St. James Children’s Mass This Sunday

This Sunday, January 10th at 9:00am we will have our monthly Children’s Mass at St. James Church.  Sixth grade student Matteo M. will be the reader for this Mass.  We hope to see you there!

St. James Virtual Mass

If you will not be attending Mass in person this weekend, you can view the St. James Parish virtual Mass for Sunday, January 10th using the link below (it will be available to view after 6am on Saturday).

Important Reminders

Originally sent 1/7/21

A few important reminders as we head into the second half of the school year with COVID cases on the rise:

COVID Exposure:

* If someone in your household is awaiting the results of a COVID test, your children are required to switch to remote learning until test results are received (you must also contact our school nurse for guidance on the situation).

* If your child has a possible COVID exposure through sports, a social activity, etc. they are required to switch to remote learning for the required quarantine period (you must also contact our school nurse for guidance on the situation).

* If your child has traveled outside the state, they are required to switch to remote learning for the quarantine period or until a negative PCR test has been received by the school nurse per the school policy (you must also contact our school nurse for guidance on the situation).

* If your child tests positive for COVID, immediately contact our school nurse at 860.643.5088 x3 during her office hours (7:00am – 2:30pm), or email Mrs. Zorger ( if the results are obtained after school hours or over a weekend.

In-Person Learners:

* Remote learning is reserved for the students that are signed up for full-time remote learning or students quarantining as noted above.  It is our school’s policy that students cannot switch to remote learning for a day simply because they have an appointment, there are issues getting them to school on time, etc.  If you wish to keep your child home under these conditions, they will just be marked absent for the day – just like in prior years.  In addition, if a student travels for vacation while school is in session, these days will be marked as absences (there is no option for remote learning during travel).  Remote learning can commence when students return home and begin the required quarantine.

* Every day before you come to school, please remember to take your child’s temperature and conduct a general health assessment.  If your child is not feeling well in any way (even if symptoms are not consistent with COVID) please keep them home and follow up with your child’s doctor and our school nurse.  We need families to be extra vigilant at this time.

Travel Policy:

If your child is an in-person learner and will be traveling outside the state for a period greater than 24 hours, please remember to let our school nurse, Mrs. Vignati, know ahead of time so she can advise you on our school’s most current travel policy.

Note: The CDC has recently changed the required quarantine period from 14 days to 10 days.  Saint James School’s quarantine protocol will be amended accordingly, however families are still required to consult with the school nurse to discuss your family’s specific circumstances.

Thank you for your continued support and vigilance in keeping our school community healthy!

8th Graders Present Prototypes

During their STREAM classes, 8th grade students were tasked with creating a product not currently on the market that could be marketed to consumers.  After developing the concept and sketching it out on paper, students had to use the 3D Design Program Tinkercad to…

Return to Class & Remote Learner Pick-Up

At this time, we are on track for in-person learners to return to the classroom on Monday, January 11th.

As noted above, before you come to school each day, please remember to take your child’s temperature and conduct a general health assessment.  If your child is not feeling well in any way (even if symptoms are not consistent with COVID) please keep them home and follow up with your child’s doctor and our school nurse.  Please report all possible COVID exposures to Mrs. Vignati.

For our remote learners, a reminder that the bi-weekly “remote learner pick-up” will take place at the school tomorrow (Friday) from 2:30pm – 4:30pm.

Re-Take Photos Are In!

In-person learners who participated in picture re-takes will receive their photos on Monday.  With tomorrow being a Remote Learner pick-up day, remote learner families can pick up their photos tomorrow, Friday January 8th from 2:30p-4:30p outside of the gymnasium.  If your student is transitioning to in-person learning, they will receive their photos on Monday.

HSA Meeting Thursday

There will be a virtual HSA meeting this coming Thursday – January 7th – at 7:00pm. All SJS parents/guardians are welcome to join. Please use this link to join:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 758 1916 5501
Passcode: kq2e7u

Lands’ End Sale

Lands’ End will be offering 40% off school uniforms from 1/8/21 through 1/15/21.  To apply the discount, use code: RENEW and pin: 7319 at checkout.

Reminder: SJS Inclement Weather Policy for 2021-2022

As a reminder, below is the 2021-2022 inclement weather policy for Saint James School.

Inclement Weather Policy 2021-2022

Please sign up for text and/or email alerts for both “Manchester Public Schools” and “Saint James School – Manchester.”  For your convenience, you can click HERE to sign up for alerts from NBC30 and/or HERE to sign up for alerts from WFSB Channel 3.

Please also make sure you have the SJS App downloaded and Notifications are turned on.

January Saber Stories and Updated Calendars

In case you missed it last Friday, below is a copy of the January Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Zorger.

Saber Stories January 2021

Also attached below is the updated January Events Calendar and and an updated January Lunch Menu.

Updated Calendar Pages January 2021

Updated January Lunch Menu

The lunch menu has been updated on the website and SJS App to reflect the update.  Also, we have been notified that the grant providing FREE Hot Lunch for all students will continue into the new year and most likely through the end of the school year.