Thank You Mrs. Harris!

A great big Thank You to Mrs. Harris for organizing and running all aspects of our Newspaper Club this past year!  One last edition will be coming home with students today or tomorrow.  We are very grateful to Mrs. Harris for providing this opportunity for our students to participate in all elements of publishing a newspaper, and to Mrs. Bileya for assisting her.

Father/Son & Mother/Son Events

Kindergarten Stepping Up 2024

Today our Kindergartners finished out the year with a special stepping up celebration.  Great job Sabers!

Dress Down Tomorrow

Grades 1 – 7 will have a dress down day on Wednesday, June 12th.  Please keep in mind that standard dress down guidelines per the SJS handbook apply (i.e. no ripped jeans, no sleeveless shirts, no crop tops, etc.)

Lost and Found

Congratulations Pre-K Graduates!

Congratulations to our Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 students on their last day of school!  Here are several pictures from the Pre-K4 stepping up ceremony this afternoon.

Dress Down Days

Please note that KINDERGARTEN (only) will have a dress down day tomorrow, Tuesday – June 11th.

GRADES 1 – 7 will have a dress down day on Wednesday – June 12th (Kindergartners should be in uniform on Wednesday for their grad/step-up ceremony).

Soccer Uniforms

Please note that all soccer uniforms are due back to SJS (washed and in a baggie with the players’ name) by TOMORROW.  Please note there is a charge for uniforms that are not returned in good condition.

Thank You Father Jaime

LAST CALL: School Bus Sign Up For 2024-2025

Manchester residents:   If your (K-8th grade) child/ren will be using school bus transportation this upcoming school year (2024-2025), please complete this form for EACH child in your family who will be riding the school bus by Tuesday, June 26th.  All families using the bus for the 2024-2025 school year must complete this form as we need to provide a complete list to the town each year.

2024-2025 School Bus Sign Up Form

If your student will be riding the bus to/from a location (in Manchester) other than your primary residence (i.e. day care) you will need to complete a Request For Day Care Transportation form.  Please indicate this in the above link and SJS will send the form to you directly with instructions.

Kindergarten and other first-time bus riders will also need to be registered through the town’s portal to prove residency.  We will send that information to parents individually as appropriate.  Once this step is complete, you do not need to do it again in subsequent years unless your residence changes.

Per the town’s policy, Kindergarten through Grade 2 students, MUST have an adult with them while waiting for the bus in the morning and an adult must be present to receive the student in the afternoon otherwise the student will be returned to school and sent to the SJS Aftercare Program until a parent/guardian can pick them up.  (Aftercare charges will be incurred in these instances).

Questions may be directed to Amy Guenther at