Entries by Saint James School

Otis Street

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents they are not to block driveways on Otis Street OR turn around in residents’ driveways during drop-off (or other times of the day).  We received a complaint from a very upset Otis Street resident this morning about her driveway being blocked by a car during drop-off and Saint […]

Art Show/Subway Dine Out Night – This Wednesday

Stop by the Hartford Road Subway restaurant for dinner (5:00pm to 8:00pm) this Wednesday, April 30th and 20% of your purchase will be donated back to Saint James School (flyer below must be presented).  This Wednesday is also the night of the Saint James School Art Show (6:30pm to 8:00pm), so make a fun night […]

Food Drive to Benefit MACC Tomorrow

Saint James School is accepting food donations tomorrow (canned good or boxed items) to benefit MACC.  If you are able to donate, please have it sent to school with your child tomorrow.  We apologize for the short notice but thank you for any support you can provide.

Lenten Collection Boxes

Just a reminder that students should now return their Lenten collection boxes if they participated and did not return them prior to break.  Collection boxes were sent home with all students at the beginning of Lent.    

SJS Soccer Spirit Wear

With soccer season underway, families are invited to show their school spirit with Saint James Soccer spirit wear.  Please click the link below to open the flyer/order form. Options for this year include a t-shirt, hoodie, shorts, and a gear bag. Please fill out one form for each child and return the form(s) to the […]