Paint Nite Sold Out

The Mom’s Night Out Paint Nite is sold out.  If you didn’t get a chance to sign up but are interested in attending in the future, please email the HSA at  If there is enough interest, we can schedule another paint nite (or similar event) in the upcoming months!

TIME CHANGE for Father/Son Event

PLEASE NOTE:  The time of the Father/Son Event has changed.  It will run from 11:00am-1:00pm.

If you did not RSVP but would like to attend, you are still welcome.  Simply pay at the door and join the fun.  Please note: only the families that sent in an RSVP form will receive complimentary beverages.

Family Fun Night: Dance Party!

The HSA invites all students and their families to a Family Fun Night: DANCE PARTY on Friday, February 10 from 6:30-8:oopm.  It will be a great time for dancing and socializing!  Please click HERE to see the flyer with additional details.  RSVPs due by Feb 1.

Reminder: Open House For Prospective Families Tomorrow

Saint James School will host an Open House for families considering our Pre-Kindergarten and/or Kindergarten through 8th Grade program for the 2017-2018 school year.  If you know of anyone who may be considering Saint James School, please invite them to attend.

Questions regarding admissions for next year may be directed to Mrs. Delsignore in the main office ( or our Advancement Director, Amy Guenther (  Applications for the 2017-2018  school year are already being accepted for new Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade students for next year. Returning student registration forms will be sent home on Wednesday of this week.

Thank you to everyone who liked and/or shared our Open House post on Facebook.  If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to do so now by clicking HERE.

TIME CHANGE for Father/Son Event

PLEASE NOTE:  The time of the Father/Son Event has changed.  It will run from 11:00am-1:00pm.

If you did not RSVP but would like to attend, you are still welcome.  Simply pay at the door and join the fun.  Please note: only the families that sent in an RSVP form will receive complimentary beverages.

National Girls and Women In Sports Day

SJS Coach Jaime Jablonecki and the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) would like to invite all girls ages 7-13 to come and celebrate the National Girls and Women In Sports Day on February 11th at USJ in West Hartford, CT.  Please see this flyer for individual activities your daughter(s) can choose to participate in, as well as, an invitation to watch and support the USJ Bluejays as they take on the Anna Maria Wild Cats in a basketball game at 1 p.m.  RSVP information is included in the flyer.
If you have any questions please contact Coach Jaime at

Kindergartens Practice With 'E'

Check out these cute pictures from Mrs. Gangloff’s Kindergarten class this morning as they worked on reinforcing their letter ‘E’ writing and site word skills. (click pictures to enlarge)

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Kindergartens Practice With ‘E’

Check out these cute pictures from Mrs. Gangloff’s Kindergarten class this morning as they worked on reinforcing their letter ‘E’ writing and site word skills. (click pictures to enlarge)

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January 2017 SJS Parent Survey

The SJS Administration and 2016-2017 School Board are looking for feedback on your current experience as a Saint James School parent/guardian.  Please take a few moments to read the attached letter from the 2016-2017 SJS School Board and complete one survey per family for EACH AREA where you CURRENTLY have a child enrolled.

Surveys are short, anonymous, and allow for comments.  Your feedback is very important to us so please take the time to think through your responses (being as specific as possible) so that we may provide the best possible experience at each grade level.

Families NEW to the SJS K-8 Program this school year are asked to NOT take these surveys, and instead use the NEW K-8 Family Survey sent out under a separate e-mail by our Advancement Director, Amy Guenther.

As always, we sincerely thank you for your time and input!

TIME CHANGE for Father/Son Event

PLEASE NOTE:  The time of the Father/Son Event has changed.  It will run from 11:00am-1:00pm.

If you did not RSVP but would like to attend, you are still welcome.  Simply pay at the door and join the fun.  Please note: only the families that sent in an RSVP form will receive complimentary beverages.