Entries by Saint James School

Parent Testimonials For Office of Catholic Schools

The Hartford Archdiocese Office of Catholic Schools is looking for parent/guardian testimonials to post on their website about how much parents value their children’s Catholic school education. Please consider writing a testimonial regarding the benefits of a Saint James School/Catholic school education and submitting it to Mrs. Kanute to pass along to the Office of […]

Basketball Sports Fee Reminder

Just a reminder for students playing basketball this season – the sports fee is $65 for boys and girls Junior Varsity and Varsity teams.  The fee is due to the school office this week.  Coaches will be in touch with their team regarding practice dates and times. As previously mentioned, due to an overwhelming demand among […]

Halloween Party Pictures

Many thanks to the Home & School Association (HSA) parent volunteers and our middle school student volunteers for putting together a fabulous Halloween party for our pre-k through 5th grade students this past weekend!  Here are some pictures from Saturday’s event

SJS Scarecrow Wins 2nd Place!!

We are excited to announce that our Saint James School Scarecrow won 2nd place in the Downtown Manchester Scarecrow Festival!   A huge congratulations to Mrs. Sabatella, Mrs. Thrall, and the entire SJS Student Council on the fantastic job they did coming up with an idea and putting it together!! Thank you to everyone who […]

Launch of Online Grades (for Grades 4-8)

As announced at our recent State of the School meeting, we are excited to be launching a new system that will allow parents to access their children’s grades online.  This program is for students that receive letter grades – that is, students in grades 4th through 8th. Today the school office will be mailing out […]

Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ Day (with Pictures)

A huge thank you to everyone who helped with the coordination of Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Day yesterday – the HSA counted 272 attendees!   During the ceremony, Mrs. Kanute read some funny and touching quotes from our students talking about what their grandparent or special person means to them. Below are some pictures from […]

St. James Ski Club (for Grades 3-8)

We are excited to announce that this winter we are enhancing up our school’s ski club program!  The SJS Ski Club will be open to students in grades 3 – 8 who ski/snowboard or wish to learn to ski/snowboard.  Information will be coming home today in the student’s folders as well as being available for […]

Reminder: SJS Halloween Party This Saturday

We look forward to seeing our Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade students and their parents at this fun, annual event!  Please remember we will be collecting (optional) donations of non-perishable food items for the MACC food pantry at the Halloween Party.   2013 Halloween Party Flyer        

Middle School Dance – This Friday @ St. Chris

Reminder: The first middle school dance of the year is scheduled for this Friday, October 25th at St. Christopher School in East Hartford.  The Middle School Dances – which are for students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th – begin at 7:00pm and run until 10:00pm.  A signed permission slip is required for entry. The […]