Thank You!

A huge Thank You to 8th grade parent volunteer, Mrs. Freund, for helping beautify our front gardens for the start of school!  We are very grateful for our volunteers who help make our school such a wonderful place for our students to grow and learn!

A sign up form for other volunteer opportunities within the school community will be forthcoming in the days ahead.

School Council

We are happy to announce that Kevin Flood – a parishioner of St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish – will be the new Chair of our School Council (formerly called the “School Board”). Please join us in welcoming Kevin to this new role!

Covid Policy

Just a quick reminder, Saint James School follows CDC and town protocol with regards to Covid.  At this time, that means if your child tests positive for Covid, they will need to stay home for five days (starting from the onset of symptoms or from the first day of your child’s positive test) and wear a mask when they return for 5 days.  There is no remote learning this year.

Last Call: Saint James School Spiritwear

Show your SCHOOL SPIRIT with Saint James School Spiritwear! Click the link below to view all items:

Products – Saint James School (

For students running Cross Country (gr. 5-8), the following items may be worn to school on gym day:

* Cross country navy shorts (not the cadence trainers)
* Limitless pants
* Limitless warm up jacket

The Gray t-shirt required for gym day, however, must be the uniform one from Lands’ End or Dennis Uniform company (spiritwear t-shirts are not permitted on gym day)

The following general spiritwear items may be worn to school on gym day OVER the required gray uniform t-shirt:

* Faith Love Hope Hoodie
* Gray 2 Stripes Hoodie
* SJS Distressed Hoodie
* Navy Basic Hoodie with Gold Crest

Orders must be placed by August 30th and will be available for pick-up at SJS around mid-September  (we will send an email when items are in).  There is an additional fee if you would like items shipped directly to your home.

A portion of each sale will be donated back to SJS.  Please direct any questions to Amy Guenther at

Last Call: Cross Country Paperwork Due Thursday

For students in grades 5 – 8 interested in running Cross Country this year a quick reminder that the Athletics Health Form (signed by your child’s doctor), the Cross Country Permission Slip, and the $60 sports/activity fee are due to the school office by Thursday, August 31st.

Runners must have the endurance to run distances of 1-3 miles (without stopping) at the start of the season.

Reminder: September Saber Stories Newsletter

In case you missed it, below a link to our Saber Stories Newsletter for September. There is lots of important information in this document, please take a few moments to read through at your convenience.

Saber Stories September 2023

In addition to the link below, the September lunch menu can be found in our school app and at the bottom of our website homepage (Quick Links area).

Hot Lunch Menu September 2023

SJS Monthly Events Calendar

Attached is the link to our full Monthly Events Calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year. Please note dates are subject to change based on weather, scheduling conflicts, etc. We will inform you of any changes via our school emails and Saber Stories Newsletter.

This document will not be posted on our website due to the nature of the information, but a rolling calendar of events can be viewed by logging in to our SJS app.  It will also be posted at the bottom of our SJS email blasts under the “In Case You Missed It” section.

2023-2024 Calendar Pages Final


Reminder: Meet the Teacher Visits This Wednesday

We look forward to seeing our families this Wednesday, August 30th between the hours of 8:30am – 11:30am for the supply drop-off/drop-in classroom visits.  Kindergarten – grade eight families will enter through the main school entrance for this visit; Pre-K families should go right to the Pre-K building.  When you come please bring with you:

1) All Required School Supplies

2) Medication to Drop Off At Nurse & Remaining Health Paperwork

3) Completed Summer Assignments (grades 1-8)

3) Signed Handbook Form:  (grades K-8) or pre-kindergarten

4) Signed Technology Agreement (grades K-8)

5) Signed Chromebook Insurance Form (grades 3-8)


Please note, K – 8 students DO NOT need to be in their uniforms for these visits.


Medicine Reminder

As a reminder, the Extended Day staff does NOT have access to student medications in the nurse’s office. If your student will require medication to be available to him/her in after care (for example, inhalers or epipens), you will need to provide a 2nd supply of medication for the Extended Day Staff.

For families that need to drop medicine off, the nurse will have office hours tomorrow – Tuesday, August 29th from 9am – 2pm – and Wednesday, August 30th during the “Meet-the-Teacher/Classroom Visit/Supply Drop-off” Event (8:30am – 11:30am).


Parking: Morning Drop-off & Afternoon Pick-Up

We are excited for a great year!!  Please help us get off to a smooth start by reviewing our drop-and-go protocol (for K-8) and acceptable parking options for families.  Please be sure to share this information with anyone who drops off or picks up your children. 

Morning drop-off for K-8 (7:30am-7:50am) and afternoon pick-up (2:00pm) always creates very heavy traffic flow around the school area.   We need every parent to please pay attention to our school protocol for drop-off and parking:

There is NO parking against the curb in front of the main school from 7:30am – 7:50am – this area is used for morning K – 8 quick Drop-and-Go only (parents should not be getting out of the car with their child – this is only for quick drop-off and go only).  This area is also off limits for cars at afternoon dismissal.

If you would like to walk up to the school with your child, or your child needs a few extra minutes to collect their things before getting out of the car, please park in the acceptable parking areas around the school.  The Saint James Church Parking Lot is always available for you to park and walk up (there is a crossing guard to help you safely cross to the school).  You may also park on Otis Street (one side only), Park Street past the Pre-K building (both sides), St. James Street (one side only).

The Map Below shows our Drop-and-Go areas for morning drop-off (in front of the school) and areas that are available to park in the morning and afternoons.  There is no parking in the red areas.

Important notes:

* Pay attention to all NO PARKING signs and cones around the school – these areas are off limits for a reason.

* We enjoy a great relationship with our neighbors, please do not block their driveways with your vehicle under any circumstances.

* Please do not allow your child to cross the road anywhere other than the crosswalks (even if you are with them) and please ensure children are only getting out of your car towards the sidewalk (so they are not opening doors and hopping out into traffic).

* Please do not park in front of the K-8 school building or where the buses park (Church St.) at dismissal time.

* Please do not pull into or park in the school’s parking lots or the driveway behind the blue house on Park St. (these are for staff only).

* Only very slow, cautious turns onto Otis Street, please.

There are numerous children, parents, and staff members walking up to the school in the mornings.  Please drive SLOW and watch your surroundings very carefully at all times!

Please be sure to share this information with anyone who drops off or picks up your children.  We want to ensure everyone has a safe start to their school day every day.

Thank you!