Entries by Saint James School

Saint James School Survey(s)

Today you should receive a notice home in your child’s folder regarding a survey that the school is administering to help us gather data for our upcoming reaccreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.  A major part of the accreditation process is a self-evaluation, which takes into account feedback from all members […]

2013-2014 Calendar Changes

Please take note of the following changes to our 2013-2014 school calendar to make up for the snow days incurred this winter: April 21st (Easter Monday) – School will be in session (full day). June 11th, 12, 13th will be full days of school. June 16th & 17th, school will be in session – both […]

Open House & Enrollment – Please Help Spread the Word

Please help us spread the word about Saint James School and our upcoming Open House: If you are on Facebook, please take a moment to  “like” and “share” our Open House post. In addition, the Saint James School “now enrolling” lawn signs are available in the Main Office.  We invite all families to stop by […]

SJS Soccer Informational Session & Coaches Meeting

Jon Sargent, who heads up the soccer program for Saint James School, will host an informational meeting TONIGHT (Wednesday) for parents who would like to learn more about our school’s soccer program.  This is a completely optional meeting, designed for parents who are considering having their child play for the first time or any parents […]

6th Grade Student Wins 1000 Books For SJS

We are very pleased to announce that one of our 6th Grade students, Tyler Dias, received one of 10 second place prizes in a nationwide reading contest that earned Saint James School 1,000 books for our library and classrooms!  We are very grateful to Tyler and his family for their efforts and support of our […]

Thank You!

A huge Thank You to all our families and friends who came out for the Saint James School Gala & Auction Fundraiser this past Saturday!  Everyone was commenting on what a fun evening it was and we raised a significant amount of money – over $22,000 – for SJS!  Here are some pictures from the evening: