Pancake Breakfast To Support Catholic School Soccer League

Our local Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast for benefit of the Catholic Schools’ Soccer League (CSSL) on Sunday, April 30th from 8:00am to 11:00am at the Church of the Assumption Parish Hall. The menu consists of homemade pancakes, sausage, fruit cup, juice, and beverages. The cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Tickets may be purchased at the door. All proceeds will be donated to CSSL.  Please support this wonderful program for our Catholic School children throughout central Connecticut. For more information please see the attached flyer

Pancake Breakfast Flyer 2017

Mother/Daughter Tea Update

The HSA has had a wonderful response for the mother daughter tea. Thank you to all who have signed up to come. Unfortunately, we have reached capacity and will not be able to accept any more attendees this year.

The committee is looking for volunteers to help set up on the evening of Friday, May 19th, as well as to help during the tea and with cleanup afterwards. If you would be interested in helping, please email Keshet Spadaccini at

1st Graders Make Recycled Paper

In honor of Earth day, Ms. Labowski’s 1st grade class learned about recycling and enjoyed a hands-on project to see how paper is recycled. First, students tore up old papers and added them to a tub of warm water to create a pulp. Then, students strained the water from the pulp using a screen. The new “paper” spent a few days drying and when it was ready, each student received a piece that will be used as a bookmark. Here are a few pictures from Ms. Labowski’s class (click to enlarge):

SJS Foundation Golf Update

Please click HERE or see below for an update from the SJS Foundation Golf Committee.

Mixed Bag Fundraiser

The HSA is currently running the very popular Mixed Bag fundraiser!  Catalog packets were sent home last week and additional packets are available in the main office.  Ordering instructions can be found in this flyer (click here).  Please return completed order forms and payment (checks payable to Saint James School HSA) in the envelope provided by May 17.  If you have any questions, please contact Kerry Caldwell at  Thank you for your participation in this fundraiser and your continued support of our school!

12:05pm Dismissal & Dress Down Tomorrow

Please remember that tomorrow (Wednesday, 4/26) is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Students going to aftercare tomorrow will need a lunch from home.

Tomorrow is also a dress down day to reward the school community for supporting the gala with their time and generosity (all students may participate).

12:05pm Dismissal & Dress Down Tomorrow

Please remember that tomorrow (Wednesday, 4/26) is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Students going to aftercare tomorrow will need a lunch from home.

Tomorrow is also a dress down day to reward the school community for supporting the gala with their time and generosity (all students may participate).

Please Make A Call In Support of Catholic Education

Please take two minutes of your time to help voice support for legislature that supports Catholic Education in the state of Connecticut.  Fortunately the  call Rep. Rojas & Sen. Cassano and ask them to “support Senate Bill 1012 – corporate tax credits for scholarships to nonpublic schools.”  Rep. Rojas is House Chair of the Finance Committee and he   He needs to be encouraged by many voices to pass this bill out of committee and then call it for a vote in the House if it makes it out of the Senate.


Please call (860) 240-8586, ask for Rep. Rojas and  leave a message with his aide.


Please call (860) 240-5302, ask for Sen. Cassano, but you will likely leave a message with his aide.


Please forward and share with other parishioners!


This is a painless and free way to support Catholic education.  Let’s fill up their voicemail tonight!


There will be choir practice tomorrow from 12:15 – 1:00pm.  Students may bring a lunch or a snack.

Subway Dine-Out Tonight

Grab a quick and delicious dinner on your way to the SJS Student Art Show!  Join us tonight from 5:00-8:00pm for a Dine-Out at Subway (443 Hartford Rd, Manchester).   Present THIS FLYER and 20% of your sale will be donated back to our school!  Thank you for your support!