Entries by Saint James School

Father/Daughter Dance Info

The Father/Daughter Dance Committee would like to let all attendees know that in keeping with the theme of the event – Masquerade Ball  – masks for the girls will be handed out (at no charge) upon your arrival at the dance.  You are welcome to bring your own if you wish, but it is not […]

Sports Banquet Update

Please be advised that the All Sports Banquet is being held on Tuesday, May 14th (the flyer/invitation inadvertently stated Monday) at ECHS. If your family will be attending, please RSVP by Friday, May 10th.  The updated flyer/invitation is attached below. SportsBanquetInvite

14th Annual Saint James School Father Daughter Dance

The 14th Annual Saint James School Father Daughter Dance is being held on Saturday, May 11th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the school gym.  Invitations are expected to go home today in students’ folders.  An electronic version is also attached below for your convenience.  Please RSVP by May 3rd (RSPVs should be sent in to […]

Spring Concert Performance Information

Just a reminder that the Saint James School Spring Concert is being held this coming Wednesday, May 1st at 6:30pm for Saint James School families and friends. Third Graders – who are performing with their recorders – are asked to be in the school cafeteria by 6:15pm.  Dress for third graders is “Sunday Best.”  Skirts […]

Tonight’s Middle School Dance At Saint Bridget

Tonight’s Middle School Dance is being held at Saint Bridget School (click link below for permission slip).  The theme for tonight’s dance is Hawaiian  Luau.  If students wish to dress for the theme, please note all the standard dress code rules apply and, despite the theme, swimwear is not acceptable attire. April 26 2013 St […]

Important: School Lunch Accounts

Please note that lunch account statements will be sent home today.  Please take a moment to review your family’s statement and pay outstanding balances in full by the end of the month (checks can be made out to “Manchester Hot Lunch Program”).  Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.