Attention 8th Grade Parents

The attached notice was recently sent home with students regarding important dates and end of the year activities for our 8th grade students.

Grade 8 End of Year Info

State Budget Cuts To Impact Busing?

As you are aware, Connecticut faces some drastic budget cuts.  The budgets proposed by both Governor Malloy and the Democratic Legislative Leadership would cut all funds, approximately $28 million, that towns receive to defray the cost of transporting both public and private school students within their boundaries.  These cuts will eventually necessitate higher property taxes, since towns must provide school buses to transport both public and private school students.

The Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference is very concerned that should these cuts be enacted it would include a provision that would relieve towns of the current requirement that they transport parochial school students within their community.  This, along with the property tax increases that will be necessary,could significantly impact Saint James School.

Safe and dependable transportation to our school is important to many parents. Catholic Schools save the state of $420 million, and our current line item for transportation is under $4 million for the entire state – great savings at a minimal cost.

Even if you don’t currently use the bus, please contact your legislators in order to urge them to reinstate funding for safe and reliable transportation. This proposal was already made and we need you to act today.  You can search for your local representative here (once searched, click their name for contact information)

Or, contact our state leaders:

Dannel Malloy

Sen. Martin Looney
President Pro Tempore

Rep. Brendan Sharkey
Speaker of the House

2016 Spring Concert

Congratulations to all our instrumental music students and 3rd graders on a wonderful performance at the Spring Concert yesterday.  Special thanks to Mr. Corcoran and Mrs. Archangeli for helping our students become such wonderful musicians and encouraging them to truly appreciate all aspects of music.  Below are a few pictures from the daytime concert (click to enlarge).

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HSA Meeting Reminder

The next HSA meeting will be held this evening (Tuesday, May 3rd) at 7:00pm in the SJS Cafeteria.  Please come share your ideas on upcoming HSA events and planning for the end of the school year.  (Please note, there will not be childcare available this meeting).  We look forward to seeing you there!

Box Tops Winner For April/May

Congratulations to Mrs. Devanney’s class for winning the April/May Box Tops contest with over 1,000 Box Tops submitted.  Mrs. Dufresne and the student volunteers counted over 4,500 Box Tops yesterday – which equated over $450 for our school!  Mrs. Devanney will let the students know when their dress down day will occur.

Thank you again to everyone who participated this year.  The Box Tops contests will start again in the Fall.


Instrumental Music

This Wednesday,  May 4th, Saint James band students will perform in the school’s annual Spring Concert.  The concert for families and friends begins at 6:00pm (please note time change).  Instrumental music students should arrive at 5:30pm. For the evening concert, students are reminded to dress in white shirts and black pants for the boys and long black skirts (or black pants) for the girls, plus their school shoes.  The students will wear their regular school uniforms during the concert for the school.

To prepare  for this event all  instrumental music students in grades 4 and 5 will have lessons and band on Tuesday, May 3rd. 

We will need several parents to assist the students with their  band uniforms for the night concert.

5th Graders Win at State Competition

Congratulations to Saint James School 5th grade students Lauren, Jillian, and Abby on winning 1st place in the State Competition (5th grade category) for the video they created and submitted to the Elk Lodge’s Drug Awareness Contest.  The trio also won 2nd place in the pre-high school division for all of Connecticut!!  Their video will now be forwarded on to the National level of the competition.  In addition, SJS 5th graders Alexa, Kaitlyn, Norah, Nikki, and Samara took 2nd place in the State Contest (5th grade) for their video.  Alexa also won 2nd place in the 5th grade Poster Contest at the state level!  Great work 5th grade!  (Thank you to Mrs. Ray for the pictures).


Last Call For RSVPs: Mother/Daughter Tea

Grab a teacup and lift those pinkies!  The Saint James School HSA is hosting a Mother/Daughter Tea on Saturday, May 14, from 11:00am – 1:00pm in the school cafeteria.  All girls in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade should have received an invitation home in their child’s school folder.  If you need another invitation, please stop by the main office.  Questions should be directed to Kate Davis or Keshet Spadaccini kspaddaccini@att.netRSVPs will still be accepted tomorrow if you forgot to send it in today.

Box Tops Counted On Monday

Box tops will be counted for the next dress down contest this coming Monday, May 2nd, right after school.  Please be sure to send in your box tops by the end of the school day (2:05pm) on Monday.  This will be the last Box Tops contest for the year.

8th Grade Peabody Museum Trip

Saint James School 8th graders recently enjoyed a field trip to the Peabody Museum of Natural History. Below you will find a picture of the SJS class of 2016 in front of the museum (along with the 8th grade homeroom teachers, Mrs. Plourd and Mrs. Gordon, and middle school science teacher, Mrs. Plante) along with two other pictures of the students enjoying the museum.

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