Saint James School is excited to once again participate in the town-wide Frank Rizza Manchester Elementary School Cross Country Challenge. This event celebrates the life of long-time Manchester resident, Frank Rizza, an alum of East Catholic High School who served as the gym teacher at Verplank Elementary School in Manchester for 34 years before passing away in 2002 at the age of 55.
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, October 15th at Manchester High School and is open to boys & girls in Kindergarten through grade 5.
More details can be found in the attached Cross Country Challenge Registration Form. If your child is interested in running, please fill out the bottom part of the form and return it to the school office as soon as possible. Saint James School has traditionally received several awards at this event. We hope all students who like to run will come out in support of our school!
We are also in need of several parent volunteers from Saint James School to help out with our registration table, scoring table, racer supervision, and awarding of prizes. If you are able to help us out in one of these capacities the day of the event (8:00am – 12:30pm), please contact Andrea Piotrowski (the parent volunteer coordinating this event for our school) at
All runners finishing the course will receive a participation ribbon. Individual medals will be awarded to the top 15 finishers in each race. Trophies will also be awarded to the top placing schools in each race (we must have at least 5 winners in the race to qualify for a trophy). This race is a really nice event and a lot of fun for the kids! We hope you will join us!!
Please submit a registration form by Friday, September 23 at the latest for your child to receive a free Frank Rizza XC Challenge/Saint James School race t-shirt (shirts will be handed out the day of the race). Students registering after the 23rd deadline will not receive a shirt but may still participate in the event.
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolAttached below are the calendars for the current school year. Please make sure you are using the most updated version. For future reference, current calendars always reside on our website under the Documents & Forms yellow quick link and be updated with changes along with the SJS website calendar
One Page Calendar
Monthly Events Calendar (K-8)
You may also wish to refer to the calendar on the homepage of our website if you have a question about the daily schedule.
If you would like to Subscribe to the school calendar on your personal calendar, you can do so opening the full calendar via the school website homepage and clicking the “Subscribe” button at the bottom. Once you Subscribe, changes to the school calendar will automatically sync to your personal calendar.
Or, if you wish to Subscribe to just days off and early dismissal days, we have created a special segment to make this possible. Click HERE and choose “subscribe to filtered calendar” at the bottom.
Basketball Registration
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolBasketball game schedules for the season will be set within the next few weeks for all the schools in our league. Therefore, we are are asking all Saint James School parents to register their child(ren) for the upcoming season NOW so our Athletic Director can form the teams and get all teams on the schedule. Students in grades 4 – 8 expressing interest in basketball (through a show of hands) may make the team count/structure different last year, and consequently we may need to add or combine some teams.
In order to participate on an SJS basketball team this year all three items below must be turned in by the end of the day on Friday, September 23rd. Please note, the school reserves the right to accept/not accept player registrations after September 23rd based on existing team size, etc.
Completed forms and/or payment can be given to the homeroom teacher by the student or dropped off at the main office by the parent/guardian. (Please only pay the Basketball fee at this time, even if your child will be doing other sports or activities).
Update: School Choir Grades 3 & 4
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenUpdate: We have expanded the grade range for the school choir to include Grades 3 & 4. Mrs. Archangeli will be giving 3rd & 4th grade students the attached information sheet (it was already given to students in grades 5-8). Please send the completed form back Tomorrow (Tuesday, 9/20) if your child is interested in participating.
Also, please note, students do NOT need to be of the Catholic faith or be members of Saint James Church in order to participate in the choir and sing at the designated Masses.
Update: School Choir Grades 3 & 4
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolUpdate: We have expanded the grade range for the school choir to include Grades 3 & 4. Mrs. Archangeli will be giving 3rd & 4th grade students the attached information sheet (it was already given to students in grades 5-8). Please send the completed form back Tomorrow (Tuesday, 9/20) if your child is interested in participating.
Also, please note, students do NOT need to be of the Catholic faith or be members of Saint James Church in order to participate in the choir and sing at the designated Masses.
Updated K-8 Handbook
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolPlease be advised, in keeping with the new Archdiocesan policies, the report card grading system for students in grades 1 – 3 will be as follows:
5: Consistently exceeded grade level expectations
4: Consistently achieved grade level expectations
3: Approaching mastery of grade level expectations
2: Approaching proficiency toward grade level expectations
1: Difficulty meeting grade level expectations
I: Incomplete
The 2016-2017 Parent/Student Handbook has been updated to reflect this change (page 11). In addition, as announced at the end of last year, Saint James School will utilize a “trimester” grading system this year.
Picture Day Volunteers
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThank you to the parents who have offered to help out during school picture days. We are still in need of one volunteer to help on Weds, Sept. 28 from 10am-noon and one volunteer to help on Thurs, Sept. 29 from 10am-noon. Volunteers will help organize the students and make sure hair and collars are picture perfect! If you are able to help please email Alicia Poth at
Volunteer Questionnaire
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThank you to all families who have returned the paper copy of the Volunteer Questionnaire form. If you have not returned the form but are interested in volunteering, please fill out the online Volunteer Questionnaire form by following this link. Once responses are submitted, you will be contacted by committee chairs with more details on the events/committees you have indicated. Thank you for your interest in helping out this year!
Book Fair Profit Update
/in Front Page Picture /by Saint James SchoolThank You to everyone who shopped at the Scholastic Book Fair this past week! We sold $8,293 worth of books, resulting in just over $4,000 in funds for the school to use to buy new books (and other items) for the classrooms and library!! If you are still interested in purchasing books, the online book fair is still open at until Sept. 23rd. Books purchased online will be shipped to the school and delivered to your child for free.
We also want to send a huge Thank You to our book fair volunteer chairs, Heather Meyer and Cindy Herr, for their hard work and dedication to making our annual book fair such a success. And, last but not least, Thank You to all the parent volunteers who donated blocks of their time over the past week helping out.
Volunteer Questionnaire
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James School“Thank you” to all families who have returned the paper copy of the Volunteer Questionnaire form. If you have not returned the form but are interested in volunteering, please fill out the online Volunteer Questionnaire form by following this link. Once responses are submitted, you will be contacted by committee chairs with more details on the events/committees you have indicated. Thank you for your interest in helping out this year!
Elementary School Cross Country Challenge
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolSaint James School is excited to once again participate in the town-wide Frank Rizza Manchester Elementary School Cross Country Challenge. This event celebrates the life of long-time Manchester resident, Frank Rizza, an alum of East Catholic High School who served as the gym teacher at Verplank Elementary School in Manchester for 34 years before passing away in 2002 at the age of 55.
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, October 15th at Manchester High School and is open to boys & girls in Kindergarten through grade 5.
More details can be found in the attached Cross Country Challenge Registration Form. If your child is interested in running, please fill out the bottom part of the form and return it to the school office as soon as possible. Saint James School has traditionally received several awards at this event. We hope all students who like to run will come out in support of our school!
We are also in need of several parent volunteers from Saint James School to help out with our registration table, scoring table, racer supervision, and awarding of prizes. If you are able to help us out in one of these capacities the day of the event (8:00am – 12:30pm), please contact Andrea Piotrowski (the parent volunteer coordinating this event for our school) at
All runners finishing the course will receive a participation ribbon. Individual medals will be awarded to the top 15 finishers in each race. Trophies will also be awarded to the top placing schools in each race (we must have at least 5 winners in the race to qualify for a trophy). This race is a really nice event and a lot of fun for the kids! We hope you will join us!!
Please submit a registration form by Friday, September 23 at the latest for your child to receive a free Frank Rizza XC Challenge/Saint James School race t-shirt (shirts will be handed out the day of the race). Students registering after the 23rd deadline will not receive a shirt but may still participate in the event.