 2015-2016

SJS Ski Club Registration Form

Late Arrivals

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents of the importance of getting your child(ren) to school on time each morning.  There are still an excessive number of late arrivals and Mrs. Kanute has noticed the same children arriving late on a regular basis.

Please remember, late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher, morning announcements, and the classroom routine.   If you find yourself not making it to school between 7:30am and 7:45am, Mrs. Kanute asks that you please take a few moments today to talk to your child about the importance of being punctual and help them readjust their morning schedule accordingly.

Thank you for your support.

Report Cards

As a reminder, students will be receiving their 1st Quarter report cards tomorrow (Friday).  This year, honor roll (honors & high honors) will be published for 6th – 8th grade students (previously it was published for grades 5 – 8).

Veteran's Day Celebration

It was a wonderful honor for our pre-k through 8th grade students to have so many heroes join us today as we celebrated Veteran’s Day.  Thank you to ALL our veterans for your service! (click pictures to view).

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Veteran’s Day Celebration

It was a wonderful honor for our pre-k through 8th grade students to have so many heroes join us today as we celebrated Veteran’s Day.  Thank you to ALL our veterans for your service! (click pictures to view).

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Cancelled: SJS Family Pasta Dinner

The SJS Family Pasta Dinner has been cancelled due to a low number of RSVPs.  We hope to try hosting this event again another time as it was such a huge success last year.

Reminder: No Hot Lunch Served Tomorrow

A reminder for parents that there will be no hot lunch or milk served at the school tomorrow (Wednesday).  All students must bring a lunch and a drink from home.  Please remember, students are not permitted to have McDonalds, Subway, or other fast food for school lunch.