73 Park Street | Manchester, CT 06040 | (860) 643-5088 | Fax: (860) 649-6462 | e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Saint James School
73 Park Street
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
HSA October Newsletter
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease take a look at this month’s HSA Newsletter (Click to open) to learn about all that is happening this month and be sure to check out our new HSA webpage: https://saintjamesschool.net//hsa/.
Congratulations SJS XC!
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe SJS girls cross country team celebrated another win yesterday at Illing Middle School. Almost sweeping the field, the girls placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th! Lindsay O’Neill led the team followed by Abby Ray, Izzy Burke, Ally Ansaldi, and Kaitlyn Nyberg.
For the boys, Kyle Pelletier ran an exceptional race, placing 3rd out of a very impressive field of runners. Kevin Leger, Ben Creamer, Dominic Cavallo, and Ryan St. Jean were the top scores for Saint James.
Saturday the team will compete at the Wickham Invitational. Athletes should arrive no later than 8:00am on the course.
No School Reminders & Grandparents Day
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenAs a reminder, there will be NO School next Monday (10/10) for the Columbus Day Holiday. There will also be an early dismissal day on October 20th for Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day (aftercare will be in session on 10/20). Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day forms are due back to the teacher by tomorrow (10/7). Click HERE for a copy of the form.
Please note, Grandparents Day on the 20th is for Grades K – 8 only – our Pre-K has a special Grandparents event in the Spring…we apologize to our Pre-K parents for any confusion.
If you are not subscribed to our school’s full calendar and would like for our school’s day off/early dismissal days to appear on your personal calendar, please use this LINK and click the “Subscribe to filtered calendar” button found at the bottom of the page.
No School Reminders & Grandparents Day
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder, there will be NO School next Monday (10/10) for the Columbus Day Holiday. There will also be an early dismissal day on October 20th for Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day (aftercare will be in session on 10/20). Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day forms are due back to the teacher by tomorrow (10/7). Click HERE for a copy of the form.
Please note, Grandparents Day on the 20th is for Grades K – 8 only – our Pre-K has a special Grandparents event in the Spring…we apologize to our Pre-K parents for any confusion.
If you are not subscribed to our school’s full calendar and would like for our school’s day off/early dismissal days to appear on your personal calendar, please use this LINK and click the “Subscribe to filtered calendar” button found at the bottom of the page.
REVISED Information for Trunk or Treat
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe Trunk or Treat event time has been changed to better accommodate busy weekend schedules. The event will now end at 3:30 instead of 4:30. Please see the revised flyer HERE.
SJS Cross Country Gear
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolFor parents and students on the SJS Cross Country team, attached please find the order form for XC Spiritwear. Orders are due to Coach O’Neill by today, Thursday (10/6).
Parking at Dropoff/Pick-up
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease note, SJS parents/guardians should not be parking on Oak Place (the private driveway off of Church Street) or in the parking spots that are located at the white house behind our school at drop-off and pick-up. These spots are designated for staff only. Please also remember there should be no parking in any area marked with no parking signs at drop-off and pick-up.
Blessing of the (Stuffed) Animals
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAs it is customary around the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi (the Patron Saint of Animals) for churches to hold a special ceremony for the Blessing of the Pets, Saint James School Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students were able to bring their own (stuffed) “pets” to school today for a special blessing by Father Carlson. Below are some pictures from these fun events (please click to enlarge).
SJS XC – Harry Geraghty Invitational Results
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolCongratulations to the SJS Cross Country team on another impressive performance at the Harry Geraghty Invitational that was held at Rockville High School this past weekend. The girls took home a 2nd place trophy, will Lindsay O’Neill – the top SJS runner – finishing 5th out of a field of 85 athletes. Abby Ray, in her first invitational meet, finished a strong 7th place with Isabelle Burke in 8th, Ally Ansaldi in 9th, and Kaitlyn Nyberg in 10th.
On the boys side, Dominic Cavallo led the team to a 3rd place trophy, placing 15th out of 94 runners. AJ Bushnell had a strong race as well, placing 22nd, with Jack Green, Kevin Leger, and Ryan St. Jean rounding out the top 5 scorers for SJS.
The team’s next meet will be this Thursday at Illing Middle School.
Spirit Sticks Are Back!
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThe HSA is selling Spirit Sticks again this year. Spirit Sticks are a fun way for students to express themselves and decorate their backpacks. Start with the Saint James School/Sabers Key Ring (front and back shown below): The Key Rings are $5 each and with this purchase you get your first spirit stick FREE. Then, purchase additional spirit sticks for $1/each to enhance your collection.
Please see the image below showing the sticks that are currently available (click picture to enlarge).
To purchase spirit sticks (and/or the SJS key chain), please fill out the Spirit Sticks Order Form and return it with EXACT CASH ONLY through your child’s school folder in an envelope marked “Spirit Stick Order, For Kerry Caldwell, c/o Taylor.” Orders will be distributed to the teachers and sent home with your child. If you have any questions, please contact SJS parent volunteer Kerry Caldwell at kmcaldwell@gmail.com.