Yesterday, Saint James Middle School math teacher, Mrs. Reilly, hosted a special math celebration of March 14th, known to math lovers everywhere as “PI” Day (for 3.14). As part of the fun, students brought in home-made pies, and a pie contest was held with the teachers serving as judges.
There were 2 categories….traditional (fruit, pumpkin, pecan, etc.) and other (cream pies, key lime, ice cream, even chicken pot pie!). The pies were judged on taste, appearance, and creativity. The winners were as follows – Traditional: 1st Sophie Kisner (apple); 2nd Hailey Constantine (pecan); 3rd Evan O’Neill (pecan); – Other: 1st Anna DeLaura (chocolate cream); 2nd Noah Klim (key lime); and 3rd Ed Powell and Siara Chanterelle (chicken pot pie).
In addition, students created their own “PiKu” (a play on HaiKu poetry) as well as having a special math lesson focused on using Pi.
Click pictures below to enlarge.

St. Patrick's Day Celebration
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenYesterday, Saint James School students celebrated the patron saint of Ireland – St. Patrick – with limericks, poems, songs, Irish step dancing, and bagpipe performances. Most importantly, students continued to learn more about who St. Patrick was and his role in helping establish the Catholic church in Ireland.
Watch a video of the 4th Graders singing “An Irish Lullaby”
Watch a video of the 3rd Graders singing “The Lucky Little Shamrock”
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolYesterday, Saint James School students celebrated the patron saint of Ireland – St. Patrick – with limericks, poems, songs, Irish step dancing, and bagpipe performances. Most importantly, students continued to learn more about who St. Patrick was and his role in helping establish the Catholic church in Ireland.
Watch a video of the 4th Graders singing “An Irish Lullaby”
Watch a video of the 3rd Graders singing “The Lucky Little Shamrock”
Box Tops
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolBox tops will be counted for the next dress down day this coming Monday, March 21st right after school (if there is a snow day Monday, they will be counted on Tuesday). Please be sure to send in your box tops by the end of the school day (2:05pm) on Monday.
St. James Church Presents…
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease take a moment to read the attached information regarding the latest Adult Bible Study course offered by St. James Church. All Saint James School families are welcome to participate.
Adult Bible Study Information – Ephesians 2016
Lenten Prayer Services
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James School4th Grade Presidents
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOn Tuesday, our 4th graders completed their project on an assigned U.S. President, turning in a short report and giving a brief oral presentation to their classmates. As part of the assignment, students could choose to dress as their President for the day, put together an informational poster, or make a puppet. Below are pictures of some of the 4th graders (click images to enlarge).
Due by Friday: SJS 2016 Soccer Sign-Ups (Grades 3-8)
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolIt’s time to sign up for the 2016 Saint James Soccer season! Boys and girls in grades 3 through 8 are eligible to play. The season runs from early April through mid June. If your child is planning to participate, please click on the link below to read the detailed information from Coach Sargent. The sign-up form should be returned to the school office with the appropriate activity fee (make checks out to “Saint James School”) by Friday, March 18th. If your child has not previously participated in a sport at SJS this year, you will need to also submit the Athletics Health Form for 2015-2016 (see below).
Please note – we are in need of coaches, particularly for the younger grades (you do not have to have a child playing to coach). To volunteer or if you have any questions about the program, please contact Jon Sargent via telephone at 860-742-6659 or email:
Soccer Sign-up Information 2016
Athletics Health Form 2015-2016
Saint James School Foundation Golf Tournament Information
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease save the date for the 22nd Annual Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner which will be held on May 11th at Manchester Country Club. For over 40 years, friends of Saint James School have built the Foundation to support Saint James School’s partial tuition assistance and Margin of Excellence programs. Through the generosity of donors, the Foundation has, to date, contributed over $1.7 million to Saint James School.
Invitations (and information ) for the Foundation’s annual fundraiser – the Saint James School Foundation Golf Classic & Dinner – are being sent home with Saint James School students via kid-mail (school folders) today. If someone you know does not have a child at the school and would like to request an invitation, sponsorship information, or has questions about the event, please have them contact Tom Tierney at
A copy of the brochure with sponsorship and RSVP information can also be downloaded and printed here.
No School Wednesday
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder, that there is no school tomorrow, Wednesday, March 16th, due to a teacher conference. There is also no school next Friday, March 25th, for Good Friday.
SJS Students Celebrate March 14th (3.14) aka "PI Day"
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenYesterday, Saint James Middle School math teacher, Mrs. Reilly, hosted a special math celebration of March 14th, known to math lovers everywhere as “PI” Day (for 3.14). As part of the fun, students brought in home-made pies, and a pie contest was held with the teachers serving as judges.
There were 2 categories….traditional (fruit, pumpkin, pecan, etc.) and other (cream pies, key lime, ice cream, even chicken pot pie!). The pies were judged on taste, appearance, and creativity. The winners were as follows – Traditional: 1st Sophie Kisner (apple); 2nd Hailey Constantine (pecan); 3rd Evan O’Neill (pecan); – Other: 1st Anna DeLaura (chocolate cream); 2nd Noah Klim (key lime); and 3rd Ed Powell and Siara Chanterelle (chicken pot pie).
In addition, students created their own “PiKu” (a play on HaiKu poetry) as well as having a special math lesson focused on using Pi.
Click pictures below to enlarge.