Entries by Saint James School

Pizza Party & Christmas Movie

Please be advised the Pizza Party & Christmas Movie will run from 12:05pm to 4:00pm on December 13th.  The flyer that was previously included in the e-mail blast listed an incorrect ending time.  It has since been replaced on the website, etc. with the correct version (attached again below). Please note, students must be picked […]

Vernon Carpool

One of our Vernon families is looking for another SJS family from Vernon to carpool with.  Interested families are asked to please call the school office and speak with Mrs. DelSignore.  

Tickets For Turkeys a Success!

Thank you to everyone who donated money for the middle school Tickets for Turkeys fundraiser at last Friday’s Middle School Dance.  Students raised $500 for the purchase of turkeys for Foodshare.   Attached is a picture of three of our 8th grade students along with Mr. Frankovitch, Mr. Devanney, & Mr. Giard from Highland Park Market. […]

2013 Saint James School Tree of Blessings

Attached please find the ornament order form for the Saint James School 2013 Tree of Blessings.  A hard copy of this form will also be sent home next week (before Thanksgiving) your youngest student. Families may purchase a beautifully designed cardstock ornament In Memory of or In Honor of a loved one. The ornaments, with […]

Archbishop Henry J. Mansell Scholarship Fund

With the retirement of Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, a scholarship fund is being created to thank and honor him for his dedication to our Catholic schools.  Pledges and donations in his honor (the Archbishop Henry J. Mansell Scholarship Fund) can be sent to:  The Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools, 467 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield, […]

Saint James Church Presents…

Saint James Church is offering an 8 week course to help individuals learn more about their Catholic faith.  The presenter is Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio a former professor of theology who communicates in a humorous and though-provoking manner.     To read more, please click on the link below. Saint James Church Presents…Touching Jesus Through the Church  

SJS School Directory & Family Business Advertising

Numerous families have requested that the school publish a Family Directory to help parents and students communicate with each other.   The office had previously sent out forms asking parents what information (if any) they wanted to include in this directory.  We are currently pulling the information together to make our family directory. We would also […]