SJS Students Celebrate March 14th (3.14) aka “PI Day”

Yesterday, Saint James Middle School math teacher, Mrs. Reilly, hosted a special math celebration of March 14th, known to math lovers everywhere as  “PI” Day (for 3.14).  As part of the fun, students brought in home-made pies, and a pie contest was held with the teachers serving as judges.

There were 2 categories….traditional (fruit, pumpkin, pecan, etc.) and other (cream pies, key lime, ice cream, even chicken pot pie!).  The pies were judged on taste, appearance, and creativity.  The winners were as follows – Traditional:  1st Sophie Kisner (apple); 2nd Hailey Constantine (pecan); 3rd Evan O’Neill (pecan);  – Other: 1st Anna DeLaura (chocolate cream); 2nd Noah Klim (key lime); and 3rd Ed Powell and Siara Chanterelle (chicken pot pie).

In addition, students created their own “PiKu” (a play on HaiKu poetry) as well as having a special math lesson focused on using Pi.

Click pictures below to enlarge.

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$1.00 Green & White Dress Down Day Thursday

As a reminder, we will be having a $1.00 Green & White Dress Down day this coming Thursday, St. Patrick’s Day.  Students may dress down for a $1.00 donation, which will go to support an Art program at an extremely impoverished school in Haiti.  Please remember, our standard dress down guidelines apply and any girls wearing yoga-type pants must have a shirt that that comes down to at least mid-thigh.  Also, shorts are NOT permitted as we are still in the winter uniform time period.

$1.00 Green & White Dress Down Day Thursday

As a reminder, we will be having a $1.00 Green & White Dress Down day this coming Thursday, St. Patrick’s Day.  Students may dress down for a $1.00 donation, which will go to support an Art program at an extremely impoverished school in Haiti.  Please remember, our standard dress down guidelines apply and any girls wearing yoga-type pants must have a shirt that that comes down to at least mid-thigh.  Also, shorts are NOT permitted as we are still in the winter uniform time period.

Extended Day Statements

Please be advised, the Extended Day billing statements for February are available for pick up.  Families using extended day are asked to please pick theirs up next time they pick their child up from Aftercare.

SJS Open House Tomorrow Night – Please Help Us Spread the Word

Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing our Open House post on Facebook.  Thank you in advance for your support!

Saint James School will be hosting an Open House for families with young children who are interested in learning more about out school on Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30pm.

If you know of any families with children who may be considering Saint James School, please stop by the main office and pick up a postcard or brochure for them.  Or, if you know of families with young children but don’t know them well enough to hand-deliver a postcard, please e-mail our Advancement Director, Amy Guenther, at and she will mail one out on behalf of the school.

If you know of a family who would like to apply for admission for the 2016-2017 school year, you can direct them to the Admissions tab on our website to complete a new student application and learn more about the admissions process.  The first round of new student acceptance letters will be sent out shortly.  Many of our classes are nearing capacity, so please encourage anyone you know to get their application in right away.  Any questions on admissions can be directed to Amy Guenther at or Mrs. DelSignore in the main office.

Word of mouth has always been our best source of attracting new families – Thank You for helping Saint James School continue to grow and thrive!


Save The Date

The SJS teacher & staff appreciation luncheon will be held on Wednesday, May 25th. Volunteers will be needed that day to help cover the classrooms during the luncheon, as well as  helping with set-up, clean-up, and running the luncheon. More information will be coming soon.  Please reach out to your room parent or event chair Amy Santangelo at if you are interested in volunteering that day.  Please note, volunteers must have completed the background check and VIRTUS training program.

March Saber Stories

Please find attached the Saber Stories Newsletter for the month of March.

March 2016 Saber Stories Newsletter

Ski Butternut Trip Cancelled

Unfortunately, the Butternut trip scheduled for next Wednesday, March 19th, is being cancelled due to unseasonably warm temperatures.  Everyone who had RSVP’d was notified by Denise McCarthy via e-mail about their refund.  We will try to schedule the trip again next year if our winter cooperates a little better!

2016 Gala Thank You

A huge Thank You to all the parents, staff, and friends who came out for the 2016 Saint James School Gala on Saturday.  We had over 170 attendees and raised just over $21,000 in support of Saint James School!

Of course, we could not have done it without the amazing support and hard work of the Gala Committee and all the volunteers that worked at the event.  A special thank you to Gala Chairs Tara Moriarty and Paul Munns for pulling it all together and to volunteer Jen Fiereck of J. Fiereck Photography for the fun pictures (a few of which are below).  And last, but not least, THANK YOU to all the parents, staff, and friends who donated items for the class baskets or for the live and silent auctions.  We could not have done it without your support – Saint James is certainly blessed to have such a wonderful school community!  We hope to see you all again next year at this fun, annual event!

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Our Companions Animal Rescue Donation Thank You

Please read the attached note from SJS 8th Grader Jacob Miller regarding his recent fundraiser for Our Companions Animal Rescue:

Thanks to everyone’s support, my “Love for Animals” fundraiser for “Our Companions Animal Rescue” was a huge success.  I spent 10.5 hours of community service to complete this project and the total items donated are shown below:

Cans of cat food – 153
Rolls of paper towels – 39
Bags of cat food – 11
Bags of dog food – 2
Bottles of laundry detergent – 2
Boxes of garbage bags – 7
Bottles of bleach – 8
Boxes of dryer sheets – 2
Bags of kitty litter – 1
Bag of cat toys – 1
Blankets/Cat Beds – 6
Cash Donations$204.39

Thank you again for all your support!!!!

Jacob Miller

jacob at petc0