Travel Policy Updated

Saint James School has updated our travel policy for DOMESTIC Travel to the following:

If traveling outside of Connecticut but still within the United States, students no longer need to quarantine or provide a negative Covid test prior to returning to school.  Travel does not need to be reported to the school nurse UNLESS students will be absent from school.

The full policy can be found on our website:

Discovering Catholic Schools in New England Week

This week Saint James School is joining our peers from across the region in celebrating the many benefits of Catholic education. Each day this week we will highlight here, and on our social media pages, one of the many reasons that we feel Saint James School is an exceptional choice for today’s learners!   We love our Catholic school!

Day 1: Incorporation of Faith, Values, Morals

The incorporation of faith, values, and morals into everyday lessons can help children to navigate the challenges of living in today’s complex world.  At Saint James School faith-based teachings and daily lessons instill a foundation for students to develop confidence, understand personal responsibility, appreciate our differences, and spread kindness to those around them. Our teachers and staff lead by example, practice their faith every day, and encourage students to be their best self in everything they do.


Continued: Thanksgiving Donations for MACC

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far!!  Your generosity is very much appreciated!!   We will continue accepting donations this week if you would still like to support the food drive:

Pre-Kindergarten:    Stuffing

Kindergarten:    Instant Potatoes

Grade 1:    Cornbread, Bread Mix

Grade 2:    Canned Vegetables

Grade 3:    Pasta

Grade 4:    Desserts (Puddings, Cookies, etc.)

Grade 5:    Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate

Grade 6:    Juice & Water

Grade 7:    Cranberry Sauce or Pasta Sauce

Grade 8:    Gravy, Pickles, Olives

Your generosity is appreciated as we help local families in need have a very blessed Thanksgiving.

4th & 5th Gr. Girls Basketball Coach Needed

Saint James School is in need of another coach or two to help out with our 4th and 5th grade girls basketball team.  If you are willing to help, please reach out to Mr. Green at as soon as possible so we can get teams made up and practices can begin.

4th & 5th Grade Boys Open Gym Added

Saint James School will be hosting the following “Open Gyms” for students who are FULLY-REGISTERED to play basketball this year.  If your student does NOT have their health form (in addition to registration form and appropriate fees) in to the office by the practice date, they cannot participate in Open Gym.

Saturday, November 13: Grade 4 Boys from 9am – 10am; Grade 5 boys from 10am – 11am

Monday, November 15th: Girls in Grades 6-8 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm;

Open Gym sessions are for students to practice their skills before the season officially begins.  Masks will be required and we ask that parents/adults do not enter the gym with students.

Amazon Smile Reminder

Each time you make a purchase from Amazon through the website, Saint James School will receive 0.5% of the purchase price, with no cost to you.

The website experience is exactly the same as the traditional Amazon website, but when you enter through the “smile” link, you will be prompted to select a charity to support.  Saint James School can be found by searching “St. James Parish Corporation” (which allows your support to come directly to our school’s Fundraising account) or by clicking this link.

SJS Celebrates our Veterans

Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served and continue to serve our Country!  Today Saint James School celebrates and honors you:  Click HERE to watch our short video

HSA Meeting Tonight

The Saint James School HSA (Home & School Association) will hold their monthly meeting this evening – Thursday, 11/11 – from 7:00-8:00pm in the school cafeteria.  We encourage all of our SJS parents/ grandparents to attend to learn about the many fun (and fundraising!) events that will be happening here at school over the next few months and throughout the year.

When you arrive at the school, please ring the buzzer at the breezeway doors and then head downstairs to the cafeteria.

If you would prefer to attend the meeting via Zoom, please use this link:

Meeting ID: 722 618 3621
Passcode: yFD8fS

The agenda can be found HERE:  HSA Meeting Agenda Nov 11

Reminder: Basketball Open Gym Times

Saint James School will be hosting the following “Open Gym” times for middle school students who are FULLY-REGISTERED to play basketball this year.  If your student does NOT yet have their health form (in addition to registration form and appropriate fees) in to the office by the practice date, they cannot participate in Open Gym.

Thursday, November 11th: Boys in Grades 7 & 8 from 4:30pm – 6:00pm;

Thursday, November 11th: Boys in Grade 6 from 6:15pm – 7:45pm.

Monday, November 15th: Girls in Grades 6-8 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm;

Open Gym sessions are for students to practice their skills before the season officially begins.  Masks will be required.

Basketball practice information for students 4th & 5th grade will be forthcoming.



All SJS students will need to bring a lunch and drink from home tomorrow, Thursday, November 11th.  Since MPS is not in session we will NOT have hot lunch/bagel/milk available to us.