Entries by Saint James School

Dress Down Day Tomorrow

In recognition of everyone’s hard work and great start to the school year, Mrs. Zorger is awarding a dress down day for all students tomorrow – Friday, November 3rd.  Please remember standard dress down guidelines apply (no sleeveless shirts, no crop tops, no ripped jeans, and shorts are not permitted at this time of year).

Parking at Dismissal

As a reminder, parents/caregivers should NOT be parking in the driveway behind the Pre-Kindergarten building at dismissal.  This area is designated for school staff parking only. Also, under no circumstances should families be blocking our neighbors’ driveways with their car at dismissal. We appreciate your support and sharing of this information with anyone that picks […]

Winter Uniform Starts tomorrow

Tomorrow begins Winter Uniform for K-8 students.  This means students may no longer wear shorts to school, girls must wear navy tights or navy knee-high socks with their skorts, and Middle School boys must wear their SJS Uniform button-down shirt and a tie on non-gym days.  White socks may now only be worn on gym […]

Reminders for this Week

Tuesday (10/31) students are welcome to wear a Black, Orange, Purple or Halloween-themed shirt with their Tuesday uniform bottoms.  Shirts must meet our dress down guidelines.  K and Pre-K families will receive information from teachers on what students should wear on 10/31.  Please click HERE for some helpful reminders regarding trick-or-treat safety.   Wednesday (11/1) […]

Important Reminders for Next Week

This Sunday (10/29) is the last day to order Basketball and General Spiritwear (remember, these items can make great Christmas gifts!)  View the items and order here: https://saintjamesschool.net/basketball-general-spiritwear/   Tuesday (10/31) students are welcome to wear a Black, Orange, Purple or Halloween-themed shirt with their Tuesday uniform bottoms.  Shirts must meet our dress down guidelines.  […]

12:05pm Dismissal Friday

As a reminder, this Friday (10/27) is a 12:05pm Dismissal Day as teachers will be attending an offsite professional development program in the afternoon. K-8 students going to aftercare on Friday WILL need lunch from home (no hot lunch served on early dismissal days).