Entries by Saint James School

Saint James Ski Club Information Meeting + Q&A

Parents and students interested in joining the Saint James Ski Club are invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 14th at 6:00pm in the SJS Cafeteria.  In particular, anyone that requires rental equipment should attend this meeting so that they can be properly measured.  In addition, Denise McCarthy, SJS parent volunteer who is […]

Important Info for Friday’s Middle School Dance

The Saint James School Dance Committee is still in need of a few more chaperones to make Friday’s dance a success.  Please contact Regan at waltersripp@cox.net by Thursday Nov. 14. if you are able to volunteer. Since this dance is being held at our school, SJS 6th graders are asked to bring individualized packed snacks […]

Pictures From Junior Achievement Day

Thank you to all the parent volunteers and UCONN student volunteers who brought the Junior Achievement program to Saint James School today. Junior Achievement is an opportunity for our K-8th grade students to learn about basic concepts of business and economics at an age-appropriate level.  Each grade has a specific “curriculum” the facilitators present in […]

Reminder: Testimonials Needed Please

The Hartford Archdiocese Office of Catholic Schools is looking for parent/guardian testimonials to post on their website about how much parents value their children’s Catholic school education. Please consider writing a testimonial regarding the benefits of a Saint James School/Catholic school education and submitting it to Mrs. Kanute to pass along to the Office of Catholic Schools […]

Boys 4th & 5th Grade Basketball Update

As discussed at the recent open gym/basketball practices for boys in fourth and fifth grade, Saint James School will be trying something new this year – holding a developmental league with games/practices that all take place on Saturday mornings.  Mr. Glenn Jordan, who heads up the boys basketball, is looking to create three to four […]