Parent/Student Handbook Signature Page Due

If you have not already done so please read through the 2016-2017 Parent/Student Handbook, discuss it with your children, print/sign the last page, and return the signed last page to the school on Monday. The handbook was reviewed with all students in Kindergarten through 8th Grade during school time but should also be discussed at home as well.

For future reference, this document resides on our school’s website under the Documents & Forms yellow quick link (located on the right-hand side of the website home page).

Box Tops Due Monday

As a reminder, box tops for the first dress down contest of the new school year will be counted this coming Monday, September 12th, right after school.  Please be sure to send in any box tops with your child(ren) on Monday if you have not already done so.

Annual Saint James Parish Picnic

The Annual Saint James Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 18th from 1:00-4:00pm at the Northwest Park Pavilion (448 Tolland Turnpike, Manchester).  All Saint James School families are welcome, regardless of home parish or religious affiliation.

Tickets will be on sale after all Masses at Saint James Church this weekend (September 10th & 11th), or at the Church Rectory the during the week of September 12th. Adults 12+ are $5.00, children under 12 are free. Please note, no tickets will be sold at the picnic on the 18th – you must purchase in advance. We hope to see you there!


Cherrydale/Jeannine Fundraiser Reminder & Update

Tomorrow (9/9) is the first of 3 “turn-in” days for Crazy Creature student prizes for the Fall Fundraiser.  Students who return the first turn-in coupon will receive a lanyard and a Crazy Creature.

All fundraiser orders are due by Friday, September 23. Please note, this date is a correction from the originally published date of Sept. 26.

Cherrydale/Jeannine Fundraiser Reminder & Update

Tomorrow (9/9) is the first of 3 “turn-in” days for Crazy Creature student prizes for the Fall Fundraiser.  Students who return the first turn-in coupon will receive a lanyard and a Crazy Creature.

All fundraiser orders are due by Friday, September 23. Please note, this date is a correction from the originally published date of Sept. 26.

Emergency Contact Cards

Please return your blue and white emergency cards to your child(ren)’s teacher(s) by tomorrow (Friday) at the latest.

Book Fair Volunteers

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help out at our upcoming Scholastic book fair!   We are in need of three more volunteers to help out on Tuesday evening from 6:00pm – 8:00pm, during the younger grade “Meet the Teachers” session.  If you have students in middle school only or are not planning to attend the Pre-K through 5th grade “Meet the Teachers” session, please consider helping during this time slot.  You can sign up by clicking this LINK and registering or by e-mailing Heather Meyer (

Box Tops Counted on Monday

Box tops for the first dress down contest of the new school year will be counted this coming Monday, September 12th, right after school.  Please be sure to send in your box tops by the end of the school day (2:00pm) on Monday. 

Each year, Saint James School asks parents to clip “Box Tops for Education” and send them into the school. Each Box Top you clip earns 10₡ for Saint James. Last year, our school earned approximately $1700 from Box Tops alone!

Each month, the class that brings in the most Box Tops will win a free dress down day (date determined by the teacher).
To count for the September Box Tops dress down contest, Box Tops need to be submitted to your child’s teacher by 2:00pm on Monday, September 12th. Counting will take place that afternoon and the winning class will be announced the next day.

To learn more about Box Tops, visit the Box Tops For Education Website or contact Saint James School parent volunteer coordinator Mary Beth Dufresne at

By creating a free account on the Box Tops For Education website, you will also be able to enter contests and give-a-ways for additional free Box Tops for our school.

As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

HSA Newsletter

A huge Thank You to everyone who came out for the 1st HSA (Home & School Association) meeting of the new school year last night.  Each month the HSA will be sending out a newsletter highlighting upcoming events, explaining volunteer opportunities, and summarizing the monthly meeting.  Please take a look at this month’s HSA Newsletter (Click to open) to learn about all that is happening this month and be sure to check out our new HSA webpage:

SJS Drama Club – Permission Slip Due by Friday

Saint James School will be holding our Drama Club production in the Fall this year, with the production being held at the end of November.  The SJS Drama Club is open to Saint James School Students in Grades 5-7.  Please see the attached Permission Slip, which is due by Friday (9/9/16), and the Audition Lines for the Audition meeting, which is (9/16/16):

Drama Club Permission Slip & Information

2016 Drama Club Audition Lines

This will be Mrs. Canna’s last year at Saint James School so we are in need of a new person to take over running the school Drama Club.  If you are willing to volunteer, please touch base with Mrs. Canna (see information on page 2 of the Permission Slip document) as soon as possible.