Grandparents' & Special Persons' Day

Last week you should have received home in your child’s school folder the information form for Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ day, coming up on October 20th.  The permission slip/information notice is due back to the school by this Friday, October 7th.  If you need a new copy of the form, it can be downloaded HERE.

Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day

Last week you should have received home in your child’s school folder the information form for Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ day, coming up on October 20th.  The permission slip/information notice is due back to the school by this Friday, October 7th.  If you need a new copy of the form, it can be downloaded HERE.

October HSA Meeting

The HSA will hold its monthly board meeting on Tuesday, October 4 at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria.  All parents/guardians/grandparents of SJS students are welcome to attend.  When you arrive at the school for the meeting, please ring the buzzer to the left of the breezeway door and meet us in the Cafeteria.

This month’s agenda will include a discussion of Halloween Trunk or Treat, upcoming fundraisers, updates on the Mother/Son and Father/Son events, and future plans for Family Fun Nights.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact us with any feedback or questions at

United Way Workplace Campaigns

The 2016-2017 United Way Community Workforce Campaign will be kicking off at many local companies over the next few weeks. Please remember you can donate to Saint James School through the United Way by utilizing our code – AG0681-1 or going to the section “Write In/Other” and writing in “Saint James School, Manchester, CT.” Please share this information with relatives and friends who may be willing to support our school as well.  As always, we thank you for your consideration and support of Saint James School!

Congratulations Volunteers!

Congratulations and Thank You to our 2016-2017 Saint James School volunteers of the year: Mrs. Canna and Mrs. Toomey. These special volunteers were honored last night at the 39th Hopes Dinner at the Aqua Turf in Southington, where they received the St. John Newman Award for Volunteer Service.


October Saber Stories

Please find attached the October issue of Saint James School’s monthly newsletter, Saber Stories.

October Saber Stories Newsletter

St. Francis of Assisi Blessing of the Animals

Bring your pets and join Father Carlson on the St. James Church lawn this Saturday (10/1) at 2:00pm for the blessing of the animals in celebration of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi.  All Saint James School families are welcome.

If you are on Facebook, please consider liking St. James Church’s Facebook page for upcoming events and information.

Lucky Taco Dine-Out A Success!

A huge Thank You to all our SJS families and friends who visited Lucky Taco yesterday for the SJS Dine-Out.  The turnout was exceptional and raised over $400.00 for Saint James School!

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Congratulations SJS XC!

Congratulations to the SJS Cross Country team on a great meet at Vernon Middle School yesterday.  The girls took 1st place against Vernon and Illing.  Lindsay O’Neill won the competition with Abby Ray coming in a close second place.  Kaitlyn Nyberg placed 4th, Elizabeth Munns placed 5th, and Isabelle Burke placed 6th!

The boys also scored exceptionally well, coming in 2nd of the 3 teams competing.  Kyle Pelletier was the top SJS runner, placing 2nd overall, followed by Dominic Cavallo in 3rd place.  AJ Bushnell also finished strong in 9th place and Kevin Leger in 14th place rounded out the top 5 for our boy’s team.

Way to go Sabers!!


Lunch Calendar October

The October Lunch Calendar has been added to the homepage of the school website.