Entries by Saint James School

Drama Club Auditions & Show Information

Saint James School students in grades 5 through 7 wishing to participate in the school’s Drama Club should attend auditions in the school gym from 3:13pm-4:30pm on January 4th.  This year, the Drama Club will be performing Pinocchio.  There will be speaking roles and non-speaking roles, as well as opportunities to help with lighting and […]

Dear Saint James School Families

Dear Saint James School Families, In light of the horrific situation in Newtown on Friday, we want to assure you that Saint James School does have safety and emergency preparedness plans that are evaluated on a regular basis.  Saint James School has a safety committee that meets throughout the year and we do have stringent plans […]

Pizza With Santa

A great big thank you to Manchester Pizza & Grill, the Knights of Columbus and Saint James School parent volunteers for coordinating the Pizza With Santa event on Sunday!  We had a great turnout and the kids and parents seemed to have a great time.  

Saturday’s Celebration of Sharing Cancelled / Sunday’s Pizza With Santa Is On!

Just a reminder that Saturday’s Celebration of Sharing has been cancelled and instead, we are  joining the Knights of Columbus, who are sponsoring “Pizza With Santa” this Sunday (December 16th) from 1:30pm – 4:30pm in the Saint James Church Basement (RSVPs forms were due yesterday). If you have any questions about the Pizza With Santa event, please […]

Friday’s School Pick-Up – Important!

Please note, there will be a wedding going on at Saint James Church at 2:00pm tomorrow – Friday, December 14th. If you pick-up your child(ren) at the end of the day, parking will be limited to the Saint James Church Main parking lot only.  We ask that you do NOT park in the area behind […]

Saint James School In Yesterday’s JI

Some of our third graders were featured in the “Out & About” section of yesterday’s Journal Inquirer.  The text was slightly abridged, so here is the full version, along with the picture that was in the paper: In honor of Native American Heritage Month, third Graders at Saint James School adopted the name of a historic Native American […]

Saint James School Toy Drive

Please remember that Saint James School is collecting  new toy donations for Community Partners in Action.  Families helped by CPA have a particular need for presents for their children this Christmas.  These toys and gifts will be greatly appreciated. Student council will be collecting toys until December 13th.   Each grade is asked to help […]