Entries by Saint James School


Mrs. Kanute would like to inform parents that if there is a delayed opening tomorrow (Thursday) due to weather, the day will be switched to a FULL DAY with 2:05pm dismissal (instead of 12:05pm). If there is not a delayed opening, the scheduled 12:05pm dismissal will remain in place. Important: Please note, if there is […]

Open House Invitation Post Cards

Towards the end of last week parents should have received a note home from Mrs. Kanute asking for the names of friends, acquaintances, and/or other family members who may be interested in learning about Saint James School’s Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade programs.  If you did not received the form you can download a copy here. […]

Gala Baskets – Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who so generously donated to the class baskets and especially to the room parents who coordinated everything, shopped for items, and helped put the baskets together.  They all came out AMAZING!  Below are pictures of several of the baskets that Gala attendees will be able to purchase raffle tickets for:

Reminder: Read To Achieve Ticket Orders Due Thursday

Just a reminder that if your child reached their reading goal for Read To Achieve, they should have received a ticket order sheet home in their school folder last week, noting the awarded Free ticket.  If you will be attending the game (March 21, 2014 @ 7:00 pm), please note, orders are due back This Thursday (March 13th). Tickets to the […]

5th Graders Learn About Colonial Punishments

As part of a lesson on early American history last week, 5th grade students learned about types of punishments that would have been handed out for various offenses back in colonial times.   Mrs. Wojtyna passed along these pictures of her class having fun with the various forms of  punishments students may have endured in a […]

Tuition Contact Phone Correction

Please be advised, the phone number for the school’s tuition manager, Denise Mayo, was incorrect on the 2014-2015 Family Registration paperwork for returning families.  The correct number is (860) 643-2195.  We apologize for any confusion this has caused.

Gala Auction Item Update

Just added as an auction item for the 2014 Saint James School Gala next weekend – a WWE Superstar VIP Experience Package for two!  The winner of this item and their guest will enjoy Premium, ringside seating at the March 22nd WWE event at the Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport.  In addition, the winner and […]