Thank you to everyone who joined us – both virtually and in-person – at last night’s HSA meeting! We hope to see all of our families getting involved this year with helping us plan and run our fun (and fundraising) events.
As noted last evening, we are going to need several volunteers to help with our school’s upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. This year, students in Pre-K through 8th Grade will once again have the opportunity to attend a physical book fair in our gym and pick out the books they wish to purchase. Helpers for this event will be needed as follows:
Setup: October 1st (after school) and during the day on October 2nd; and
During the book fair: October 4th – 7th (during school hours).
A sign-up form will be sent out next week.
Please note that in order to volunteer for school events, parents/grandparents/etc. must meet the following requirements:
1. Background check on file (call Mrs. Sager in the Main Office to get the form if you have not already completed this for SJS in years past)
2. Complete the Virtus (Protecting God’s Children) Training Program (if you have not already completed this in years past, see info below).
3. Be fully vaccinated (submit a copy of your card to Mrs. Sager in the main office).
Virtus Training Program
A requirement for all volunteers within the Archdiocese of Hartford, this course only needs to be completed one time during your family’s tenure with SJS. Due to Covid, the program can now be completed virtually at your convenience. Start by going to . Click “First-Time Registrant” on the left side, click “Begin the Registration Process”, and scroll down to select “Hartford, CT (Archdiocese). Then follow the prompts to enter your information and view the training.
HSA Thank You & Event Volunteer Info
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolThank you to everyone who joined us – both virtually and in-person – at last night’s HSA meeting! We hope to see all of our families getting involved this year with helping us plan and run our fun (and fundraising) events.
As noted last evening, we are going to need several volunteers to help with our school’s upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. This year, students in Pre-K through 8th Grade will once again have the opportunity to attend a physical book fair in our gym and pick out the books they wish to purchase. Helpers for this event will be needed as follows:
Setup: October 1st (after school) and during the day on October 2nd; and
During the book fair: October 4th – 7th (during school hours).
A sign-up form will be sent out next week.
Please note that in order to volunteer for school events, parents/grandparents/etc. must meet the following requirements:
1. Background check on file (call Mrs. Sager in the Main Office to get the form if you have not already completed this for SJS in years past)
2. Complete the Virtus (Protecting God’s Children) Training Program (if you have not already completed this in years past, see info below).
3. Be fully vaccinated (submit a copy of your card to Mrs. Sager in the main office).
Virtus Training Program
A requirement for all volunteers within the Archdiocese of Hartford, this course only needs to be completed one time during your family’s tenure with SJS. Due to Covid, the program can now be completed virtually at your convenience. Start by going to . Click “First-Time Registrant” on the left side, click “Begin the Registration Process”, and scroll down to select “Hartford, CT (Archdiocese). Then follow the prompts to enter your information and view the training.
Coop’s Kung Fu Adventure Ticket Sheet
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolIf your child’s fundraiser packet was missing the sheet for today’s turn-in day, you can find a copy of that HERE.
Remembering September 11th
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolThis afternoon, we all came together outside in remembrance and reflection, and to dedicate our school’s new 9/11 memorial garden (designed/created by volunteer Mr. Zaremba ). We concluded the special ceremony by singing, “God Bless America.”
Home & School Association Meeting Tonight
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolThe HSA (Home & School Association) will hold its first meeting of the new school year this evening – Thursday (9/9) – from 7:00-8:00pm in the school cafeteria. We strongly encourage all of our SJS parents/ grandparents to attend to learn about the many fun (and fundraising!) events that will be happening here at school over the next few months and throughout the year.
When you arrive at the school, please ring the buzzer at the breezeway doors and then head downstairs to the cafeteria.
If you would prefer to attend the meeting via Zoom, please use this link:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Important Reminders from Mrs. Zorger
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease make sure you share this with anyone dropping off/picking up your student. We really need everyone adhering to the school policies to ensure the safety of ALL of families and students.
*All families/students should be using the crosswalks and crossing guards when crossing streets at arrival and dismissal. We are very fortunate to have these town-funded employees at our school to ensure students and parents are safe during high-traffic times of day.
*When using the Drop-and-Go line, do not pull away from the curb until you have checked all of your surroundings. Do not pull out when the crossing guard is in the street.
*Please ensure your student always exits the car onto the sidewalk (never into the street).
*Remember the school doors close and the tardy bell rings (for grades K-8) at 7:50am. Please ensure your student is on time. Tardy arrivals are disruptive to the morning classroom routine.
*And lastly, please make sure you are doing a health assessment on your student every day before they come to school. We need every parent to be extra vigilant and follow all the protocols in place to help us keep our community health and safe.
A HUGE Thank You to all our Saint James School families for helping us get of to such a great start to the new year!
Reminder: 1st HSA Meeting & Candy Bar Bingo RSVP
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolHome & School Association Meeting Thursday
The HSA (Home & School Association) will hold its first meeting of the new school year this Thursday (9/9), from 7:00-8:00pm in the school cafeteria. We strongly encourage all of our SJS parents/ grandparents to attend to learn about the many fun (and fundraising!) events that will be happening here at school over the next few months and throughout the year.
When you arrive at the school, please ring the buzzer at the breezeway doors and then head downstairs to the cafeteria.
If you would prefer to attend the meeting via Zoom, please use this link:
The 2021-2022 HSA’s Welcome Letter can be viewed Here: 2021-2022 HSA Welcome Packet
Candy Bar Bingo – Please RSVP by 9/14
The HSA invites all SJS families (PreK – Grade 8) to kick-off the school year at our first Family Fun Event! Please join us for Candy Bar BINGO on Saturday, September 18 at 3:00pm, outdoors in the school courtyard. In the case of inclement weather, we will be socially distanced in the school gym. If your family would like to attend, please complete the form below. The cost for admission is candy! Please bring one full-size candy bar per family member attending. Refreshments will be provided. We hope to see you there!
Church Helpers Requested
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolWe are looking for student volunteers in grades 3-8 to help out at our monthly SJS Children’s Mass (9:00am Mass, second Sunday of the month). If your child would be interested in serving as a reader or a greeter please reach out via email to parent volunteer coordinator Maria Modugno at for information (please note, you do not need to be a parishioner at St. James Church to have your child help/attend).
In addition, we are looking for a second parent volunteer to work alongside Mrs. Modugno in helping our student volunteers practice for their assigned Mass.
Morning Arrival Reminder
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder, our K-8 students must be in the building by 7:50am at the latest.
Child Consecration to Jesus through Mary
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease note that Saint James School has extra books for families to participate at home. Please contact your child’s teacher or Mrs. Sager to request a copy to be sent home with your child.
Please read the following letter from Mrs. Zorger about the Child Consecration to Jesus through Mary. The entire of Archdiocese of Hartford is participating in this program Starting on September 4th. If you have any questions after reading the letter, please reach out to the President of Consortium of Elementary Catholic Schools in Manchester, Mrs. Nadaskay at We look forward to sharing this journey with your family.
Child Consecration To Jesus through Mary Letter
Instrumental Music Notes
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolLessons will begin tomorrow (Wednesday) for our Advanced Band students in Grades 5 – 8. There will be a Zoom parent meeting on Monday, September 13th for any families with a child in grades 4 – 8 interested in learning more about our school’s instrumental music program.