Attention Cross Country Runners,
The first Cross Country practice of the season will be held on Tuesday, September 6th. It will be open to all SJS students in 5th – 8th grade.
In order to participate all three items below must be turned in by the end of the day Tuesday:
- The completed 2016-2017 Athletic Health Form, signed by the child’s doctor;
- The $35.00 cross country fee required for each participant (make checks out to “Saint James School”); and
- The completed 2016 XC Participant Information Form
Completed forms and/or payment can be given to the teacher by the student or dropped off at the main office by the parent/guardian. (Please only pay the Cross Country fee at this time, even if your child will be doing other sports).
Practices are on most Tuesdays and Thursdays with a few exceptions due to ½ days or scheduled meets. Check the SJS Cross Country Webpage for a schedule which will be updated as changes occur (please note, you can “subscribe” to the XC schedule and your personal calendar will automatically update). At the end of the school day, XC students will be dismissed with their class to the gym with the “Walkers,” where they will leave their backpacks, change, and begin practice. Practices are from 2:15-3:30pm.
Meets that occur during the week are open to all XC runners. Invitational meets, scheduled on Saturdays, are for middle school students only (6th-8th). As in the past, students are expected to obtain their own transportation to the meets. Carpooling between families is highly recommended! Coach O’Neill will meet everyone at the determined XC meet site.
If anyone is interested in assisting during the season, Mrs. O’Neill would welcome their help. We anticipate a good turnout and it becomes challenging to keep all the kids together once they begin running. Please contact Coach O’Neill if you can help (
Cross country is a fun and rewarding experience for the kids. We look forward to the upcoming season!
First HSA Meeting Tonight!
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolThe first Home & School Association (HSA) meeting of the year will be held this this evening (9/6) at 7:00pm in the school cafeteria. All parents/ grandparents/ guardians with a child at Saint James School Pre-K – 8th Grade are welcome to attend!
We will Not be providing child care for this meeting (a change from the original plan), but children are more than welcome to come with their parents (we expect the meeting to be approximately 45 minutes or less). When you arrive at the school for the meeting, please ring the buzzer to the left of the breezeway door and meet us in the Cafeteria.
Whether you are new to Saint James School or a returning parent, we have a new HSA board this year and ask that you take a few minutes to read through the HSA Welcome Packet (click to open).
Here is the agenda for the meeting. Please email HSA President, Alicia Poth, at with any questions. We look forward to sharing with you all the fun coming up this year!
Instrumental Music New Student Info Session Tonight
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder, there will be a meeting tonight, September 6th, at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria for all beginning and transfer band students and their parents.
SJS Fall Fundraiser
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAll students (PreK-Grade 8) should have received a Fall Fundraiser packet home with their child(ren) on Friday from Cherrydale/Jeanine Fundraising. This catalog-based fundraiser offers a wide-range of items including wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets, home decor, candles, cookies, cakes, and candy — there is something for everyone!
Sales can be made in person using the order form from the packet or online at At the end of the fundraiser, students will earn prizes based on the total number of items sold. In addition, throughout the sale, there are 3 chances to earn extra incentives. Turn-in dates for “Crazy Creature” incentives are:
Friday, September 9
Friday, September 16
Friday, September 23
Please return all order forms (top two copies ONLY) and payment no later than Friday, September 23. Checks should be payable to “St. James School” and we ask that you write your child’s name on the memo line of the check.
This fundraiser is one of our most successful of the year and we appreciate your participation! If you have any questions, please contact the school office or email our school’s fundraising Chair, Kate Davis, at
Extended Day Paperwork
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease note, we have several families who are using the Extended Day program but have not completed all the required registration paperwork. Please look in the bin near the sign-in/out keypad at pickup to see if there is an envelope with your name on it. All Extended Day paperwork must be complete and returned by Friday to continue utilizing the program.
Saber Stories
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease find attached the September issue of Saint James School’s monthly newsletter, Saber Stories. A hard copy of the newsletter was sent home to all NEW SJS families only. All future editions will come via e-mail. Please be sure to read through the entire newsletter each month for important news and updates.
September 2016 Saber Stories
No School Monday
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThere will be no school on Monday for the Labor Day Holiday. We hope everyone has a safe, fun-filled long weekend! We will see you back at school on Tuesday morning.
Mass Tuesday
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolStudents in grades 1 – 8 will attend Mass at Saint James Church on Tuesday, September 6th at 9:15am.
If your child has Gym on Tuesdays, they should wear their Regular Warm Weather (Khaki Shorts/Skort) Uniform on Tuesday for Mass. Students in Grades 5 and up that have Gym on Tuesday, may bring their Gym Uniform/Sneakers in a separate bag and change at school after the Mass.
As always, parents are welcome to sit in the back of the church and participate in the Mass along with the students. We hope to see you there!
SJS Cross Country
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAttention Cross Country Runners,
The first Cross Country practice of the season will be held on Tuesday, September 6th. It will be open to all SJS students in 5th – 8th grade.
In order to participate all three items below must be turned in by the end of the day Tuesday:
Completed forms and/or payment can be given to the teacher by the student or dropped off at the main office by the parent/guardian. (Please only pay the Cross Country fee at this time, even if your child will be doing other sports).
Practices are on most Tuesdays and Thursdays with a few exceptions due to ½ days or scheduled meets. Check the SJS Cross Country Webpage for a schedule which will be updated as changes occur (please note, you can “subscribe” to the XC schedule and your personal calendar will automatically update). At the end of the school day, XC students will be dismissed with their class to the gym with the “Walkers,” where they will leave their backpacks, change, and begin practice. Practices are from 2:15-3:30pm.
Meets that occur during the week are open to all XC runners. Invitational meets, scheduled on Saturdays, are for middle school students only (6th-8th). As in the past, students are expected to obtain their own transportation to the meets. Carpooling between families is highly recommended! Coach O’Neill will meet everyone at the determined XC meet site.
If anyone is interested in assisting during the season, Mrs. O’Neill would welcome their help. We anticipate a good turnout and it becomes challenging to keep all the kids together once they begin running. Please contact Coach O’Neill if you can help (
Cross country is a fun and rewarding experience for the kids. We look forward to the upcoming season!
Drop-Off & Pick-Up For Tomorrow
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolTomorrow morning we will be utilizing standard drop-off procedures. This means all students will enter through the breezeway doors & parents will not accompany their children into the school. Staff and helpers will be available to escort new and younger students to the correct spot.
If you are doing curbside drop-and-go in front of the school – please remember not to get out of your car. This is meant for quick drop-offs only. If you need to get out of your car to help your child or walk your child to the breezeway door, you must find a parking spot.
Also, if you are not registered for the before-care/after-care program, your child cannot be dropped off before 7:30am.
Parents of Kindergartners and younger students: If you are picking your child up in the Gym at the end of the day, please do not go out the back doors where the buses are. We ask that all parents exit through the main doors they enter the gym through. We don’t want our parents and students getting caught crossing in front of the buses and creating an unsafe situation.
Thank you everyone for adhering to the drop-off and pick-up procedures and for helping to make today a GREAT first day of school!
1st Day Pictures
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolBelow are a few of the pictures taken this morning for the 1st day of school (click pictures to enlarge).