Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program

Do you own a business or know someone who owns a business?   Saint James School has again been approved by the State of Connecticut to allow select companies to designate a portion of their CT state tax dollars to Saint James School for us to purchase new windows for our facility (with absolutely NO cost to the donating business).  This is a win-win program for both SJS and the donating company, as the donating company can receive a 100% write-off for the donation on their State Taxes, and can also typically claim the donation on their Federal Tax Return

Over the past several years, our wonderful friends at Highland Park Market and Connecticut Light & Power/Eversource have continually supported Saint James School through this pass-through program.  Their support is responsible for many of the beautiful new windows installed at SJS during the past several years.

In order to be eligible to use this program, the company must be subject to select taxes as detailed in this required form (click to open).  The easiest way to know if a business qualifies is to have them ask their accountant.  Please consider helping SJS reach out to local businesses by contacting your friends & contacts in our area who may qualify.

For more information, please e-mail our Director of Advancement, Amy Guenther, at or contact your accountant regarding the State of Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit Program.  Please note, this program is extremely time sensitive and requires the preliminary paperwork (click to view) be sent to the Department of Revenue between September 15th and October 1st.

As always, we are extremely grateful for your time and support of Saint James School!

Candy Bar BINGO RSVPs Due Tomorrow

Tomorrow (9/16) is the last day to reserve a spot for your family at Candy Bar BINGO which will be held on Friday, September 23, from 6:30-8:00pm.  Click here for the informational Flyer.  Please RSVP to if you plan to attend, providing in your RSVP e-mail the number of adults and children.  For children with food allergies, we will be providing “allergy-friendly” candy prizes and refreshments (please note allergy information in your RSVP e-mail).  We hope you can join us!

Cherrydale/Jeannine Fundraiser Reminder

Tomorrow (9/16) is the second of 3 “turn-in” days for Crazy Creature student prizes for the Fall Fundraiser.  Students who return a turn-in coupon(s) will receive Crazy Creature(s).  The first Crazy Creature comes with a free lanyard (click pictures to enlarge).


Book Fair Raffle Winners

Congratulations to Shrika G. (Ms. Labowski’s 1st grade class) and Maggie S. (Mrs. Wojtyna’s 5th grade class) – the winners of the SJS 2016 Scholastic Book Fair Raffle Baskets.


Important: Extended Day Parents

For parents using the Extended Day program after school:  Please remember to write your name on the Sign-Out Sheet every day that you utilize the Extended Day program in addition to entering your code on the Pin Pad.

Also, if you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to read through the 2016-2017 Extended Day Policy Book, print the last page, and return the signed parent/student signature page to the school to the attention of Ms. Jean.

Cross Country Calendar

The Cross Country practice and meet schedule has been updated on the school website calendar through the end of the season.  To view a calendar for just Cross Country events, please visit the Cross Country webpage under the Extra Curricular tab.  Please note, you can click the “View Calendar” button at the bottom of the page to see a monthly calendar view of just Cross Country.

If you would like to subscribe to the Cross Country calendar (only) on your personal on-line calendar (google calendar, outlook, etc.), after you select the “View Calendar” button, scroll down to the bottom and click the button “Subscribe to Filtered Calendar.”  Choose the type of calendar you wish to subscribe to.

Once you subscribe, updates made to the Cross Country schedule on the SJS website should sync right to your personal calendar.  You can unsubscribe at any time in your settings.

Meet the Teachers Night for Middle School

As a reminder, tonight is Meet the Teachers Night for students in grades 6 – 8.  Parents of middle school students (grades 6 – 8) are asked to attend without their children.  Please arrive no later than 6:30pm and report to the school Cafeteria for a short presentation by the teachers.   The Scholastic Book Fair opens at 6:00pm that evening as well should you wish to browse prior to 6:30pm.  (please enter the school through the gym).

SJS Book Fair Ends Tomorrow

The Saint James School Scholastic book fair will be open today at dismissal, this evening from 6:00pm – 8:00pm, and tomorrow from 8:00am – 11:00am.  If you cannot make it to the school to shop for your favorite student, please consider making an online purchase at between now and Sept. 23rd.  Books purchased online will be shipped to the school and delivered to your child for free.

As a reminder, 50% of all sales from this event go towards purchasing new books for our school’s classrooms and library.  As always, we thank you for your support!

Meet the Teachers Nights

This evening, September 13th, Saint James School will host our annual Meet the Teachers Night for Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade families beginning at 6:30pm.  Students are invited to attend with their parent(s) – siblings may also attend.  The Scholastic Book Fair opens at 6:00pm on this evening as well should you wish to browse prior to visiting the classrooms (please enter the school through the gym).

Tomorrow evening, September 14th, is Meet the Teachers Night for students in grades 6 – 8.  Parents of middle school students (grades 6 – 8) are asked to attend without their children.  Please arrive no later than 6:30pm and report to the school Cafeteria for a short presentation by the teachers.   The Scholastic Book Fair opens at 6:00pm that evening as well should you wish to browse prior to 6:30pm.  (please enter the school through the gym).

Please note, 50% of book fair proceeds go towards purchasing new books for our school library and classrooms! 

We look forward to seeing you!


Box Tops Winners

Congratulations to the 6th grade class on winning the September Box Tops Contest.  (This year we will have a winning grade for box tops instead of a winning classroom).  Below are the pictures of the two 6th grade classes celebrating their win. (click pictures to enlarge).

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