Entries by Saint James School

Cherrydale Ticket Turn-In Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our second Cherrydale GOATz ticket turn in day!  If your child has completed any additional tickets since last week, please send them in to school with your child tomorrow.  There will be one more “turn-in” day on Friday, September 23rd (which is also the last day for orders).

Fall Festival Just 2 Days Away!!

Only 2 days left until the Fall Festival, which will help kick off our school’s Centennial celebration.  We hope that your family will join us for this day of fun, food, games and friendship! Here is everything you need to know for Saturday: What:   SJS Fall Festival When: Saturday, September 17 Time:  11am to 2pm […]

Centennial Kickoff Weekend A Success!

Thank you to all the volunteers, families, students, staff, clergy, grandparents, and other community members who helped make this weekend such a successful commemoration of our Centennial anniversary. Please read on for a full recap as well as pictures from the events.

Today’s Rosary

Today we enjoyed our first school-wide Rosary of the new year.  It is always a treat to see and hear everyone praying in unison throughout the school building on these special mornings.

Updated to Covid/Health Protocol

Thank you again to all of our families for adhering to our published health protocol and conducting those important health checks with your student(s) each day before school. We are seeing a strong uptick in Covid cases here at school as the year is progressing and, as such, we are amending our Health protocol slightly. […]

SJS 9/11 Memorial In the News

In case you missed it, two of our 5th grade students made the front page of the Journal Inquirer on Sunday (9/11) for their contributions to our September 11th memorial.  Special thanks to Luke Szupryczynski and Quinn D’Agostino (with help from their parents) for looking after our 9/11 memorial.  The article can be read…

Lunch Menu Change

The “Alternate Lunch Option” on September’s hot lunch menu has been changed.  Please note this week’s alternative to the standard hot lunch option is now Bagel, string cheese, yogurt OR Tortilla Chips, Cheese Cup, Salsa and Yogurt.  An updated September lunch menu has been posted on our App and on our website as well as […]

Instrumental Music Meeting Tonight

This evening, Monday, September 12th Mr. Corcoran will have a parent meeting at 6:30pm in the cafeteria for new families interested in joining the band program this year (grades 4 – 8).  Please ring the buzzer at arrival to be let in.