Entries by Saint James School

Crosswalk Safety

A reminder note for parents/students who use the crosswalks at morning drop-off time: Please remind  students to WAIT for our crossing guards to be in position and INDICATE to them that they can safely cross BEFORE stepping off the sidewalk and into the crosswalk.  Thank you.

Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Ups

Sign-up sheets for parent-teacher conferences will be posted in the main hallway (by the main office) all next week (beginning Monday, November 4th).  Conferences are being held on Monday, November 18th and Tuesday, November 19th.  Please STOP IN during morning drop-off, afternoon pick-up or during school hours to sign up for a time slot.  Please […]

Box Tops

Tomorrow is the last day to submit Box Tops for the month of October.  Remember, the class with the most Box Tops each month wins a dress down day!  We thank you for your support!

Parent Testimonials For Office of Catholic Schools

The Hartford Archdiocese Office of Catholic Schools is looking for parent/guardian testimonials to post on their website about how much parents value their children’s Catholic school education. Please consider writing a testimonial regarding the benefits of a Saint James School/Catholic school education and submitting it to Mrs. Kanute to pass along to the Office of […]

Basketball Sports Fee Reminder

Just a reminder for students playing basketball this season – the sports fee is $65 for boys and girls Junior Varsity and Varsity teams.  The fee is due to the school office this week.  Coaches will be in touch with their team regarding practice dates and times. As previously mentioned, due to an overwhelming demand among […]

Halloween Party Pictures

Many thanks to the Home & School Association (HSA) parent volunteers and our middle school student volunteers for putting together a fabulous Halloween party for our pre-k through 5th grade students this past weekend!  Here are some pictures from Saturday’s event