Entries by Saint James School

Aftercare/Extended Day Program Note

For parents using the school’s Aftercare/Extended Day program:  Please be advised there will be no Aftercare/ Extended Day on Friday, December 13th, which is a half day (12:05 dismissal).  Parents will need to make other arrangements for that day.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

Basketball Schedule For Next Week

Monday (9/30):  Girls Open Gym  4th & 5th Grade – 5:00pm – 6:00pm; Monday (9/30):   Girls Open Gym Girls 6th – 8th Grade – 6:00pm – 7:30pm; Tuesday (10/1):  COACH’S MEETING for any parent interested in coaching basketball and all current coaches 6:00pm in the gym. Tuesday (10/1): Boys Open Gym 6th – 8th Grade – 7:00pm – […]

Fall Fundraiser Orders Due This Friday

Thank you to everyone who is participating in our 2013 Fall Fundraiser to benefit Saint James School.  Please remember that orders are due to the school office by the end of the school day this Friday, September 27th.  Due to the quick turnaround on this fundraiser, unfortunately we will be unable to accept orders into […]

Grandparents & Special Person’s Day

On Thursday, October 24, 2013, Saint James School will be celebrating our annual tradition of Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day.  This is an opportunity for our students to share their school with a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or other special friend of the family that is a strong supporter of their educational achievements. The celebration will […]

Saint James School Basketball

The following basketball open gym sessions for girls in grades 4-8 interested in possibly playing basketball for Saint James School will be held next week.  Please note, these ARE voluntary and attendance is NOT required to make any teams. Also, if your child does not have their 2013-2014 SJS Health Form on file at the […]

Family Information Update Sheet

Please note that today or tomorrow your child(ren) will be bringing home a family contact/information sheet detailing your contact information as per our records.  Please take a moment to look over the contact information, make any corrections, and return it to the school office.  We thank you for your time and patience as we work […]