Entries by Saint James School

HSA/Gala Meeting Tonight

As a reminder, there will be an HSA/Gala meeting this evening, Thursday – February 9th, at 6:00pm in the Saint James School Library.  All SJS parents/grandparents are welcome.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Used Sneaker Collection

A member of our community is collecting used sneakers (all sizes) to donate to families in need.  If you have any old sneakers at your house and would like to donate them, a collection box will be available in the SJS breezeway through next Wednesday.

Owl Pellets

SJS 3rd graders have been learning about small animals and habitats as part of their science lessons.  Today students dissected (sanitized) owl “pellets,” as part of their lessons on owls and what they eat.  Third graders are also currently working on their small animal research reports.

Pre-K4 Big School Fun

Today our Pre-K4 students had a blast playing in the “big school” gymnasium!  While they were at the K-8 school, our 4-year-olds also enjoyed a special story-time in the “big school” library with Mrs. Tierney.

FREE Hot Lunch Program Ending

As a reminder, the FREE Hot Lunch program will end on February 28th. Please take a moment over the next week or so to check on your child’s lunch account balance and add funds if you plan to have them continue ordering lunch from the school. A couple of important notes: *If you had provided […]