Entries by Saint James School

Saint James School – Manchester, CT Joins Facebook!

Saint James School is pleased to announce the launch of our official Facebook page:  Saint James School – Manchester, CT.  Please take a moment to “like” us! While we know it goes without saying, Saint James School has some basic rules that we ask all our “friends” to comply with. First, please remember that the […]

2013 Manchester Memorial Parade

We are really hoping to have Saint James School represented again in this year’s Memorial Parade.  We currently only have 2 families signed up – so in order to make this happen, we need your support!  We are looking for student and parent volunteers to march with us in the parade on May 27th.  Parents […]

Box Tops Winners For April

Congratulations to Mrs. Vassallo’s Kindergarten class for winning the April dress down day – collecting 788 Box Tops.  Mrs. Vassallo will advise when the class will have their dress down day for winning. The next day (and final time for this year) for collecting and counting Box Tops is June 4th. Please hand in ALL […]

Summer Sports Camps at East Catholic

Each summer, East Catholic holds a number of summer sports camps for various age groups – including Volleyball, Lacrosse, Wrestling, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Cross Country and more.  Please click the link below to open a copy of the 2013 brochure. East Catholic High School Summer Sports Programs  

Saint James School Mother/Son Event

The Saint James School HSA will host its annual Mother/Son Event this year on Sunday, June 2nd at the South Windsor Swim & Tennis Club.  The event will run from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.  Please open the attached flyer for additional details (please note, the flyer coming home via kid mail inadvertently states 2012 – it should read […]

1st Graders Release Butterflys

Over the past month, the first grade classes have watched the life cycle of a caterpillar right in their classrooms –  from larva to chrysalis (cocoon) to butterfly.  On Friday, students watched as the butterflys were released into the wild.