Entries by Saint James School

Reminder: Pizza With Santa – This Sunday!

The local Knights of Columbus will be holding their 2nd annual Pizza with Santa event on Sunday, December 15th from 1:30pm to 4:00pm in the Saint James Church hall.  For the many Saint James School families that attended last year, you’ll recall this was a wonderful event that the K of C hosts! Please click […]

St. Nicholas Day at Saint James School

In keeping with the annual tradition, Saint James Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade students left one shoe outside their classroom this morning in celebration of St. Nicholas day.  A popular tradition in Northern Europe, St. Nick celebrations include leaving a shoe by the fireplace, in which children later find a treat or gift (the origin of our […]

Christmas Concert Pictures

Congratulations on a wonderful job to all the performers in last night’s Christmas concert!  Attached are a few pictures from last night.  If any parents have pictures they would be willing to share with the school for possible use on our website/Facebook page, please e-mail them to info@saintjamesschool.net.  

Saint James Students Shine at Annual Szopka Contest

This past weekend, Saint James School 6th graders (and some 7th graders) entered the beautiful Polish Nativity Castles (Szopka) they have been working on for their religion studies into a contest sponsored by the Polish Cultural Club in Hartford.  We are so proud of our students, who put a lot of time and effort into […]

Reminder: Tree of Blessings Ornament Orders Due Monday

Just a reminder that the Tree of Blessings ornament order forms are due to the school office this Monday, December 9th. Families may purchase a beautifully designed cardstock ornament In Memory of or In Honor of a loved one. The ornaments, with loved one’s names, will be displayed on our school Christmas tree.  In addition, a special Prayer Service […]

Saint James School Christmas Store

The Saint James School Christmas store will be open in the gym during the school day on Wednesday and Thursday, December 11th and 12th.  All classes will have an opportunity to go to the store on Wednesday.  Please note that this is a shopping day – there is NO “preview” day.  Children who wish to […]

Inclement Weather Policy

Below please find the school’s inclement weather policy.  Please keep this information handy for future reference.  You may also access a copy on our website homepage – click on the yellow link for “Calendars, Forms & Docs.”  Then look under “General School Documents” for the Inclement Weather Policy. Please note, the school does not call […]

December HSA Meeting

Please be advised, the date for the December HSA Meeting has been changed from December 3rd to December 5th due to scheduling conflicts.   All SJS parents are welcome to attend as we work on planning our winter social and fundraising activities for the school.