Entries by Saint James School

Reminder: SJS Collecting Gently Used Books/DVDs

Just a reminder:  The Saint James School library is collecting gently used (not torn, ripped or colored on) and updated books for their upcoming book sale to benefit the library.  If you or your family have any children’s books or adult novels that you wish to donate, please bring them to the main office prior […]

SJS Multiplication Challenge

The Saint James School Multiplication Challenge (for students in grades 3 – 8th) is wrapping up! A 100 question timed post test will be given on Thursday, March 28th.  The post test will consist of 100 Multiplication facts  (0 through 12 tables) and ribbons will be presented to students as follows: Gold Ribbons to students […]

Munson’s Orders Ready For Pick-Up

Please be advised that the Munson’s fundraiser items are available for pick-up at the pre-kindergarten.  If you would like your order to be sent home with your child, please e-mail us back at info@saintjamesschool.net and we will send it home with them tomorrow. Yankee Candle items will be available for pick-up on Monday between 12:30pm […]

Rescheduled “Bring-A-Friend” Dance @ SJS

The Saint James School Bring-A-Friend Dance, postponed from February 8th due to snow, will be held on April 5th.  Please note that only Saint James School students are allowed to bring guests.  Please read the attached notice and print a copy of the permission slip if your child(ren) will be attending.   April 2013 Bring-A-Friend […]

SJS Lawn Signs In Need of Homes

The Saint James School “Blue Ribbon/Now Enrolling” lawn signs are out of storage and looking for homes (literally).  If you live in a medium to high traffic area and are willing to put a sign on your lawn in support of Saint James School, we would appreciate it!  Signs are available in the main office […]

Read To Achieve

Friday Night, Saint James School Read To Achieve winners celebrated at the Springfield Armor Basketball Game where they were honored with pre-game parade on the court.