Return to School Update From Mrs. Zorger


Dear Families,

With September just around the corner, I wanted to take another opportunity to share the latest information coming from the State Department of Public Health and the Archdiocese of Hartford regarding our upcoming return to school policies.  I want to emphasize, as has the Archdiocese, that protocol being put in place when we return to school is highly fluid and will be evaluated regularly to ensure our students continue to receive the best education in the safest, most sensible way possible.

On July 26th, I shared some of the details that our Return to In-Person Learning Committee had already decided would remain in place for 2021-2022 school year.  Much of the protocol will mirror, or be similar to, how we closed out this past year. This includes students using a variety of entrances at morning arrival and reporting directly to their classroom, desk spacing of at least three feet apart, and the continuation of air ventilation measures put in place last year.  Notable changes include no remote learning option and no temperature checks at morning arrival (although we will still be relying on parents to do a morning health assessment before leaving the house each day).

I know the big question on everyone’s mind is regarding the mask policy for students and staff.  At this time, Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 13A is still in effect until September 30th and requires that all individuals – regardless of vaccination status – wear a mask while inside a school building.  This means that all students, staff, and parents will be required to wear a mask inside our building when we return to school.  All classes will have mask breaks at appropriate intervals and, at this point in time, masks will not be required while outside the building at recess and dismissal.

While we are required to abide by mandated policies, the Archdiocese of Hartford, along with Saint James School, will continue to evaluate Covid policies throughout the upcoming school year.  This means that protocol could become more relaxed or restrictive, depending on the conditions in our community.

We cannot refute the success our school saw last year with respect to in-school attendance and academic growth, and I appreciate your support again this fall to ensure all Saint James School students enjoy a strong start to the year.  It is important that we continue to maximize in-person learning to the greatest extent possible by minimizing Covid quarantines.  If your child is not used to wearing a mask, please be sure to start practicing with them now in preparation for the first day of school.

For students using our extended day program for after school care, we have had a substantial number of additional families sign up to use the program as more businesses are instructing their employees to return to the office.  With the larger numbers, we might not be able to achieve the same spacing that we did last year, which does lend itself to the possibility that if a student in our Extended Day program does test positive for Covid, contact tracing and quarantining may be required.  Again, the policy is fluid and will depend on how things progress once we get a better indication of the program’s daily usage.

The following documents contain an overview of our policies for the 2021-2022 school year.  These documents – as well as a more detailed overview – will be posted on our website for future reference and updates will be communicated in a timely manner.

If your child is fully vaccinated, please submit a copy of their vaccine card to the school nurse as soon as possible.  This information will be kept confidential but will be useful should contact tracing need to occur (due to a positive case in the classroom or in extended day).

As summer comes to a close, I realize that many families are traveling out of state, please note that Saint James School will be following the current CDC guidelines for travel and subsequent quarantine.  You may reference that information HERE.  Please reach out to the school nurse if this impacts your return to school.

Thank you again for your continued commitment to the Saint James School community and entrusting us with the education of your children.  We look forward to another great year of learning and growing at Saint James School.

SJS 2021-2022 Health & Wellness Information (K-8 Program)

SJS 2021-2022 Health & Wellness Information (Pre-K Program)


God Bless,

Mrs. Bridget Zorger


New Calendar for 2021-2022

Please use this updated one page calendar for the 2021-2022 school year – please note that the day off at the end of September for the Catholic Educators’ Curriculum Conference has been changed to September 28th.  The website calendar and SJS App calendar have both been updated to reflect this change.

2021-2022 One Page Calendar Rev 8-3-21

Reminder: SJS Spiritwear

Show your school spirit and support SJS with Saint James School Spiritwear! 

Please note that the Navy shorts, Navy Sweatpants, and Navy Sweatshirts (only) MAY be worn to school on Gym day (for grades K – 8).  The Gray t-shirt required for gym day, however, must be from Lands’ End or Dennis Uniform company.

If your student(s) will be running Cross Country this fall (open to Grades 5-8), the below link also includes optional SJS Cross Country Spiritwear.

Products – Saint James School (

Orders must be placed by August 8th and will be available for pick-up at SJS shortly before the start of school (we will send an email when items are in).  There is an additional fee if you would like items shipped directly to your home.

A portion of each sale will be donated back to SJS.

Please direct any questions to Amy Guenther at

Visit Museums in CT for Free

If you are looking for some fun activities to keep busy during this final month of Summer vacation, we wanted to remind families that many local museums and attractions are offering free tickets for children and an accompanying adult.  The website with all the details can be found HERE (Tickets may be limited. Be sure to visit the museum’s website to secure your tickets in advance as certain days may sell out).  Happy exploring!!

Lands’ End Sale

Attention K-8 Families: Lands’ End is offering up to 20% off uniform items through August 27th with code: BINDER and Pin: 5823 (enter at checkout).

Lands’ End | School (

Please remember monogrammed uniform items could take up to 3 weeks to ship in August so be sure to order items well in advance of the 1st day!

Update From Mrs. Zorger

Dear Families,

The Saint James School administration is working diligently to prepare our school for the 2021-2022 school year.  Our Return to In-Person Instruction Committee met last week to review recent guidance from the State Department of Education, State Department of Public Health, and the Archdiocese of Hartford.

In reviewing the preliminary information from these sources, it does appear that many of the protocols put in place this past year (2020-2021 school year) will continue to be with us in the fall.  Of notable exception is that we will NOT be offering a remote learning option as the new year kicks off. Instead we will require all students be back in the school building. Some of the procedures that will remain in place are as follows:

* Four separate entrances for grade K-8 students to enter the building depending on their classroom location (details will be forthcoming later in the summer but they will remain the same as last year).  There will be separate entrances for Pre-Kindergarten cohorts as well.

* K-8 students will report directly to their classroom upon arrival (7:30am – 7:50am) if they are not using before-school care.

* Using updated spacing guidance, desks will be spaced throughout the classroom area to maintain at least a 3-foot distance between students.

* Frequent handwashing and sanitizing are key to preventing the spread of Covid as well as other viruses and illnesses. Students will continue to frequently sanitize and wash their hands while at school.

* Ventilation protocol will be followed along with utilizing the customized filtration systems installed last year in each classroom.

* A rotating schedule is being established to allow each full grade (grades 1 through 8) to eat lunch in the cafeteria together at the same time. To allow appropriate distancing and ensure all students eat at a reasonable time, alternate grades will have their lunch in the classroom during that same time. Hot lunch will still be available to students in grades 1 through 8 when they are scheduled to eat in their classroom.

* Saint James School’s maintenance staff and cleaning contractors will thoroughly clean and disinfect all high traffic areas of the school – including bathrooms and stairwell banisters – at least twice a day. Classrooms will be thoroughly cleaned each day after dismissal.

* Afternoon dismissal for K-8 students being picked up at 2:05pm will continue to be held outside in the main school parking lot.  Pre-Kindergarten students will be dismissed from their assigned entryway.

* Extended day students will be placed in assigned cohorts based on their grade.


We still do not have clear guidance on mask protocol.  As was the case this past year, our priority will continue to be the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff along with keeping our students moving forward academically, socially, and spiritually inside our school building.

Thank you again for your continued commitment to the Saint James School community and entrusting us with the education of your children as we navigate and meet the challenges of the 2021-2022 school year together.

God’s Blessings,

Bridget Zorger

K-8 Online Supply Ordering Reminder & Deadline

Remember to place your order by August 13th to ensure your supplies arrive in time for school.

This summer you again have the option to order your child’s school supplies online and have them delivered directly to your home! In addition, Saint James School receives a percentage of every sale – convenience for you and a great way to support SJS! Plus, if you already have supplies left over from prior years, you can choose not to include those in your purchase. Visit the School Toolbox Website (click to access) and type in St. James School Manchester, CT in the search box.  HERE IS A PRINTABLE FLYER


2021-2022 School Supplies List Grades K-5

2021-2022 School Supplies List Grades 6-8

Saint James School Foundation Golf Tournament Reminder

Dear Friends of St James School,

The Saint James School Foundation Golf Committee is looking forward to its 27th St. James School Foundation Golf Event.  The Tournament will be held on Wednesday, September 1st, 2021 at the Manchester Country Club with an 11:30 am registration/lunch, then Shotgun start at 12:30 pm (scramble format). The Dinner and Live Auction program will be held outside like last year under the beautiful new Seasonal Tent adjacent to the Clubhouse.

For this year’s event you can register your Foursome/Sponsorship online at or by regular US Mail.  The Foundations’ Golf Brochure can be found HERE.

All the best,

Bill Creamer
SJSF President

Last Call: Extended Day Program Reminder

As a reminder, families must complete a NEW Extended Day registration and emergency contact form for each new school year.  Students will not be permitted to attend before care/after care when school resumes in September if your family has not summitted the required 2021-2022 paperwork.

If you will be using the Extended Day program for the 2021-2022 school year and have not already done so, please submit the necessary forms to the school by August 1.

If you are unsure if you have submitted paperwork for this coming school year, please reach out to our Extended Day program director, Ms. Jean, at

Extended Day Registration Form 2021-2022

Extended Day Emergency Contact From 2021-2022

Current Travel Policy

This policy is subject to change at any time.

Updated: 4/6/22

Families should call the SJS Nurse – Mrs. Vignati (860.643.5088, option 3) and provide any dates of absence PRIOR to travel.  Please also inform your child’s homeroom teacher of the dates of absence for travel too.

For international travel (outside of the US and any US territories), please review the travel policy listed below and call Mrs. Vignati to discuss your travel plan and school  protocol.

Short term domestic trips only do not need notification to the school unless there is an absence occurring.

*Please note:  NO remote learning will be provided during travel or a quarantine period that is due to travel.

DOMESTIC TRAVEL (Updated 11/16/21)
If traveling outside of Connecticut, but still within the United States/ US territories,  students no longer need to quarantine or provide a negative Covid test prior to returning to school. As always, please continue to monitor your child for any signs of illness and/or Covid like symptoms.  Do not send them to school if they are feeling ill and always contact your Primary Care Provider if no improvement for further advice.


All travelers are required to meet the international travel requirements per the CDC guidelines.

After you return home, students and staff must meet the following criteria prior to returning to school:

Unvaccinated (or partially vaccinated) Individuals
*Get tested with a Rapid or PCR test 3-5 days after travel AND stay home and self-quarantine for a full 5 days after travel (even if your test results at day 3-5 were negative).

A negative test result must be provided via email ( or faxed to the school nurse before returning. If your test result is positive, immediately isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected and immediately contact  the school and also your primary care provider.

Self-monitor for any illness and/or Covid-19 symptoms; isolate and get tested if symptoms of illness develop.

Fully Vaccinated Individuals (Students and Staff)
Staff and students who are fully vaccinated AND also not showing any signs of illness and/or Covid-like symptoms do NOT need to quarantine before returning to school, but should closely self-monitor for any illness and/or Covid-19 symptoms; isolate and get tested if symptoms of illness develop.  A copy of your child’s vaccine card must be on file with the nurse.

* Although a quarantine is not required for fully-vaccinated individuals, a Rapid or PCR must still be obtained 3-5 days after travel.  Please provide test results to the school nurse.

*If your test result is positive, immediately  isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected and immediately contact the school and also your primary care provider.