73 Park Street | Manchester, CT 06040 | (860) 643-5088 | Fax: (860) 649-6462 | e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Saint James School
73 Park Street
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Last Call: SJS Basketball Spirit Wear
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAttached please find the flyer for basketball spirit wear. SJS Basketball players may wear the basketball spirit wear shorts/pants and sweatshirt to school on their gym day, along with their standard white/gray gym shirt. Orders are due to the office by October 31st.
Basketball Spirit Wear Items & Order Form
4th & 5th Grade Basketball
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenAs a reminder the boys 4th & 5th grade basketball program evaluations and team assignments, scheduled for this Saturday, has been moved to 3:00pm due to a gym schedule conflict.
4th & 5th Grade Basketball
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder the boys 4th & 5th grade basketball program evaluations and team assignments, scheduled for this Saturday, has been moved to 3:00pm due to a gym schedule conflict.
Lands' End – 40% Off Order Sale
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenLands’ End is offering 40% off merchandise during their annual Friends & Family sale, running October 31st – November 8th. The Promotion Code is: FAMILY40 and the Pin is: 8055
Lands’ End – 40% Off Order Sale
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolLands’ End is offering 40% off merchandise during their annual Friends & Family sale, running October 31st – November 8th. The Promotion Code is: FAMILY40 and the Pin is: 8055
Today's XC Meet Cancelled & Next Week's Practice
/in St. James Notices /by jonesenToday’s cross country meet has been cancelled due to the weather. The meet will not be rescheduled. Since this was the last meet for the 5th graders, Coach O’Neill requests that 5th grade XC runners wash their uniform and return it to the school in a bag labeled with the child’s name.
The last meet for 6th – 8th grade runners will be the CT State meet at Wickham Part on Saturday, November 5th. Drivers are needed for next Tuesday’s practice to take the team over to Wickham Park to become familiar with the course. If you can help, please contact Coach O’Neill.
Today’s XC Meet Cancelled & Next Week’s Practice
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolToday’s cross country meet has been cancelled due to the weather. The meet will not be rescheduled. Since this was the last meet for the 5th graders, Coach O’Neill requests that 5th grade XC runners wash their uniform and return it to the school in a bag labeled with the child’s name.
The last meet for 6th – 8th grade runners will be the CT State meet at Wickham Part on Saturday, November 5th. Drivers are needed for next Tuesday’s practice to take the team over to Wickham Park to become familiar with the course. If you can help, please contact Coach O’Neill.
Fundraiser Order Pick-up Today
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolCherrydale/Jeannine fundraiser items will be available for pick up on the gym stage today (Wednesday 10/26) from 2:00-2:30. If you do not come to afternoon pick-up, your items will be available in the gym or breezeway until 5:30pm on Wednesday (please ring the buzzer at the Breezeway door to enter the school after 2:45).
PLEASE NOTE: We cannot store frozen and perishable food items so you must pick your items up by 5:30 on Wednesday if you ordered frozen goods. Contact Kate Davis at 70greenbean@sbcglobal.net with any questions.
Thank you again for your support of Saint James School!
Boys Basketball Update
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAttention parents of boys basketball players in grades 6-8: The Boys JV and Varsity Team Rosters can be viewed HERE.
Upcoming Practices:
Thursday: JV Gold 5 pm to 6:30; Varsity Gold 6:30 to 8:15 pm
Saturday: 4th and 5th grade Boys Team selections 9 am to 11 am (all 4 & 5th graders placed on team)
Sunday: Varsity Gold 1 pm to 2:30 pm; JV Gold/Blue 2:30 to 4 pm; Varsity Blue 4pm to 5:30pm
Click here for the basketball calendar
SJS K-8th Grade Open House – November 8th
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolSaint James School will host an Open House for its Kindergarten – 8th Grade on Tuesday, November 8th at 8:30am. We will also begin accepting New Student Application Forms for the 2017-2018 school year at that time (please note: registration for next year for currently enrolled K-8 students will take place in January).
Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing our Facebook Post (Click HERE) or by using this link (Click HERE) to e-mail your friends.
If you would like us to send an informational Open House postcard to a friend on behalf of the school, please e-mail our Advancement Director at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.