This Saturday, Jan 23rd, Saint James will be hosting JV basketball games all day long at our school. As other schools have done when they host, we are going to have a concession stand to sell drinks and snacks for the spectators as well as the players.
Parents are asked to consider helping run the concession stand for a 1-2 hr commitment between the hours of 9am-6pm (2 parents per time slot). We are looking for Basketball parents that don’t have other volunteer assignments or any other SJS parents who are willing to help out our school. A few spots are still open…Please contact Beverly-Anne Cattanach at if you can help. Please leave the best contact number too in case she needs to reach you.
Also, we still need a scoreboard operator and a scorebook keeper for the 3:00-4:00 time slot. There are many Girls/Boys JV Basketball parents who are not currently listed with an assignment. You can see what is still needed HERE or contact Tara Moriarty at
Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered to help in either capacity…particularly those who have signed up for multiple times. It is greatly appreciated!
Reminder: 12:05 Dismissal Today
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder, today (Wednesday, 1/27) is a 12:05pm dismissal day (aftercare will be in session). Due to an event being held in the Gym immediately following dismissal on Wednesday, we will be dismissing students from the parking lot between the school and the pre-kindergarten building instead of in the gym. This is for Wednesday, 1/27 only.
SJS Students Holding the Flag at the Wolfpack Game
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease click HERE for the video of the national anthem from this weekend’s Wolfpack game. Some of our boys who came out for the mother/son event were in the video holding the flag. Great job everyone!
Drama Club Update
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThank you to everyone that signed up to participate in the 2016 Drama Club! We have hit our maximum number of sign-ups for acting parts as of yesterday’s deadline so we will not be accepting any late sign-ups for actors. There is still space available in the stage crew if your student is interested.
Kindergartners Share Gifts to Jesus
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAs part of their recent lessons, the Saint James Kindergarten students wrote about what they would give to Jesus for His birthday. Check out this cute video of our Kindergartners reading what they wrote (please note, only students who had permission to be photographed/on camera were included).
Our Gifts to Jesus Video
Tomorrow's Open House
/in Uncategorized /by jonesenThank you again to all the families who have helped us spread the word about tomorrow’s Prospective Family Open House. If you are on Facebook (and have not already done so) please like and share our Open House post by clicking HERE. Informational post cards and brochures for any families you know that may be considering SJS can be picked up in the main office. As always, we appreciate your time and support of our school!
Tomorrow’s Open House
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolThank you again to all the families who have helped us spread the word about tomorrow’s Prospective Family Open House. If you are on Facebook (and have not already done so) please like and share our Open House post by clicking HERE. Informational post cards and brochures for any families you know that may be considering SJS can be picked up in the main office. As always, we appreciate your time and support of our school!
Mother/Son Event A Success
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThank you to all the Saint James School moms and sons who came out for the Mother/Son Wolf Pack Game yesterday. We had well over 100 attendees and the event was a lot of fun! Special thanks to parent volunteer Mrs. Moriarty for coordinating this event and for sending in the following pictures of our group:
Cancellation Information For Tomorrow's Games
/in Uncategorized /by jonesenPlease be advised, as of right now all basketball games at SJS are ON for tomorrow, despite the Manchester Public Schools cancellation announcement that went out. Please keep an eye on Channel 3 for game cancellations – it will show up under “Central Ct Deanery.” We will also try to list a notice under the Latest News and Calendar sections of our website if/when we receive word, but Channel 3 will be the first notification available.
Cancellation Information For Tomorrow’s Games
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease be advised, as of right now all basketball games at SJS are ON for tomorrow, despite the Manchester Public Schools cancellation announcement that went out. Please keep an eye on Channel 3 for game cancellations – it will show up under “Central Ct Deanery.” We will also try to list a notice under the Latest News and Calendar sections of our website if/when we receive word, but Channel 3 will be the first notification available.
Volunteers Still Needed for Saturday
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolThis Saturday, Jan 23rd, Saint James will be hosting JV basketball games all day long at our school. As other schools have done when they host, we are going to have a concession stand to sell drinks and snacks for the spectators as well as the players.
Parents are asked to consider helping run the concession stand for a 1-2 hr commitment between the hours of 9am-6pm (2 parents per time slot). We are looking for Basketball parents that don’t have other volunteer assignments or any other SJS parents who are willing to help out our school. A few spots are still open…Please contact Beverly-Anne Cattanach at if you can help. Please leave the best contact number too in case she needs to reach you.
Also, we still need a scoreboard operator and a scorebook keeper for the 3:00-4:00 time slot. There are many Girls/Boys JV Basketball parents who are not currently listed with an assignment. You can see what is still needed HERE or contact Tara Moriarty at
Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered to help in either capacity…particularly those who have signed up for multiple times. It is greatly appreciated!