The Taste Dining & Activity Orders Due Thursday

Saint James School recently sent home a new fundraiser for your consideration:  The Taste Dining and Activity books for the Greater Hartford Area.  Should you wish to order the 2016 Edition, the cost is $25 and up to 50% of the profit goes to Saint James School.  An order form was included with the book that was sent home.  If you wish to order, forms and payment are due back to the office by December 10th. As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

As a reminder, the book you received home is the 2015 edition and can be used by your family now through the end of December at no cost to you.  Please do not return it to the school.

Parking at Pick-up

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents they cannot park in front of the breezeway/gym at afternoon pick-up.  Please observe all no-parking signs, including the one in front of the gym/breezeway.

Also, please remember not to park on Church Street from the corner of Park Street to Oak Place/Locust Street at pick-up time.  This is where the school buses park.

Please share this information with the appropriate members of your family.

Box Tops Contest Winner

Congratulations to Mrs. Devanney’s class on winning the November/December Box Tops contest with over 650 Box Tops.  We will be collecting again in early February.  Thank you for your participation!

Wednesday's Christmas Concert – Attire & Arrival

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday, December 2nd) is the annual Saint James School Christmas Concert featuring the Saint James School bands as well as performances by our 1st and 4th grade students.  There will be a 9:00am performance for students, teachers, and staff (all student performers should wear their regular school uniform to school).

The evening concert will begin at 6:30pm and is for parents and friends of the school.

Performer Arrival Times & Attire (evening performance only)

Band students should arrive at the school cafeteria between 6:00pm-6:15pm  (parents who volunteered to help dress should arrive at 5:45pm).  Evening concert attire for band students is a white shirt and black dress pants (or black skirt for girls – skirts must be knee length or longer).  Red bow ties and cummerbunds will be given to the students to wear when they arrive.
4th Grade:
All 4th grade students should arrive at 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria;  Attire for the evening performance is “Sunday Best.”  Boys should wear a buttoned-down shirt or a sweater and dress pants/khakis; Girls should wear a blouse, buttoned-down shirt, or sweater with dress pants/khakis/skirt or a dress.  At the end of the concert, 4th grade students should be picked up by their parents in the cafeteria.

1st Grade:
All 1st grade students should arrive at 6:15pm and report to the cafeteria (please note location change). Attire for the evening performance is “Sunday Best.”  Boys should wear a buttoned-down shirt or a sweater and dress pants/khakis; Girls should wear a blouse, buttoned-down shirt, or sweater with dress pants/khakis/skirt or a dress.  At the end of the concert, 1st grade students should be picked up by their parents in the cafeteria (please note location change).

All performers:
Shoes should be school shoes or dress shoes (not high heels).

We look forward to seeing everyone at this fun, Saint James School Christmas tradition!

Wednesday’s Christmas Concert – Attire & Arrival

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday, December 2nd) is the annual Saint James School Christmas Concert featuring the Saint James School bands as well as performances by our 1st and 4th grade students.  There will be a 9:00am performance for students, teachers, and staff (all student performers should wear their regular school uniform to school).

The evening concert will begin at 6:30pm and is for parents and friends of the school.

Performer Arrival Times & Attire (evening performance only)

Band students should arrive at the school cafeteria between 6:00pm-6:15pm  (parents who volunteered to help dress should arrive at 5:45pm).  Evening concert attire for band students is a white shirt and black dress pants (or black skirt for girls – skirts must be knee length or longer).  Red bow ties and cummerbunds will be given to the students to wear when they arrive.
4th Grade:
All 4th grade students should arrive at 6:00pm-6:15pm and report to the cafeteria;  Attire for the evening performance is “Sunday Best.”  Boys should wear a buttoned-down shirt or a sweater and dress pants/khakis; Girls should wear a blouse, buttoned-down shirt, or sweater with dress pants/khakis/skirt or a dress.  At the end of the concert, 4th grade students should be picked up by their parents in the cafeteria.

1st Grade:
All 1st grade students should arrive at 6:15pm and report to the cafeteria (please note location change). Attire for the evening performance is “Sunday Best.”  Boys should wear a buttoned-down shirt or a sweater and dress pants/khakis; Girls should wear a blouse, buttoned-down shirt, or sweater with dress pants/khakis/skirt or a dress.  At the end of the concert, 1st grade students should be picked up by their parents in the cafeteria (please note location change).

All performers:
Shoes should be school shoes or dress shoes (not high heels).

We look forward to seeing everyone at this fun, Saint James School Christmas tradition!

Girls JV White Practice

The Girls JV White team will practice this evening,Wednesday, November 25th from 4:00pm-5:30pm.

New Fundraiser: The Taste Dining & Activity Book

Saint James School is sending home a new fundraiser for your consideration:  The Taste Dining and Activity books for the Greater Hartford Area.  The book you receive home is the 2015 edition and can be used by your family now through the end of December at no cost to you.  Please do not return it to the school.  Should you wish to order the 2016 Edition, the cost is $25 and up to 50% of the profit goes to Saint James School.  An order form is included with the book being sent home.  If you wish to order, forms and payment are due back to the office by December 10th. As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

New Fundraiser: The Taste Dining & Activity Book

Saint James School is sending home a new fundraiser for your consideration:  The Taste Dining and Activity books for the Greater Hartford Area.  The book you receive home is the 2015 edition and can be used by your family now through the end of December at no cost to you.  Please do not return it to the school.  Should you wish to order the 2016 Edition, the cost is $25 and up to 50% of the profit goes to Saint James School.  An order form is included with the book being sent home.  If you wish to order, forms and payment are due back to the office by December 10th. As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

Reminder: 12:05 Dismissal Tomorrow

A reminder that tomorrow is a half-day with dismissal at 12:05pm.  Students going to aftercare must bring a lunch from home as no hot lunch will be served tomorrow.

Saint James School Inclement Weather Policy

Attached please find a copy of the Saint James School Inclement Weather Policy for school delays, cancellations, and early dismissals.  A copy can also be found on the homepage of the school website for quick reference.

Inclement Weather Policy