5th Grade Ship Day 2017!

To immerse their students in an important aspect of early American History, today the 5th Grade teachers transformed one of their classrooms into an emigrant ship for a day. This unique learning experience was designed to help students appreciate the hardships that our forefathers experienced as they set sail for the “new world.”

The morning began with students arriving for school in period clothes and hauling all the supplies they would need for their adventure. This included food, water, blankets, pillows, and period-appropriate entertainment. Since all items brought to the “ship” had to coincide with items available in the early 1600s through late 1800s, students, like emigrants before them, were forced to wait in a long line while bag checkers went through their belongings and cleared them for departure.

Upon boarding, students were asked to sign the ship’s manifest (the “Saint James School Compact”) and were given their passenger papers (classwork). Next, they settled their belongings in the tight sleeping quarters – one space being designated for boys and a separate space for girls.  After everyone was on board, the classroom door was shut and all the students settled in for their day “at sea”.  This year, the teachers added a “First Class” section for students who had accumulated enough “teacher bucks” that they could afford to pay the steep $10 fee. Students in first class enjoyed fresh air, private quarters, chocolate, and other treats delivered by the teachers/queens.

Although the fifth grade teachers did remain in the classroom, the students (led by their two designated captains) were solely responsible for completing their work, maintaining a peaceful ship, and working as a team to overcome challenges.  Two “ministers” on the ship ensured that hourly prayers were said. When rations started to dwindle, students took turns fishing out the window.

Students encountered storms and other challenges during their day at sea.  As the school day came to a close, “land” was sighted and preparations for debarking began.  Students will be writing about their experiences in their journal.  Below are some pictures from the morning (click to enlarge):


Dance Party Fun!

The HSA would like to thank all the families that came to the Dance Party on Friday evening.  It was a really fun time with lots of dancing and socializing!  Thank you to everyone who brought delicious food and drinks to share.  A special thanks goes to Mrs. Cattanach for being the DJ and dance leader!  Please see the pictures below (click to enlarge) sent in by Mrs. Fiereck.



DUE TOMORROW: 2017-2018 Registration Paperwork

The 2017-2018 registration paperwork for returning students was sent home with students on February 1st.  As a reminder, the completed pages & registration fee are due back to the school by tomorrow, February 28th.  These are as follows:

  1. The Completed Family Registration Form;
  2. The Completed and signed Tuition Contract;
  3. The Completed Photo Permission Form & Code Red Authorization;
  4. The Signed Parish Affiliation form (for practicing Roman Catholic families)
  5. Your $100 (per family) registration fee;

If you are unable to get your signed Parish Affiliation form by February 28th, it may be turned in separately but must be in no later than July 15th to qualify for the Catholic tuition rate.  There will, however, be no exceptions or extensions to the July 15th date so please submit it to the school as soon as you receive it.

Advertise Your Business!

Help spread the word to the Saint James Community about a business you own (or work for) by Advertising at our school’s 2017 Gala! All advertising proceeds go toward supporting our school!  Your advertisement could also be featured on the TVs at the Gala and on the Jumbotron at Rentschler Field (with a Jumbotron ad, you will receive a free 8×10 photo of your ad on the Jumbotron)!

The advertising deadline is this Friday, March 3rd!  Here are the details:

Advertising Packages & Live/Silent Auction Donations

Jumbotron Advertising Information

Ash Wednesday Mass

There will be a school-wide Mass at Saint James Church this Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) at 9:15am.  All SJS parents are welcome to join us!  If you cannot make the 9:15am Mass, Saint James Church will also hold Masses at 8:00 am, 12:05 pm, and 6:00 pm.

SJS Basketball Playoff Games

Congratulations to the Saint James School Boys JV Gold basketball team (6th grade), on winning their Deanery playoff games on both Friday and Saturday.   They will play in the Deanery championship game tonight vs. St. Gabriel’s, at Corpus Christi at 7:00PM.  This team is also moving on to the state playoffs (top 4 teams in the Deanery), game date TBA.

The Girls Varsity team also won their playoff games on Thursday and Saturday morning.  They will play in the Deanery Championship game Tuesday night at 6:30pm at the Ethel Walker School in Simsbury.  They too, will move on to the state playoffs, game date TBA.

The Girls JV team finished 4th in the Deanery this past weekend and will be moving on to the state playoffs, game date TBA.

Congratulations and good luck!


Boys 4th & 5th Grade Basketball

Our Boys 4th & 5th grade intramural basketball league concluded their season on Sunday with the final games and a pizza party.  Congratulations to Team White for winning the championships! (click pictures to enlarge)

Boys 4th & 5th Grade Basketball

Our Boys 4th & 5th grade intramural basketball league concluded their season on Sunday with the final games and a pizza party.  Congratulations to Team White for winning the championships! (click pictures to enlarge)

Survey Thank You

Thank you again to all of our families who took the time to fill out our recent SJS parent survey(s).  Mrs. Kanute, Father Cavanaugh, and our school board chair  (Nicholas Roy) have read through all the comments and feedback and are grateful for your time and input.  We have been summarizing the items commonly mentioned in the survey feedback and will be working on action items where appropriate.  Thank you again for your dedication to helping us make Saint James School a great place for our kids to grow and learn!

Basketball Playoff Games

The Saint James School girls’ varsity team will play Saint Paul tonight (2/23) at Saint Bridget in Manchester beginning at 6:00pm.  If they win, they will play at 11:00am at Saint Bridget on Saturday, 2/25.

The Saint James School boys JV team (6th grade) will play Saint Paul tomorrow night (2/24) at Saint Paul in Kensington at 6:00pm.  If they win, the next game will be Saturday, 2/25, at Saint Bridget at 9:00AM.

The Saint James School boys Varsity Gold team will play Saint Mary tomorrow night (2/24) at Corpus Christi in Wethersfield.  If they win, they will play Sunday at 5pm at Ethel Walker School in Simsbury.

The Saint James JV Girls will play Saint Gabriel on Saturday 2/25 at Saint Bridget.  If they win, they will play Monday at 6pm at Corpus Christi (Championship game).

Good luck Sabers!