73 Park Street | Manchester, CT 06040 | (860) 643-5088 | Fax: (860) 649-6462 | e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Saint James School
73 Park Street
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 643-5088
Fax: (860) 649-6462
e-mail: info@saintjamesschool.net
Fifth Grade Story Quilts
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolYesterday our 5th grade students presented their “Story Quilts” on a historical fiction book of their choosing. The idea was to pick four symbols from the book to illustrate and explain why they were significant.
Water Bottles
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder, please make sure your student comes to school with a refillable water bottle every day. With the heat starting to come on in the building, it can get a little dry in the classrooms and we do not have the drinking fountains turned on for hygiene reasons. The water bottle filling stations located throughout the school provide cool, filtered water for students to stay hydrated throughout the day.
STEM Club for Grade 3
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolAn after-school STEM Club will be held on Monday, Oct 31 for students in Grade 3. If your child would like to attend, please complete the permission form below. Space is limited but any student who is not accepted this month will have priority next time.
STEM Club Permission Slip 103122
Tomorrow’s Bus Schedule
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolSchool buses will be combined again tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at dismissal.
Buses 28, 29 and 31 will be combined
Buses 27 and 32 will be combined
As you may recall, this does impact the time some students arrive home from school if taking the bus. If your student normally takes the bus home and you will be picking them up at walkers tomorrow instead, please be sure to send a note in with your child tomorrow morning.
2nd Graders Create Monsters
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolJust in time for Halloween SJS 2nd graders used the new Glowforge laser cutter in the Innovation Lab make these not-so-scary monsters.
Girls Who Code Club
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOur new “Girls Who Code” club for SJS 5th grade girls meets every Friday at lunchtime in the Innovation Lab. Under the guidance of STREAM teacher Mrs. Poth, the group works on a set curriculum designed to elevate coding skills, build camaraderie, and educate about careers in technology.
1st & 2nd Book & Art Club
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolOn Friday afternoon, 1st and 2nd graders joined Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Rafferty for a fun Book & Art Club. The group read, “There’s a Monster In Your Book,” then created their own colorful and silly monsters to bring home.
Tardy Arrivals Require Parent Sign-In
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder, school for SJS Kindergarten – Grade 8 students begins promptly at 7:50am. If you find yourself not making it to school on time, please adjust your morning routine accordingly as tardy arrivals are disruptive to the whole classroom.
Also, please remember if your student arrives tardy (after the breezeway doors close at 7:50am), you must park your car and come to the SJS main office with them to sign them in. This is stated in the student/parent handbook that all families reviewed/signed as well as in several other school communications.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Instrumental Music News
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James School$1.00 Pink Accessory Day
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James School